Questionnaire Text

Bolivia 1976
Bolivia 1992
Bolivia 2001
Bolivia 2012
Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_EDLEV — Education level
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B. Educational Information

Only for those 5 years of age and older
[Questions 9-11 were asked of persons 5 years of age or older.]

11. What is the last grade completed and in which level?

Write the last grade completed on the corresponding line. For those who respond according to the old system, mark primary or secondary and write the last grade completed on the corresponding line.

[] 00 None
[] 01 Literacy only
[] 1 Basic ____
[] 2 Intermediate ____
[] 3 Middle [secondary]
[] 4 Primary [old system] ____
[] 5 Secondary [old system] ____
[] 6 Normal [teacher training] ____
[] 7 University ____
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

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B. Educational information

Educational information questions 9, 10 and 11 should be asked to all persons 5 years old or older.

Question 11. What is the last course passed and in what cycle?

In the line corresponding to the level, write down the number of the highest course or year passed and not the one being taken.

The category "Other" refers to preschool, technical or vocational instruction.

Do not take into account speed courses or those by correspondence.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_EDATTAN — Highest level attended, grade completed
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Only for those who are attending or attended regular schooling
[Applies to questions 12-14.]

12. What is the highest cycle or level of regular schooling that you attended or are attending?

Previous system

[] 0 Primary
[] 1 Secondary

Current system

[] 2 Basic
[] 3 Intermediate
[] 4 Middle (secondary)
[] 5 Technical education
[] 6 Normal
[] 7 University
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

13. Did you complete this cycle or level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 10. Do you know how to read and write?

The enumerator will ask this question of all people who are 6 or older, marking circle 7 with an X when they say YES, and circle 8 if they neither read nor write.

If the person being enumerated only knows how to sign their name, only recognizes or writes the letters of the alphabet and isn't able to read or write a letter or a basic document, mark No.

Question 14. What is the last year or course passed in that cycle or level?

Once the person being enumerated indicates the highest level they reached, they will be asked for the last year or grade passed at the corresponding level. If they have not yet passed the first year of the indicated cycle, 0 (zero) will be recorded.

In the Technical Instruction group, only study of a minimum of one year will be considered. You should keep in mind that the grade or year being researched refers only to the one that was passed within the levels of regular instruction: primary schools, secondary schools, technical, teaching schools, universities; whether they be public or private, in the country or [p. 42] abroad. Other special study within regular instruction will be recorded under "Others."

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_EDLEVC — Completed level
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Only for those who are attending or attended regular schooling
[Applies to questions 12-14.]

13. Did you complete this cycle or level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 10. Do you know how to read and write?

The enumerator will ask this question of all people who are 6 or older, marking circle 7 with an X when they say YES, and circle 8 if they neither read nor write.

If the person being enumerated only knows how to sign their name, only recognizes or writes the letters of the alphabet and isn't able to read or write a letter or a basic document, mark No.

Question 14. What is the last year or course passed in that cycle or level?

Once the person being enumerated indicates the highest level they reached, they will be asked for the last year or grade passed at the corresponding level. If they have not yet passed the first year of the indicated cycle, 0 (zero) will be recorded.

In the Technical Instruction group, only study of a minimum of one year will be considered. You should keep in mind that the grade or year being researched refers only to the one that was passed within the levels of regular instruction: primary schools, secondary schools, technical, teaching schools, universities; whether they be public or private, in the country or [p. 42] abroad. Other special study within regular instruction will be recorded under "Others."

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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Chapter E. Only for those 4 years of age and older
[Questions 35-41 were asked of all persons 4 years or older.]

39. What was the highest level and grade that you passed?

After each level, there is a [] for the number of the grade

[] 11 None
[] 12 Preschool

In the previous system:
[] 13 Basic
[] 14 Intermediate
[] 15 Middle

In the current system
[] 16 Primary
[] 17 Secondary

Answers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17-Continue with question 41.

[] 18 Licensure (B.A.)
[] 19 Technical degree
[] 20 Teacher's training
[] 21 Military-police training
[] 22 Technical institute
[] 23 Other

Answers 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23-Continue with question 40

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Chapter E. Only for persons 4 years of age and older

If the person is 4 years of age or older, the enumerator will proceed with question 35. If younger, the interview is ended and the next person is interviewed.

Question 39. What was the highest [educational] level or class completed?

The levels or cycles are slowly and deliberately read and the corresponding oval is filled in as soon as an answer is obtained. The last class or grade completed is then requested and the corresponding oval is filled in.

Reminder: Two ovals in the same row should be filled in for this question: one for level or cycle and one for grade or class.

If the person's answer is from 11 to 17, question 41 is presented.

If the answer is from 18 to 23, the corresponding ovals are filled in and question 40 is presented.

The following is a guide for identifying the levels and classes in Bolivia's different educational systems:

Old (1950 to 1970)

1st Primary
2nd Primary
3rd Primary
4th Primary
5th Primary
6th Primary
1st Secondary
2nd Secondary
3rd Secondary
4th Secondary
5th Secondary
6th Secondary

Previous (1971 to 1993)
1st Basic
2nd Basic
3rd Basic
4th Basic
5th Basic
1st Intermediate
2nd Intermediate
3rd Intermediate
1st Middle
2nd Middle
3rd Middle
4th Middle

Current (as of 1994)
1st Primary
2nd Primary
3rd Primary
4th Primary
5th Primary
6th Primary
7th Primary
8th Primary
1st Secondary
2nd Secondary
3rd Secondary
4th Secondary


If the answer is from the old system, the table should be consulted and the conversion to the current system made and the respective ovals are filled in.

[p. 64]

The following are examples:

Don Aurelio says that the highest grade that he completed was 6th of secondary in the old system.

The conversion is made to the current system and the form is filled in as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

Carola says that she is not currently studying but the highest grade that she completed was 3rd of middle.

The form is filled in as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

Cristian says that he is currently in 8th in primary, therefore the highest grade completed was 7th in primary.

The form is filled in as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

Dionisio says that he is currently in the second year of the Sergeant's Military School of "Maximiliano Paredes"; therefore, the highest class completed was the first year.

The form is filled in as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

[p. 65]

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of educational attainment
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F2. Only for people at least 4 years old

37. What was the highest educational level that you passed? [If 1-14, go to question 39]

[] 1 None
Grade _
[] 2 Literacy course
Grade _
[] 3 Initial (Pre-K, kindergarten)
Grade _
Old system
[] 4 Basic (1 to 5 years)
Grade _
[] 5 Intermediate (1 to 3 years)
Grade _
[] 6 Middle (1 to 4 years)
Grade _
Previous system
[] 7 Primary (1 to 8 years)
Grade _
[] 8 Secondary (1 to 4 years)
Grade _
Current system
[] 9 Primary (1 to 6 years)
Grade _
[] 10 Secondary (1 to 6 years)
Grade _
[] 11 Technical university education
Grade _
[] 12 Undergraduate program
Grade _
[] 13 Master's program
Grade _
[] 14 Doctoral program
Grade _
Non-university institution
[] 15 Teacher's College
Grade _
[] 16 Military or Police Academy
Grade _
[] 17 Technical Institute
Grade _
[] 18 Other
Grade _
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

Population's educational characteristics
The population's educational characteristics researched in the population censuses are literacy, school attendance, and educational level starting at a certain age. In the census, educational data is collected from people who, at the time of the census, are at least four years old.

F2. Only for people at least 4 years old

37. Highest education level reached
This describes the educational level achieved by a person as of the date of the census. This question has two answers: one about level and one about the year or grade passed at that level. The census form breaks down the levels and grades into five groups:

- Old system, consisting of these levels: basic (with 5 years or grades), intermediate (with 3 years or grades) and middle (with 4 years or grades).
- Previous system, consisting of these levels: primary (with 8 years or grades) and secondary (with 4 years or grades).
- Current system, consisting of these levels: primary (with 6 years or grades) and secondary (with 6 years or grades).
- University, consisting of education after completing high school, at any public or private university.
[p. 17]
- Nonuniversity institution, consisting of other types of education. The first three groups capture information about formal schooling, in other words, the education that concludes with high school graduation.

The fourth group (university) captures information about higher education. If the academic terms are organized into semesters, keep the data uniform by noting down the years of studies that the person passed. For example:

- The person replies 2nd semester. Write 1.
- The person replies 5th semester. Write 2.

The fifth group (nonuniversity institution) captures information about education that does not necessarily occur in a university. This group includes the option technical institute, which refers to technical studies lasting at least one year. The option 'Other' refers to short courses (hairstyling, pastry-making, computing, etc.) lasting less than one year, and so whatever the answer, mark 0 in the year box. Only if the person responds with some nonuniversity institution level and grade, continue with question 38; otherwise, go to section F3. Only for people at least 7 years old.