Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970
Argentina 1980
Argentina 1991
Argentina 2001
Argentina 2010
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_EDATTAN — Educational level
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Educational Characteristics -- For all individuals five years of age and older

[Questions 9-12 are asked of persons 5 years of age and older.]

10. [Educational attainment]

Only those who responded 1 or 2 in question number 9 should answer these questions.
[Questions 10A-10C are asked only of persons who had ever attended an educational institution.]

A. What is the highest level you studied or are studying?

Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Primary
[] 2 High school
[] 3 Commercial
[] 4 Teacher training [normal]
[] 5 Technical or industrial
[] 6 Other secondary schooling
[] 7 University and higher
[] 8 Unanswered

C. What is the last year or grade completed at this level?

Mark the appropriate box. For those who have not yet completed the first year or grade mark zero (0).

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 Unanswered

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Educational Characteristics

For all persons five years old and older.


In the question number 10 you will move on to ask about the highest educational level that the person attends or attended, whether they completed it or not, either in the country or in a foreign country. Remember that the questions 10A, 10B, and 10C should only be asked of the persons who have boxes 1 or 2 marked in question number 9.

In the Panel 4 you will write the possible educational levels. Read them carefully.

Panel 4

1- Elementary [Primary]

The common elementary schools - home schools - schools for adults - Special schools - Adult literacy centers - schools in hospitals - schools in jails - schools annexed to Armed Forces

2- Secondary schools
National schools - private preparatory schools - specialized secondary [baccalaureate] schools

3- Commercial
Commercial schools

4- Teacher training schools
Public teacher training schools - Regional teacher training schools


5- Technical or industrial
Industrial schools- Night classes for specialization - Regional and mixed industrial schools - Professional schools for women - factory schools - Worker training schools - Schools for professional preparation for women - Cyclical technical institutes - Agro- technical schools - School for auxiliary medical personnel

6- Other secondary education
Specialized secondary educational institutes, for example: Military high school - Naval high school - Police and firemen school - Penitentiary schools - Sub-officers schools in the Armed Forces - Mission mono-technical and cultural schools - Mission for rural cultural and domestic training - Nautical school.


7- University and higher education
a) Faculties: medicine - engineering - architecture, etc.
b) Professorates in history, physical education, pedagogy, languages, etc., and specialized teachers in child care, special education, education for the blind and deaf-mutes, etc.
c) Non-teaching specialties: Courses for university graduates, courses for graduates of industrial schools, newspaper writers, librarians, and museums.
d) Military higher education: Military college, Naval School, Higher War School, etc.


4. If the youngest of the Misses Garcia studies in Pharmacy and Biochemistry, where would you place her response? (Consult Panel 4, pages 142-144.)
[]7 University and higher education

If the oldest son of Mr. Pereira responds that he is a student at the Commercial School Number 2, in which box on the census form would you mark his response?
[]3- Commercial


5. If a person says that he/she works in a factory and that after the work schedule he/she takes workers' training courses, would you take this answer into account?

If another person says that she graduated from the National Industrial School and is taking a specialization course, where would you place this answer? (Consult Panel 4.)
[]7 University and higher education

Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_EDCOMP — Completed the education level
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Educational Characteristics -- For all individuals five years of age and older

[Questions 9-12 are asked of persons 5 years of age and older.]

10. [Educational attainment]

Only those who responded 1 or 2 in question number 9 should answer these questions.
[Questions 10A-10C are asked only of persons who had ever attended an educational institution.]

B. Did you complete this level?

Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Educational Characteristics

For all persons five years old and older.


In the question number 10 you will move on to ask about the highest educational level that the person attends or attended, whether they completed it or not, either in the country or in a foreign country. Remember that the questions 10A, 10B, and 10C should only be asked of the persons who have boxes 1 or 2 marked in question number 9.

6. Below you will ask question 10B, regarding whether the person being enumerated completed this level or not.

This question refers to the level of [instruction] indicated by the person in question 10A.

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_EDLEV — Highest educational level
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C. Population

For all of the persons 5 years old and more

[Questions 7-8 were asked of persons age 5 years or older.]

9. [Educational attainment]

If the person answered "Attend" or "Attended but does not attend":
[Questions 9A-9D asked of those who had ever attended an educational institution.]

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

9. If they answered "attends" or "does not attend but attended."
You will ask:

a) for the highest level advanced at the moment of the census.

b) if they passed or not, this level.

c) about the last year or grade passed.
Take into account, that in the primary level there was a change in names with 1st grade superior becoming 2nd grade, 2nd becoming 3rd, . . . . . 6th becoming 7th fill in the cell that corresponds to the current name.

[To the right of the text are two forms.]

[p. 11]

d) about the major or university career that is or was studied, writing the name of the major or career.

Vague positions or titles like: Graduate, Doctor, Engineer, etc, should not be put down.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]
Possible educational levels


Primary: Common primary schools, boarding schools, schools for adults, schools for children with special needs, centers of adult literacy, schools in hospitals, schools in prisons, schools annexed to the Armed Forces.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

Secondary: National secondary schools, high schools, specialized preparatory schools.

Commercial: Business schools.

Teacher training: Teacher training schools, regional teaching schools.

Technical or industrial: Industrial schools, advanced night school, regional and coeducational industrial schools, professional schools for women, factory schools, schools of worker training, schools of professional training for women, institutes of electrical technology, agricultural technical school, schools of medical aids. In all the cases they should be courses that require having completed the primary cycle.

Other middle educational: Institutes of middle specialized education: Military School, Navel School, Police and Firefighter school, Penitentiary Schools, Schools of Sub-officials of the Armed Forces, rural and domestic cultural missions [misiones de cultura rural y doméstica], schools of artistic education, Nautical School.

Higher not university: Professors of: History, Physical Education, Pedagogy, Languages, etc. Teachers specialized in: kindergarten, children with special needs, deaf mutes, the blind, etc. Specialized not teaching: courses for graduates of industrial schools, journalists, librarians and museum curators. Higher Military Schools: Military Secondary School, Naval School, Higher School of War, etc. University: Departments of Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Law, etc.

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_EDCOMP — Completed highest level of education
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C. Population

For all of the persons 5 years old and more

[Questions 7-8 were asked of persons age 5 years or older.]

9. [Educational attainment]

If the person answered "Attend" or "Attended but does not attend":
[Questions 9A-9D asked of those who had ever attended an educational institution.]

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

9. If they answered "attends" or "does not attend but attended."
You will ask:

a) for the highest level advanced at the moment of the census.

b) if they passed or not, this level.

c) about the last year or grade passed.
Take into account, that in the primary level there was a change in names with 1st grade superior becoming 2nd grade, 2nd becoming 3rd, . . . . . 6th becoming 7th fill in the cell that corresponds to the current name.

[To the right of the text are two forms.]

[p. 11]

d) about the major or university career that is or was studied, writing the name of the major or career.

Vague positions or titles like: Graduate, Doctor, Engineer, etc, should not be put down.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]
Possible educational levels


Primary: Common primary schools, boarding schools, schools for adults, schools for children with special needs, centers of adult literacy, schools in hospitals, schools in prisons, schools annexed to the Armed Forces.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

Secondary: National secondary schools, high schools, specialized preparatory schools.

Commercial: Business schools.

Teacher training: Teacher training schools, regional teaching schools.

Technical or industrial: Industrial schools, advanced night school, regional and coeducational industrial schools, professional schools for women, factory schools, schools of worker training, schools of professional training for women, institutes of electrical technology, agricultural technical school, schools of medical aids. In all the cases they should be courses that require having completed the primary cycle.

Other middle educational: Institutes of middle specialized education: Military School, Navel School, Police and Firefighter school, Penitentiary Schools, Schools of Sub-officials of the Armed Forces, rural and domestic cultural missions [misiones de cultura rural y doméstica], schools of artistic education, Nautical School.

Higher not university: Professors of: History, Physical Education, Pedagogy, Languages, etc. Teachers specialized in: kindergarten, children with special needs, deaf mutes, the blind, etc. Specialized not teaching: courses for graduates of industrial schools, journalists, librarians and museum curators. Higher Military Schools: Military Secondary School, Naval School, Higher School of War, etc. University: Departments of Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Law, etc.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_SCH — Attending school
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

11. Do you attend some educational establishment?

[] Attends a public establishment
[] Attends a private institution
[] Does not attend, but attended [skip questions 12-13]
[] Never attended [skip questions 12-16]
[] Unanswered [skip questions 12-16]

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11. Do you attend some educational establishment?

School attendance: The attendance in an establishment of the system of formal (publicly or privately recognized) education is considered school attendance (attends or attended).

Attendance in private academies, institutes or centers for studies that do not pertain to formal levels are excluded. For example: foreign languages, musical instruments, preparatory courses, for training, and technical courses done in these institutions (hairdressers, computer science, etc.). Also attendance in post graduate courses is excluded. If an enumerated person is doing post graduate work, it is considered that they "Do not attend but attended" at the university level.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_SCHLEV — Education level attends
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

12. What level does the person attend?

[Question 12 was asked of persons age 3+ who currently attended an educational establishment, per question 11.]

[] Preschool or kindergarten [finished, skip questions 13-28]
[] Elementary
[] Secondary
[] Tertiary
[] University
[] Unanswered

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12. What level does the person attend?

When we ask for level we are referring to the level studied in the country or abroad.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_SCHGR — Education grade attends
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

13. What year or grade is the person attending?

[Question 13 was asked of persons age 3+ who currently attend an educational establishment at a level higher than preschool or kindergarten, per questions 11-12.]

[After responding to question 13, skip questions 14-16.]

[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th
[] 5th
[] 6th
[] 7th
[] Unanswered

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13. What year or grade is the person attending?

We take into account here that all studies are organized into grades or years. However, always they should respond in grades or years (See conversion chart).

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_EDATLEV — Highest education level attended
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

14. What is the highest level that the person attended?

[Question 14 was asked of persons age 3+ who do not currently attend an educational establishment but attended one in the past, per question 11.]

[] Preschool or kindergarten - continue on the other side [skip questions 15-16]
[] Elementary
[] Secondary
[] Tertiary
[] University
[] Unanswered

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14. What is the highest level that the person attended?

Remember: if the highest level reached was the first, we take into account the changes produced starting in 1966 in the numbering of the grades, where 1st superior was eliminated and 7th was added. For example: if a person tells us that 3rd grade was passed before 1966, we write down 4th

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_EDATGR — Highest grade passed
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

15. What was the highest year or grade that the person passed at this level?

[Question 15 was asked of persons age 3+ who did not currently attend an educational establishment but attended one in the past, at a level higher than preschool or kindergarten, per questions 11 and 14.]

[] Did not complete 1st - continue on the other side [skip question 16]
[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th
[] 5th
[] 6th
[] 7th
[] Unanswered

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15. What was the highest year or grade that the person passed at this level?

Remember: if the highest level reached was the first, we take into account the changes produced starting in 1966 in the numbering of the grades, where 1st superior was eliminated and 7th was added. For example: if a person tells us that 3rd grade was passed before 1966, we write down 4th

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_EDATCOM — Completed education level
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

16. Did the person complete this level?

[Question 16 was asked of persons age 3+ who do not currently attend an educational establishment but attended one in the past, at a level higher than preschool or kindergarten, and completed at least the 1st year at that level, per questions 11, 14, and 15.]

[] Yes
[] No
[] Unanswered

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16. Did you complete this level?

[p. 30]

Remember: fill out the circle totally. We follow the arrows.
We see how we register the grade or year in the following situations:
National literacy plan

Year or Grade is 1

Adult primary school center (dependent upon National Government)

Year or grade is 3 if cycle is 1
Year or grade is 5 if cycle is 2
Year or grade is 7 if cycle is 3

Adult Secondary School or Center (dependent upon National Government)

Year or grade is 2 if cycle is 1
Year or grade is 4 if cycle is 2
Year or grade is 5 if cycle is 3

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_EDLEVA — Currently attending educational institution
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

[Questions 13 were asked of persons age 3+ attending any educational establishment.]

13. What level do you currently attend?

[] Initial (kindergarten or preschool) (End questionnaire) [skip questions 14-40]
[] Primary
[] E.G.B. (basic general education)
[] Secondary
[] Multidisciplinary (Polimodal)
[] Non-university tertiary
[] University

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Questions 11 to 19
These questions ask about the level of formal education of the population. They should be answered only by persons 3 years old or more.

Starting here, persons three years old or more answer the questions.

Question 13: What level does he/she attend?

In the majority of the provinces there is a new educational structure in place that is established by the Federal Law of Education. This process of educational transformation has been completed in some jurisdictions while others continue with the previous structure. Therefore, to complete this answer, you should ask which educational structure the interviewee is attending.

The levels that are involved in this transformation are the following:

Level / Grade or year / Characteristics
Initial level (kindergarten or pre-school) / / Includes the school education from 3 years old to enrollment in EGB (General Basic Education)

General Basic Education (EGB) / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th / This is the basic level of obligatory education that is required by law. It takes nine years to complete.

Multi-modal / 1st, 2nd, 3rd / This prepares students for higher education. It is completed in three years.

If the interviewee is enrolled in Initial level (Kindergarten / Pre-school), mark the bubble and consider the administration of the Form for this person finalized.

Remember that in this question, you should only mark one option.

Let's see some examples:
--Sebastian is enrolled in 3rd year in a technical high school, where the educational transformation has not been implemented. You will mark: "High school."

--Tomas is 14 years old and is enrolled in 9th year of a municipal school. You will mark "EGB."

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_GRADEA — Grade attends
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

14. What grade or year are you in? ____

[Question 14 was asked of persons age 3+ attending any educational establishment at a level higher than initial, per questions 11 and 13.]

[Specify and skip questions 15-19.]

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Questions 11 to 19
These questions ask about the level of formal education of the population. They should be answered only by persons 3 years old or more.

Starting here, persons three years old or more answer the questions.

Question 14: What grade or year does the person study?

Refer to the grade or year that the person answering the Census is attending.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_EDLEV — Highest education level attended
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

[Questions 16-17 were asked of persons age 3+ who were not currently attending an educational establishment, but attended it in past, per questions 11 and 15.]

16. What was the highest level that you attended?

[] Initial (kindergarten or preschool)
[] Primary
[] E.G.B. (basic general education)
[] Secondary
[] Multidisciplinary (Polimodal)
[] Non-university tertiary
[] University
[] Unknown

17. Did you complete this level?
[] Yes

If university level was marked, go to 19 [skip question 18]
If a level different than university was marked, go to 20 [skip questions 18-19]

[] No
[] Unknown

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_EDLEVC — Completion of the highest education level attended
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

[Questions 16-17 were asked of persons age 3+ who were not currently attending an educational establishment, but attended it in past, per questions 11 and 15.]

16. What was the highest level that you attended?

[] Initial (kindergarten or preschool)
[] Primary
[] E.G.B. (basic general education)
[] Secondary
[] Multidisciplinary (Polimodal)
[] Non-university tertiary
[] University
[] Unknown

17. Did you complete this level?
[] Yes

If university level was marked, go to 19 [skip question 18]
If a level different than university was marked, go to 20 [skip questions 18-19]

[] No
[] Unknown

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_GRADE — Highest grade completed
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

18. What was the last grade or year that you passed?

[Specify and] turn page [skip question 19]

[] None
[] [Specify] ____
[] Unknown

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Questions 11 to 19
These questions ask about the level of formal education of the population. They should be answered only by persons 3 years old or more.

Starting here, persons three years old or more answer the questions.

Question 18: What was the last grade or year that the person passed?

This is the highest grade or year passed by the person answer the Census who does not attend a recognized establishment in the formal educational system at the moment that the Census is completed, for a person who attended in the past.

In the case of persons who are attending the adult elementary school, you should mark the grade or year, and not the cycle. For this you will use the following table:

Type of studies / Cycle / Grade or year
Adult elementary school or center / 1, 2, 3 / 3, 5, 7

If the highest level that the person answering the Census attended was elementary and he/she is 45 years old or more, take into account the changes made in 1966 in the grade numbering, when first superior was eliminated and seventh was added. In any case, you will use the following conversion table:

Grade until 1966 / Equivalency in grades
Lower 1st grade / 1st
Upper 1st grade / 2nd
2nd grade / 3rd
4th grade / 5th
5th grade / 6th
6th grade / 7th

For example:
--Carlos completed elementary school to 5th grade before 1966. You will write 6th.

--Luisa responds that the last grade that she passed was Upper 1st grade. You will write 2nd.

--Luis attended through the second cycle of elementary in a school for adults. You will write: 5th.

[p. 46]

[Exercises in p.46 and a part of p.47 are omitted]

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_EDLEV — Educational level
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From here, all persons over three years old answer.
[Questions 7 to 12 were asked of persons 3 years old and over]

9. What educational level does/did this person attend?

[] Initial (kindergarten, pre-school) -- Continue with 12
[] Elementary
[] EGB [General Basic Education]
[] Secondary

[] 6-year elementary
[] 7-year elementary

[] Polymodal (Secondary)
[] Higher education, non-university
[] University
[] Graduate
[] Special education (for persons with disabilities) -- Continue with 12

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Question 9. . What educational level does/did he/she attend?
9. What educational level does/did he/she attend?

_ Initial (kindergarten, pre-school) - Continue with 12
_ Elementary
_ Secondary -- Attended: _ 6-year elementary/ _ 7-year elementary?
_ Polimodal (Secondary)
_ Higher education, non-university
_ University
_ Post-graduate
_ Special education (for persons with disabilities) -- Continue with 12

This refers to the level of education that he/she attended or is currently attending.
If the person being interviewed attends or attended the level "Secondary", mark this with an "X" and then ask if the elementary that he/she attended was for six or seven years, since in our country these two possibilities co-exist.

The definitions that are present below refer to the formal education of all of the persons. This means, the education whose structure and contents are organized sequentially in four level of education: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Poli-modal or Secondary, and Higher (non university or post university). This excludes the attendance at: academies, private institutions that do not belong to the formal systems, and therefore do not accredit for continuation or to begin studies in formal education. For example: courses in foreign languages, information and computers, literacy courses, musical instruments and theater, for teacher courses to stay up-to-date, labor training, technical courses, and courses for hair dressing, dress making, mechanics, electricity, etc.

Current and past educational level: this is the educational stage that the person being enumerated is attending or attended.
Various educational structures coexist in the country, two of them have levels with the same names. These are the structures before the Federal Education Law and the one that results from the new National Education Law (2006). This last consists of two levels: Kindergarten and Pre-School/Initial, Elementary, Secondary, Terciary non-university and University and Post-Graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate).
If the application of the new structure is found to be functioning, in many provinces the educational structure established by the Federal Educational Law is still governing, with its levels that are: Initial Education, EGB, Poli-modal, Terciary non-university and University and Post-Graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate).


The levels of education that are presented in the question are:

-Initial (kindergarden, pre-school): this stage of the structure consists of the the children (boys and girls) who are from three to five years old.
- Elementary: stage after the initial level, of an obligatory nature and whose duration can be six or seven years (1st to 7th grade or 1st to 6th grade).
-EGB: period after initial level. Its duration is nine years and it is composed of three cycles of three years each, EGB 1 (1st to 3rd grade); EGB 2 (4th to 6th grade) and EGB 3 (7th to 9th grade).
-Secondary: level of education after elementary. It can be five or six years (1st to 5th year or 1st to 6th).
-Poli-modal: level of structure later than EGB. Its duration if three years.
- High non-university: this is a period of studies that are done in non-university terciary education, state or private with plans of study approved by the Ministry of Education (of the nation or of the provinces). It includes the professors of initial leve, for adults, special education and physical education, history, letters, etc. It also contains specialties that are not for teachers, for example: industrial technica specialization, journalism, tourism, computers, plastic arts and the formation of officials of the armed forces.
- University: level of studies that is carried out in the national, provincial, or private universities. It consists exclusively of the fields that give professional titles (lawyer, surveryor, audiologist, engineer, professor, etc.) and the baccalaureate degrees (in sciences of education, letters, mathematics, systems, etc.).
- Post-graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate): stage of studies that includes the fields of specializations, master's and doctorates or by private entities recognized by the Ministry of Education. For this type of study, it is a requirement to have a university degree with a grade.
- Special Education: this is the set of services, techniques, strategies, knowledge and pedagical resources within the National Educational System directing their attention to the persons with special educational needs.

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_LEVELSCH — Completed educational level
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From here, all persons over three years old answer.
[Questions 7 to 12 were asked of persons 3 years old and over]

10. Did this person complete this level?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know

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The definitions that are present below refer to the formal education of all of the persons. This means, the education whose structure and contents are organized sequentially in four level of education: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Poli-modal or Secondary, and Higher (non university or post university). This excludes the attendance at: academies, private institutions that do not belong to the formal systems, and therefore do not accredit for continuation or to begin studies in formal education. For example: courses in foreign languages, information and computers, literacy courses, musical instruments and theater, for teacher courses to stay up-to-date, labor training, technical courses, and courses for hair dressing, dress making, mechanics, electricity, etc.

Completed the level of education: passing the last year of studies and obtaining a diploma or certificate that corresponds to a determined level.