Questionnaire Text

Austria 1971 Germany 1981 Ireland 2006 Romania 2011
Austria 1981 Germany 1987 Ireland 2011 Russia 2002
Austria 1991 Greece 1971 Ireland 2016 Russia 2010
Austria 2001 Greece 1981 Italy 2001 Slovakia 1991
Austria 2011 Greece 1991 Italy 2011 Slovakia 2001
Belarus 1999 Greece 2001 Netherlands 1960 Slovakia 2011
Belarus 2009 Greece 2011 Netherlands 1971 Spain 1981
Finland 2010 Hungary 1970 Netherlands 2001 Spain 1991
France 1962 Hungary 1980 Netherlands 2011 Spain 2001
France 1968 Hungary 1990 Poland 1978 Spain 2011
France 1975 Hungary 2001 Poland 1988 Switzerland 1970
France 1982 Hungary 2011 Poland 2002 Switzerland 1980
France 1990 Ireland 1971 Portugal 1981 Switzerland 1990
France 1999 Ireland 1981 Portugal 1991 Switzerland 2000
France 2006 Ireland 1986 Portugal 2001 Switzerland 2011
France 2011 Ireland 1991 Portugal 2011 United Kingdom 1991
Germany 1970 Ireland 1996 Romania 1992 United Kingdom 2001
Germany 1971 Ireland 2002 Romania 2002
Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_CLWK2 — Status in employment of supporter
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For employed persons, active duty guardsmen, and unemployed persons
[Questions 15-17 were asked of employed persons, active duty guardsman, and unemployed persons only.]

Please note the explanations on page 4 of the household list.

16. You practice your profession as:

[] Self-employed person
[] Unpaid family worker
[] Employee, civil servant

Worker, namely:

[] Skilled worker
[] Semi-skilled worker, unskilled worker
[] Apprentice

For Question 16, do you practice your profession as: Workers mark "Skilled worker" or "Semi-skilled worker, unskilled worker", as the case may be, if they are classified in their business.

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Question 15-17 of the persons sheet
[Questions 15 - 17 were asked of employed persons, active duty guardsman, and unemployed persons only.]

The Statistic Central Office checks the answers for Questions 15 and 17 in the systematic register, so that they can be coded correctly for consolidation processing with the computer. For a very general restrained held answers, for example "office employee", the person in charge however does not know whether the person should be classified as an authorized signatory, accountant, shorthand typist, or paper sorter. If in question 17 for example only "metal branch" is marked, then this could just as well be a car factory, an art lock-making or an ironware store. Therefore the most accurate possible answers are requested. If someone remarks that they are not able to describe their profession, a description of work of the employed person or the type of product or the services of the business or the department is also sufficient.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_CLWK2 — Status in employment (of supporter)
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(12) Employed as:
[] With worker(s)
[] Without workers

[] Unpaid family worker
[] Employee, civil servant
[] Skilled worker
[] Semi-skilled worker
[] Unskilled worker
[] Apprentice

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For Question 12, position in profession:

Persons, who declared themselves as a co-owner, should classify themselves as self-employed in case of doubt.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_CLWK1 — Status in employment (of supporter)
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11. Status in employment
[] Skilled worker
[] Semi-skilled worker
[] Unskilled worker
[] In an apprenticeship
[] Employee, civil servant
[] Self-employed without employees
[] Unpaid family worker

11 to 16. If several employments exist, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the job with the most working time. In case of a change of employment at the time of the census, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the situation on May 15, 1991. Persons who both attend a school and have an occupation answer questions 11 to 16, depending on whether they have defined themselves as "employed" or as "pupil, student" in question 10.

11. Status in employment: workers mark "skilled worker", "semi-skilled worker" or "unskilled worker", depending on their collective labor agreement placement in the business they are employed in.
A person is self-employed if he/she is not an employee but instead has a profession in his/her own account.
With/without employee: depending whether persons receiving wages or salaries are employed in the business or not. Self-employed persons whose only employees are family members who are not being formally paid, please mark "without employees".
Unpaid workers in a family business are working in the business of a family member without being formally paid.

12. Exact description of occupation: Your statements will be categorized in one of 300 different occupational groups, and we therefore ask you to be as precise as possible in describing your occupational activity.

Examples of precise description of occupation:

Gas welder for steel construction parts
Operator of data processing machines
Adjuster of men's shirts
Plexiglas cutter
Operator of plastic processing machines
Foreman of a dip-varnishing business
Electrician for high-tension transmission lines
Scientific researcher in the field of environmental protection

13. Branch of economic activity of the company or office: the branch of economic activity states to which branch the business or which you are working belongs to. Public service employees enter "federal administration", "provincial administration" or "municipal administration" depending on which government unit they are employed with.

14. Name of company or type of school you are presently attending: persons with several employers, cleaners) enter "several employers".

15 and 16. Address and journey to workplace or school: These questions are designed to describe your journey from your housing unit to your workplace or school. Teachers therefore state the school where they are teaching (school they are based at) and not e.g. School Inspection Authority.
Persons working in their house or on the same piece of property (e.g. janitors, farmers, homeworkers) or who live in the school building, mark the box "this house" for questions 15; these persons skip question 16.
If the workplace (school) is abroad, please state which country.
Persons with changing workplace (e.g. cleaning women, constructions workers) answer question 15 and 16 in accordance with the situation on May 15, 1991.
Persons who marked "not daily" in question 16a) can skip parts b and c.
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11 to 16, occupational questions:
If several employment relationships exist, please answer question 11 to 16 for the profession with the most working hours.

If you are changing employment relationships at the time of the population census, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the situation on May 15, 1991.

Persons who are employed as well as attending a school, answer questions 11 to 16 depending on if they designated themselves as "employed" or "student, pupil" in question 10.

Purpose of the question:
The results of the populations census in occupational and economic areas are of great importance for the planning administration, the economy, research and the representation of interests, because they present a cross section of the total of all employed persons. Other surveys (like e.g. local unit of employment census or the social insurance institutes) also provide data in this area, but not with the diversity, objectivity, and regional subdivision and combination possibilities of the population census.

11, Occupational status:
Possible answers: "skilled worker," "semi-skilled worker," "unskilled worker," "apprenticeship," "employee/civil servant," "self-employed with or without employees," "workers in a family business."

Workers mark "skilled worker, "semi-skilled worker, or "unskilled worker" depending on how they are classified by collective agreement in their company.
A person is self-employed if they are not an employee in an employment relationship, rather practice a profession on their own behalf. With/without employees: depends on if persons receiving wages or salaries are employed in the business or not. Self-employed persons who only employee family members without formal pay mark "without employees."

[p. 75]

Unpaid workers in a family business are working in the business of a family member without formal pay.

Purpose of the question:
The "occupational status" describes the legal status or the collectively agreed classification that a person has in a company. The data do not only give information on the degree of responsibility in the company, rather also serves as an element for subdivision of the population and employed persons according to socioeconomic status. Different analyses about the occupational structure are only meaningful in combination with the occupational status (e.g. the demand for freelance and employed doctors).

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_CLWK1 — Status in employment (of supporter)
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[Questions 12 - 15 were asked of persons gainfully employed]

12. Professional position:

[] Skilled worker
[] Semiskilled worker
[] Unskilled worker
[] Apprentice
[] White-collar worker; or contracted worker in public services
[] Civil servant
[] Self-employed
[] Helping in family business
[] Under contract for works and services, freelance staff

Questions 12 to 15:
Persons who marked one of the three "gainfully employed" boxes in question 11 must always answer questions 12 to 15 for this gainful employment regardless of the referrals to other questions. If you hold several jobs, please answer questions12 to 15 for the occupation involving the most working hours. If you are switching jobs at the time of the census, please answer questions 12 to 15 for your situation on 15 May 2001.

Question 12:
The "self-employed" (also freelances and professionals) are individuals who pursue their profession for their own account and are therefore not in an employment relationship as an employee.

Persons "helping in family business" are gainfully employed persons who are working in a business owned by a family member without receiving formal remuneration for this work.

Persons "under contract for work and services, freelance staff" are individuals who perform their work for their own account, similar to the self-employed.

Question 13:
Please select the designation (job title) that best describes your work (where possible, also the degree of responsibility you have within the business or operation).

Examples of precise work designations:
Accounts clerk
Men's shirts packing machinist
Glas cutter
Foreman at dip painting plant
Manager of retail shop
High voltage line installer
Planing machine operator
Scientific researcher in environmental protection

Question 14:
Please indicate as precisely as possible the name of the business/establishment at which you work for item 14.1, its industry (branch of economic activity) for item 14.2.

Please write in 14.1 the complete company name (e.g. Robert Miller GmbH). If you own a business without a formal company name (e.g. farmer), enter your own name in question 14.1.

Persons with several employers enter the company where they work the most amount of time and answer the remaining questions for this company.

Question 15:
The information from questions 15.1 to 15.6 on going to work or school everyday can be used to determine traffic flows. If you go both to school and to work, you should answer the questions for going to work.

Re 15.1: Persons commuting once a week enter the address of their accommodations at their place of work/school. If you depart both from your main place of residence and other accommodations, please indicate the place from which you depart more frequently. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date applies.

Re 15.2: Gainfully employed persons with telework positions who visit their company at least once a week should include commuter data for these trips to the company.

Re 15.4: Gainfully employed persons enter the address of their place of work where they start work everyday. In other words, it is not the address of the head office of the company that is to be entered but e.g. for sales staff the address of the branch and for teachers the address of the school (base school) at which they teach. Persons with variable places of work (e.g. traveling salesmen) are kindly asked to enter the address of the place of work where they receive their work assignment.

Re 15.5: Persons who switch the mode of transportation they use day to day should indicate the one most frequently used. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date should be entered.
Car pools with alternating drivers should indicate the situation on the reference date.
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Questions 12 through 15:
Explanation: Persons who marked one of the three "gainfully employed" boxes in question 11 must answer questions 12 to 15 in any case for this gainful employment regardless of the referrals to other questions. If you hold several jobs, please answer questions 12 to 15 for the occupation involving the most working hours. If you are switching jobs at the time of the census, please answer questions 12 to 15 for your situation on 15 May 2001.
The population census results by occupational and economic characteristics are of great importance for the planning administration, the economy, research and the representation of interests, because they present a cross section of the total of all gainfully employed persons. Other surveys (like e.g. local unit of employment census) or the social insurance institutes also provide information in this field, but not with the diversity, objectivity, and regional structural and combination possibilities of the population census.

12. Professional position:
Explanation: "Self-employed" (also freelancers) are individuals who pursue their profession on their own behalf and are therefore not in an employment relationship as an employee.

[p. 93]

Persons "helping in a family business" are gainfully employed persons who are working in a business owned by a family member without receiving formal remuneration for their work.
Persons "under contract for works and services, freelance employees" are persons who perform their work on their own behalf, similar to the self-employed.

The "professional position" portrays the legal status or the collectively agreed classification that a person has in a company. Different analyses about the occupational distribution and economic structure are only meaningful in combination with the professional position (e.g. the demand for freelance and employed doctors).

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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14. At your main activity, are you:
[] 1 An employee (under labor agreement or contract)
[] 2 A member of a producers' cooperative
[] 3 Running your own enterprise (farm) or business with permanent use of employees' labor
[] 4 Working on your own-account running a farm or business without hiring employees
[] 5 An unpaid family worker (working without payment in a shop, farm or enterprise owned by a relative)

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Question 14. What was your employment status (who were you at your main activity):

"Employee (under labor agreement or contract)" is to be recorded for persons working under a written labor contract or verbal agreement concluded with the administration of an enterprise, organization, institution of any ownership or with a private employer and receiving a guaranteed payment in cash or in kind (wage or salary, commission charge, interest on marketing products, etc.) independent of the income of the enterprise for which they work.

The same response is to be marked for:
- those elected, appointed or approved for a post;
- salaried managers, directors and other similar persons;
- apprentices receiving wages;
- paid family workers working in the family business who enjoy the same rights and receive the same payment as other workers engaged in the same duties;
- ministries of religion and persons engaged in the field of religious faiths;
- members of the armed forces.

Persons working for individuals under civil law contracts (orders) for a definite payment, both individually or engaging employees, should not be related to the "employees" (e.g., construction of houses or repair of flats for individual customers, furnace lining, servicing parties, etc.). In these cases, if a person permanently used the labor of one or more employees, code 3 should be marked, but if he/she worked on his/her own account or engaged employees for a short period, code 4 should be marked.

"Member of producers' cooperative" is to be marked for persons working at own enterprises organized in the form of cooperative where each member has equal rights in deciding the matters of work organization, sales of products, and other activity of the enterprise, as well as those concerning investments and income distribution among its members.

"Run own enterprise (farm) or business with permanent use of employees' labor" is to be marked for persons who worked at own enterprise or farm or were engaged in independent professional or commercial activity and permanently used the labor of one or more employees.

"Own-account worker running farm or business without attracting employees" is to be marked for persons who worked at own enterprise or farm or were engaged in independent professional or commercial activity and did not engage employees or engaged those for a very short period.

This category will also include individuals engaged in gainful activity, whether having or not any patent (or license) permitting this kind of activity, as well as persons of so called "liberal professions", for instance, artists, authors, composers, psychics, etc, who are not on the permanent staff of any enterprise, institution or organization; persons engaged in production of products in their personal subsidiary plots with the purpose of further sale thereof or those engaged in sale of those products, even if they did not actually work in their personal subsidiary plots and spent time exclusively for repair of equipment or for ancillary works.

"Unpaid family worker (worked without payment in the shop, farm or enterprise owned by a relative)" is to be marked for persons working without payment in a peasant (farming) holding, production cooperative, private (individual or family) enterprise owned by a relative. Works performed in country houses or kitchen gardens are not to be included because those do not relate to family enterprises.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_EMPSTAT — Status in employment
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire
If the respondent had two or more places of employment, questions 17.1-17.4 should refer to the place of employment which he/she considers the main.
[After responding to questions 17.1-17.4, skip question 18.]
17.4 What was your position at work?
[] 1 Hired worker
[] 2 Involving hired workers
[] 3 Without hiring workers
[] 4 Family member, assisting a relative without pay
[] 5 Other
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Questions 17.1 -- 17.4 relate to the employment which is considered by the respondent as his/her main job.
If the respondent had more than one job, and finds difficult to determine the main one, it should be noted that the main job is the job where the respondent's work record card is kept, or the greatest number of hours is worked, or the highest income is earned;
33.18. In question 17.4. "What was your status in employment?", the answer "employee" should be completed for respondents working under a written agreement or a contract concluded with his/her employer or a verbal agreement and receiving remuneration in cash (wages/salaries, commission, sale fees, etc.) or in kind.

The same answer should also be completed for respondents who were elected or appointed to a position, including heads of organizations; for ministers of church and persons practicing a religion; military men; family members working for a relative for remuneration.

The answer "employee" is also completed for members of agricultural production cooperatives having a labour agreement (contract) concluded with them.

Own-account workers comprise persons with a self-employment job, individual entrepreneurs, and also persons producing products in their personal subsidiary plots for further sale; persons of "liberal professions" (artists, writers, musicians, etc.) who are not on staff of any organization. For those who engaged or did not engage employees, the corresponding answer is completed.

The answer "contributing family worker" is to be completed for respondents who worked without payment in a peasant farm or private enterprise (family-type or individual) owned by a relative or a household member. Contributing family workers do not include persons who carried out works at dachas, in gardens, etc.

The answer "other" should be marked for persons who cannot be included in any of the preceding categories;

Finland 2010 — source variable FI2010A_CLASSWK — Occupational status
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[5] Employment
Employment statistics are annual statistics providing data by region on the population's economic activity and employment.

Active population
The labour force (active population) comprises all persons who were either employed or unemployed during the last week of the year. Participation in the labour force is determined on the basis of information derived from various registers.

Wage and salary earners (employees) are defined as persons aged between 18 and 74 who, according to the register data of employment statistics, have a valid employment relationship or employment pension insurance in the last week of the year. Persons employed by labour policy measures (other than business start-up allowance) in the last week of the year are also defined as wage and salary earners. It is required that the person defined as a wage and salary earner has received wage and salary income during the year, and that the person is not performing military or non-military service or has not been an unemployed job seeker in the job seeker register on the last day of the year.
If the person has self-employed person's pension insurance valid at the same time as the employment relationship, the person is defined as a wage and salary earner if his/her wage and salary income generated during the year is higher than his/her entrepreneurial income and he/she has not been a self-employed person in the statistics in the previous year.
If the person is not a self-employed person, unemployed, student, pensioner, performing non-military service or military service and his/her wage and salary income exceeds a defined income limit, he/she is defined as a wage and salary earner even if according to the employment relationship data, he/she did not have a valid employment relationship.

Status in employment
Status in employment describes the position of the employed on the labour market. . The status is classified as follows:

-- wage and salary earners
-- entrepreneurs

The data on status in employment are based on the person's pension insurance and amounts of wage and salary and entrepreneurial income.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_SCLASSWK — SAPHIR class of worker
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Professional Activity

(For all persons born before January 1, 1948)
[Applies to questions 11 - 16]

If you are currently without work and you are looking for work, go directly to question 16.
If you are no longer working, go directly to question 17.

12. Do you work without pay helping another person in his/her profession (for example, a member of your family)?

[] yes
[] no

13. Do you practice your declared profession in question 11 as:

[] A paid employee
-- answer questions 14a, b and c and question 15)

[] Someone who works out of his/her home
[] An apprentice under contract
-- [If you checked either of the two above options,] skip to question 15

[] Landowning farmer, farmer, tenant farmer
[] Professional
[] Employer or independent worker: craftsman, shop-keeper, etc. (working independently, including managers who are majority shareholders of S.A.R.L. [gerants majoritaires de S.A.R.L] and persons working strictly on commission).
-- [If you check any of the three above options,] skip to question 15 and answer:

Do you have paid employees (do not count paid household help. In agriculture, count only permanent paid employees)
[] yes. How many? ____
[] no

14b. For state or municipal civil servants, public service employees (electric company, railroad, etc.), career military personnel, indicate your category [grade].

Examples: clerk, administrative secretary, administrator, chief engineer, registering agent [facteur enregistrant] for the French National Railroad:


16. For persons who are currently without work and who are looking for work.

a. Have you ever worked?

[] yes
[] no

b. What is your profession?


c. For how long have you been seeking work?


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Questions 11 through 17 The questions on professional activity are especially important. You should check carefully to make sure they are filled out carefully
Question 11: This question is of capital importance. It is impossible to be too specific in this category.
Read carefully the following explanations and the examples given on the individual report [bulletin individuel], as well as the following list:
Examples of inadequate answers which should not be accepted under any circumstance and comments
1. Answers which are inadequate because they are not specific enough:


Indicate exactly the occupation of the person in question. For example: department- store salesperson, metal turner, chemical engineer.

Civil Servant
Railroad employee
Gas company worker

Specify the rank or job of civil servants and employees of public services. For example: accounting and order clerk, combined- use railroad agent [facteur mixte S.N.C.F.].


Answer in this way, for example: retail grocer, automobile repair mechanic, director of a noodle factory.

2. Answers which are inadequate because they are incomplete:

Qualified laborer
Team leader

The above indicate the professional rank, but do not give the individual occupation.

Question 12 - Unpaid workers who help another person in his/her job
It may sometime happen that certain persons - above all, women - work helping another person in his/her job without receiving any pay for their work. These persons should answer "yes" to question 12, even if they only work as such on a part- time basis.
This question concerns, for example, the wife of a farmer who participates in farm work, or the wife or daughter of a shopkeeper who spends a few hours a day at the shop as a salesperson or at the cash register.
Question 13 - Household employee. This category is not intended for persons who are self- employed and work at home (craftsmen, seamstresses, milliners). It applies only to persons who work at home, often on a piecework basis, for an industrial or commercial establishment which pays them on this basis. Such is the case, for example, of certain designers for fashion magazines, persons who work for design houses, etc.
If these persons have several employers at the same time, indicate in question 15 which is their principal employer.

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_SCLASSWK — SAPHIR class of worker
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Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

13. Do you work without pay, by helping another person in your profession ( a member of your family, for example)?

[] 1 Yes
[] No

14. Do you practice your main profession declared in question 12 as:

[] 2 Owner, farmer, sharecropper.
[] 3 Member of a free-market profession
[] 4 Employer or self-employed: artisan, merchant, industrialist, etc. (self-employed, including managers of the S.A.R.L. [Société à responsabilité limitée] and people only working on commission).
[For any of the above options:]

Do you hire employees?
Do not count servants at home in your service. In agriculture, only count permanent paid workers.
[] Yes
How many?

[] 1 1 to 2
[] 3 3 to 5
[] 6 6 or more

[] 0 No

[] 5 Person working at home for one (or more) businesses.
[] 6 Apprenticed under contract.
[] 7 Paid worker : answer questions 15a, 15b or 15c below:

15a. If you are a worker, specify the qualification for your current job:

[] 1 Unskilled laborer or specialized laborer
[] 2 Specialized worker (OS1, OS2, ...).
[] 3 Skilled worker or highly qualified (P1, P2, P3...)

15b. If you are an employee of the state, a local town or a public service (E.D.F. "Electricité de France", S.N.C.F. "Société nationale des chemins de fer", etc.) or military by career, specify your rank:

Examples: administrative secretary, second-class stationmaster, typist, etc.
15c. If you are in a different situation, specify your position in the organization:

Examples: supervisor, workshop manager, department store head, etc.
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Question 13: People working by helping another person in their profession, while not being paid.
It sometimes happens that some people - especially women - work by helping another person in his profession, without receiving a salary for it. These people will answer "yes" to question 12, even if they only work part time in these situations.
For example, this question effects the wife of a farmer who participates in the work of the farm, the wife or daughter of a merchant who spends several hours per day in the shop to ensure the sales or to operate the cash register.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_SCLASSWK — SAPHIR class of worker
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For all people 16 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 8 -18]

12. Do you work without pay by helping another person in his/her profession (for example a member of your family)?

[] 1 Yes
[] No

15. If you are self-employed:

(answers 2, 3, or 4 on question 13)

Do you hire employees?
Do not count servants at home in your service. In agriculture, only count permanent paid workers.

[] Yes
How many?

[] 1 1 to 2
[] 3 3 to 5
[] 6 6 or more

[] 0 No

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. For how long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 3 to less than 6 months
[] 3 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 one year or more

b. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

c. What is your career? ____

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[Questions 8 - 18 are for persons age 16 or older]

Question 12: People working to help another person in their profession without being paid.
It sometimes happens that some people - especially women - work by helping another person in his profession, without receiving a salary for it. These people will answer "yes" to question 12, even if they only work part time in these situations.
For example, this question effects the wife of a farmer who participates in the work of the farm, the wife or daughter of a merchant who spends several hours per day in the shop to ensure the sales or to operate the cash register.
These people should indicate the profession which they practice on question 11.

Question 17: The case of the unemployed and those who are looking for work.
This question concerns all people having or having not already worked, who fulfill the following conditions simultaneously:
a) do not have a job:
b) are actively looking for work.
Do not apply to these people the label "unemployed" which is sometimes judged offensive and which has a slightly different connotation.

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_SCLASS — SAPHIR class of worker
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For all persons aged 14 or older

If have practice a professional activity, answer questions 12 through 15,
Including: If you help a family member at work, even if part time
If you are an apprentice under contract or a paid intern

If you are not currently practice a professional activity or if you are unemployed: answer question 16.

13. Do you practice this profession as:

[] 1 An employer or independent worker (director or co-director of a farm, craftsman, shop keeper, industrialist, member of a liberal profession, etc.)

Do you employ paid workers? Do not count either apprentices or people who live with you as household help. In the agricultural sector, only count permanent paid employees.
[] Yes. How many?

[] 1 1 or 2
[] 2 3 to 5
[] 3 6 to 9
[] 4 10 or more

[] No. 0

[] 2 An unpaid mother's helper/household help (spouse, child or other family member of a farmer, a shop keeper, etc.)
[] 3 An apprentice under contract
[] 4 Paid employee

Are you an employee who works at home for one or more firms
[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

16. If you do not actually practice any professional activity, or if you are unemployed:

a. Are you:

[] 1 A mother or housewife
[] 2 Retired (non age-related) from business (former shop keeper, former farmer, etc.)
If you checked box 1 or 2, indicate your previous professions: ____
[] 3 High school or college/university student
[] 4 Unemployed
[] 5 If other, please indicate: ____

b. Are you currently seeking work?

[] 1 Yes

Have you ever worked?
[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

[] 0 No

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_SCLASSWK — SAPHIR class of worker
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Questions 8 through 21 are only for those people 14 years old or more

If you work, go to the back of the page (questions 12 to 21)

If you are on sick leave or maternity leave
If you help a member of your family in his or her work without pay
If you are apprenticed under contract, a paid intern (TUC, SIVP..), etc.

11. Are you looking for work?

[] 1 You are not looking for work
You have been looking for work since:
[] 2 - less than 3 months
[] 3 - 3 moths to less than a year
[] 4 - 1 year to less than 2 years
[] 5 - 2 years or more

13. Do you help a member of your family in his or her work?
(farming or industrial operation, business, self-employed, etc.)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

14. If you are a state employee, from a local community, from a public hospital, a public service (EDF [Electricité de France - French Electric Company], SNCF [Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer - National Railroad Organization], etc.) or military by career, specify your classification (corps, rank, etc.)

16. Are you?

[] 1 Paid
[] 2 Self-employed
(farmer, artisan, merchant, manufacturer, self-employed, unpaid family helper, etc)

18. If you are self-employed
How many employees do you have?
(Don't count apprentices or servants. In farming, count only people on a salary.)

[] 1 None
[] 2 1 or 2
[] 3 3 to 9
[] 4 10 or more

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_WKTY — Detailed status of working population holding a job

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_CLASSWKR — Employment status
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

[17. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons who are currently working. If you have several jobs, only describe your principal job in questions 18-30]

27. What is your contract or employment type?

[] 1 Non fixed-term employment; open-ended contract; civil service employees
[] 2 Apprenticeship contract
[] 3 Placed by a temporary-employment agency
[] 4 Paid internship with a company
[] 5 Youth employment contract [emploi-jeune]; solidarity employment contract (CES); qualification contract [contract de qualification] or other assisted employment
[] 6 Other fixed-term employment, fixed-term contract; short-term contract, seasonal, temp/casual

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_WKSTAT — Professional status
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6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

11) Are you currently working?
If you have a job where you work from time to time, or if you are temporarily employed, or if you are in an apprenticeship or a paid internship, tick "yes".
If you are on medical or maternity leave, tick "yes".

[ ] 1 Yes, tick then skip to 17
[ ] 2 No, tick then skip to 12
12) If you are not currently working, answer questions 13-16.

15) What was your main profession?

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_CLASSWK — Position in occupation
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For economically active persons (also self-employed, farmers, family workers)
[Questions 15-18 were asked of economically active persons]

16. Are you:

[] Wage earner/homeworker
[] Industrial apprentice
[] Salaried employee
[] Commercial, technical, administrative apprentice
[] Official/judge
[] Self-employed
[] Unpaid family worker

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Occupational information

To be filled out for all working and gainfully employed persons, as well as retirees that are still in the labor process, but not for apprentices and students

8.c. Are you employed as:

Mark applicable

[] 1 Worker/employee
[] 2 Member of cooperative
[] 3 Freelance worker
[] 4 Self-employed
[] 5 Family worker

Question 8: Occupational data

Question 8 should also be filled out by seasonal employees who are employed on census day. At present job seekers answer only questions 8b and 8c based on their last job.

Question 8c: Are you employed as:

Only members and candidates of production cooperatives (agricultural production cooperative, production cooperative for handicrafts, horticultural production cooperative, production cooperative for working fishermen, fishery production cooperative) as well as councils of lawyers should be entered as cooperative members. Only persons that work in the firm of a family member without a legal working relationship and do not get taxable and social security-taxable income from a firm should be entered as "family worker". Also counted here are family members working exclusively in the personal home economy of an agricultural production cooperative member. Family members whose legal working relationship in the firm of a relative is recognized from the time sheet and income tax and social security contributions are entered as "worker/employee".

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Questions about employment (to be answered by all working persons including pensioners who still work, but not apprentices and full time students)

8c. Are you gainfully employed as (mark as applicable):

[] 1 Blue or white collar worker
[] 2 Member of cooperative
[] 3 Freelance worker
[] 4 Self employed
[] 5 Assisting family member

To question 8: Employment

The question is to be answered also for seasonal workers if they are employed at census day. Persons looking for work answer only questions 8b and 8c according to their last employment.

To question 8c: Are you gainfully employed?

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Fill out questions 11-13 for employed persons only (not apprentices).

11. Are you employed as:

[] 1 Worker/employee
[] 2 Agricultural production cooperative member
[] 3 Other cooperative member
[] 4 Person of liberal professions
[] 5 Self-employed
[] 6 Family worker

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Directions for filling out the person census list

Regarding questions 11 to 13:
For mothers that are currently on leave due to the birth of a child, questions 11 to 13 should still be answered. In question 12, "leave" should be entered in addition to the job held.

Question 11: Are you employed as...?
Only members should be entered as "agricultural production cooperative member". For members of the horticultural production cooperative and the production cooperative for working fishermen, "agricultural production cooperative member" should be marked.

Only members of production cooperatives for handicrafts, fishery production cooperative and council of lawyers should be entered under "other cooperative member."

"Family workers" work in the firm without conclusion of an employment contract.

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_CLASSWK — Present type of employment
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Question 15: Are you presently working as?
Home workers indicate either "other wage earner" or "skilled worker" in accordance with the activity pursued. Skilled workers also include journeymen.

Trainees and improvers are considered apprentices.

Tradesmen/women working from home, work agents or persons having a contract for work, and labor should mark "self-employed".

For economically active persons
[Questions 15-18 were asked of economically active persons.]

15. Are you presently working as:

[] 1 Skilled worker
[] 2 Other wage earner
[] 3 Salaried employee
[] 4 Apprentice
[] 5 Official (3), judge, soldier, person doing civilian alternative service
[] 6 Self-employed, employing paid labor
[] 7 Self-employed, without paid labor
[] 8 Assistant family member

(3) = Also applicants for civil service

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_CLASSWRK — Class of worker
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The following questions 13-24 should only be completed for persons born in 1960 or earlier.

The following questions (17-20) refer to the person's occupation during the previous week (7-13 March 1971), regardless of whether or not the person usually works.

If he/she worked during the previous week (questions 17-19):

19. What was his/her occupational status in the establishment, farm, enterprise, or service where he/she was working?

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Assistant in the family business
[] 4 Employee or wage-earner

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[Questions 17-20 refer to the person's occupation during the previous week (7-13 March 1971) regardless of whether they usually work or not]

Questions 18, Type of work and establishment of work [omitted]
Question 19, Occupational status [omitted]
Question 20, Reason for not working [omitted]

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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The following questions should be answered only by persons born in 1970 or earlier.

Occupation [Questions 11 to 14]

12. If he/she was working or seeking work (answer 1 or 2 in question 11) Answers to questions a and b must be specific. For question c, put an X in the appropriate space. If the person was seeking his or her first job, write "new worker" for questions a and b, and do not answer question c.

___ _ _ _ a) What type of work are they doing (or were they doing, the last time they worked)?

___ _ _ _ b) In what type of establishment, enterprise, farm, service, etc. do they work (or did they work, the last time they worked)?

c) What is their occupational status in this job (or in the last job that they held)?

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Assistant in the family business or farm
[] 4 Employee or wage-earner

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Questions 10-15 should only be completed for persons born in 1970 or before

186. If the respondent is working or seeking work then he has to answer the following questions:

[Omitted, a), b) and c) as in the form]

187. The type of work he is or was doing the last time he worked must be very clear so as to be coded according to the occupational codes.

If his answer is general or vague, e.g. "technician", "employee" or "merchant" or "public servant", more questions are needed so as to clarify e.g. "what kind of technician', "what kind of employee", "what kind of trade, whole sale or retail" etc.

[Bottom of p. 60 and p. 61 omitted]

[p. 62]

190. Question (b) "what is the type of establishment, enterprise, agricultural land, service etc. he works (or was the last time he worked)" refers to the type of economic activity (industry branch) of the establishment, enterprise etc. the enumerated is working or if he is seeking work to the establishment, enterprise etc. he was working last. If seeking work for the first time as before "young" will be recorded.

191. The answer to this question must not be general or vague as e.g. "shop" or "factory" or "company" but must clarify the economic activity of the establishment or service he is working (or was working last). [Examples omitted]

[p. 63 omitted]

[p. 64]

194. Question (c) "occupational status" the enumerated must answer whether he is (or was) employer, self-employed, assistant in the family business or agricultural land, or employee or wage earner.

These categories are clarified as following:

i) Employer is considered the owner of the establishment (either by himself or with partners) and is employing salaried or wage earning staff.
ii) Self-employed is the one that works in his own work without employing salaried or wage earning staff apart maybe a member of his family as unpaid assistant.
iii) Assistant in the family business or agricultural land is the family member working in the family business or agricultural land without pay, except his livelihood, within the time limits defined in paragraph 181.
iv) Employee or wage earner is the person who for his work is having a salary or a day's wage or by contract or percentage on the sales.

195. The employee or wage earner that works on contract but has the materials or is working with percentages on the profits is not to be considered as employee or wage earner. In these cases, he will be considered as employer (if he employs staff) or self-employed (if not employing staff).

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_CLASSWKR — Class of worker
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

16. For those that answered 1 or 2 in question 15 (i.e., those who were working or were looking for work during the previous week) must describe:
a. The type of work they were doing the previous week (or did the last time they worked) question a1.)

and their activities, obligations, or duties in this work (question a2.).
___ a1. Type of work
___ _ _ _ a2. What were their activities, duties or obligations in this work?

___ _ _ _ b. In what type of establishment, enterprise, service, etc. did they work during the previous week (or during the last time they worked)?

c. Their class of work in this job (or in the job in which they last worked).
-Answers to questions a1 and b must be specific. For example, for an employee who worked as a salesman in a shoe store during the previous week (or during the last job), the answer should be written as follows: for question a1: "Occupation: shoe salesman"; for question b: "Establishment: shoe store." For question a2, the person's duties, obligations, or activities in this job must be described in detail.
-If, during the previous week, they were seeking work for the first time: write "NEW WORKER" in questions a1, a2, and b, and do not answer question c.
-Do not fill in the three spaces supplied for subsequent coding.
[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Employee or wage-earner
[] 4 Assistant in the family business or family farm

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The following questions (12-25) were answered only by individuals born in 1980 or before.

12. Level of education
[As in the form, omitted]

[As in the form, omitted]

The question was clear and without problems. In the case of graduates of a foreign educational institution the code of the respective Greek educational institution was checked.

16. For the individuals having answered that they were working or seeking work describe the type of work, the type of the establishment, enterprise etc., as well as their occupational status.

The type of work referred to the enumerated individual's occupation or of that he/she worked last. For those that were seeking work for the first time it was entered the word "young". The coding of the occupation was based on the 3 digits ISCO 68 [88?].

The type of establishment, enterprise etc. referred to the type of economic activity (industry branch) of the establishment where the enumerated individual was working or for those that were seeking work, of that they worked last. For those that were seeking work for the first time it was entered the word "young".

For the coding of the economic activity STAKOD was used, based on the 3 digits NACE Revision 1.

For their occupational status [answers as in the form, omitted].

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Questions 15-26 below should only be completed for persons born in 1990 or earlier

19. What was your status at this job?
Give only one answer.
(Answer only the response to question 16 was 1 or 2, i.e., "Working" or "Looking for Work.")

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Employee or wage earner
[] 4 Assistant in family business

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Question 19: Employer is a person who employs at least one person, excluding members of the household contributing in the family business without payment.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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[Questions 14 through 16 were asked of all persons that are currently working or seeking work]

14. In what type of establishment, enterprise etc., did you work during the previous week or the last time you worked?

Give a full description (example, wool mill) ____

15. What is or was you profession (job) the last time you worked?

Give a full description (example, assistant accountant) ____

16. What is or was your status at this job?

Choose only one answer.

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Own-account worker
[] 3 Employee or wage-earner
[] 4 Member of producers' cooperative
[] 5 Contributing family worker
[] 6 Not classifiable
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Question 16 "What is or was your status at this work?" (Cases 1 or 2 of question 13)
The enumerated individual will record his occupational status at his work or if he is seeking work his occupational status at his last job, i.e. [omitted as in the form].
For each case we clarify:

[] Employer is the owner of the establishment (with one or few partners) and is employing on a continuous basis one or more individuals, salaried, a day's wages etc.
[] Self-employed is the individual that works in his own business (with one or few partners) without employing continuously any individual, salaried employee or a day's wages worker, apart maybe members of his family as unpaid assistants.
[] Employee or a day's wage earner is the person who for his work is having a salary or a day's wage or is paid by contract or percentage on the sales, with bonus, or in kind (food, housing, education).
[] Member of producers' cooperative is the self-employed individual at a cooperative, where each member takes part on equal terms with the other members in the organization of production, sales and /or other work, investments and distribution of profits to the members. Note that, "producers' cooperative employees" they are not classified in this group but in the "employee or a day's wage earner" category.
[] Assistant in the family business is the family member working in the family business without pay, except the expenses for his livelihood.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_CLASSWK — Status in employment
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III. Occupation Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 16-22.]

For those who are 14 years and older (born in 1955 or earlier)
[Questions 16-22. Questions 16-17 determined employment status, and questions 18-22 were asked only of those employed.]

21. a. Occupational status

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Member of co-operative
[] 3 Self-employed worker
[] 4 Unpaid family worker

21. b. If you are an employee or member of co-operative, in what capacity do you work?
[] Non-manual worker
[] Manual worker: skilled-worker
[] Manual worker: semiskilled-worker
[] Manual worker: unskilled-hand-worker
[] Other manual worker, namely ____

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21/a Employment status
The answer should define in the case of the occupation entered at question 20 relates to a person having a working contract (as employed), to a private entrepreneur, to a member of a co-operative or else.


The "employees" are the persons having a working contract at a state company, institution, office, agricultural or other co-operative, private entrepreneur, etc. and based on the contract a salary or other material compensation is paid to them. The same entry will be recorded in case of day-labourers, causal workers too.

Member of co-operative
The member of co-operative is the person who is regular member of an agricultural co-operative (production-, specialized co-operative, co-operative working group, association, vine-growing community), fishing co-operative, industrial or cottage industrial co-operative and their membership was effective on 31 December, 1969. (The supporting members are not regarded as members of a co-operative.)

The answer must not be underlined in case of persons working for the General Consumer's and Trading Co-operatives as well as in case of persons working as members of a working team (e.g. lawyer's team). The correct entry for these persons is "employee".

Private entrepreneur
The answer "private entrepreneur" shall be given in case of persons who are working as agricultural private entrepreneurs, artisans, retailers, free-lance intellectuals, of those letting their land for a material compensation.

Family helper
The answer "family helper" should be given in case of persons working without any material compensation in a workshop, store, and private venture of one of the household members.

21/b Intellectual (white-collar) or manual worker
The persons giving the answer to question 21/a "employee" or "member of co-operative" should declare the qualification of the profession, job entered at question 20.

The answer should not be given in case of the professional employees of the armed forces though it has to be answered by civilian employees there.

Before the detailed description of the quality of occupation it to be defined in the case of the persons was a "white-collar" or a "blue-collar" worker. The answer will be given by underlining the respective word printed.

In general the intellectual (white-collar) workers are those performing managing, administrative activities not requiring physical efforts.

Intellectual (white-collar) worker
The white-collar workers are the technical managers (chief engineers, plant engineers, etc.); the persons pursuing scientific or teaching activities (scientific researchers physicists, librarians, teachers, schoolmasters, etc.); the persons curing, taking care of sick people (physicians, maternity nurses, nurses, etc.); the artists (performers, writers, etc.); the managers of companies, institutions, offices; payroll-clerks, cashiers, typists, etc.); the shop managers and managers of restaurants .

The persons working as trainees to become an engineer, technician, chemist, nurse or similar and those working as candidates for intellectual works should be regarded also as white-collar workers.


Manual (blue-collar) worker
The categories of blue-collar workers besides the physical workers cover the activities complementing the productive work: doormen, guards, cleaners, packers. The category includes also the shop assistants, the messengers, the janitors, the domestic hands.

The quality of the blue-collar workers should be further classified. Answer should be given in the case of the enumerated person was a skilled worker, a semi-skilled worker, an outside worker or other worker.

Skilled worker
The person is a skilled worker having the qualification of (proved by) a journeyman's certificate, a certificate of skilled laborer, a document on passing the exam of technical base studies). Nevertheless the same answer will be underlined even in case the given persons do not have the necessary written certificate though based on the long experience he is employed as such.

Semi-skilled worker
Semi-skilled workers are executing similar works as the skilled workers but as they acquired the ability for accomplishing the tasks by a simple training, they do not have a certificate of profession neither a document to proof the passing the exam of technical base studies and they do not regard themselves as skilled workers.

Contracting (outside) worker
The answer "contracting (outside) worker" should be underlined in case of persons working generally at their homes, usually performing industrial works based on a contract with a state company, a production co-operative eventually a private entrepreneur. In their case it must not be recorded the qualification of the work (skilled or semi-skilled labour) but the word "outside worker". Persons working in the household plots of the members of the agricultural co-operatives must not be regarded as outside (contracting) workers.

Other manual worker
The answer "other manual worker" will be underlined in case of persons not listed above, such as:

Unskilled workers, that is the persons assisting the skilled and semi-skilled workers (e.g. material handlers);
The persons performing agricultural works without having any professional qualification in crops production, animal husbandry, teamsters, etc., that is the unskilled agricultural laborers;
The roustabouts, causal workers and
The persons performing other auxiliary physical activities not listed above, e.g. doormen, guards, office servants, etc.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_CLASSWK1 — Status in employment
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Questions No. 15 to 18 to be answered by:

[Questions 15-18 were asked of those who satisfied one of the following four requirements:]
- Answered 'yes' to question 14
- Inactive earners data prior to child (care leave, retiring)
- Other dependents having worked 90 days or longer,
- Dependents who were not enumerated together with the supporter (supporter's data)

16. Occupation status

[] 1, 2 Employed
[] 3, 4 Member of co-operative
[] 5 Own account worker
[] 6-9 family helper

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17. Staff group, function

This question must not be asked of the following persons:

1. Own account workers (private entrepreneurs);

2. Family helpers;

3. Professional and retired members of the armed forces.

In cases of manual workers (blue collars), the staff group ("skilled worker", "semi-skilled worker" or "unskilled worker") will be marked. (The actual staff group of the person is defined by his/her employer.)

In cases of agricultural day laborers and casual laborers, the answer "unskilled worker (3)" will be underlined.

In cases of the non-manual workers (white-collars), the respective answer should be underlined.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_CLASSWK1 — Status in employment
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[Questions 15-19 were asked of persons who are economically active, work or get a child care fee or child care allowance, per question 14]

16. Occupational status:

[] 1 Employed
[] 2 Member of co-operative
[] 3 Own-account worker, person of liberal profession -- family helper

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16. Employment status

The answer should be given by underlining the respective answer. The following remarks should be taken into account:

-- "Employee (1)" is the person having a working contract with a company, office, institution, co-operative, private entrepreneur/private person, an organization formed by private persons (private business partnership, company of general partnership, working team of lawyers, etc.) and his working activity is compensated by a wage or salary.

-- "Member of co-operative (2)" is marked for working members of agricultural, industrial and other co-operatives;

-- "Private entrepreneur, freelancer" is the persons working on his own as agricultural farmer, artisan, trader, freighter, etc., as a commissioned renter of a productive or commercial unit, member of a working tam of private individuals, etc.;

-- "Family helper" is the person working in a shop, store, and private venture of one of his family member.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_CLASSWK — Status in employment
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Only for those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13
[Questions 15.1 through 18.2 were asked of those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13.]

16. What's your status in employment?

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Self employed, sole proprietor
[] 3 Working owner of a company
[] 4 Working member of a co-operative
[] 5 Contributing family worker
[] 6 Occasional worker
[] 7 Worker for public utility

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Question 16: What is your status in employment?
The entry is employee in case the person is working -- generally on the base of a contract -- for an employer, that means he is neither a private entrepreneur nor a working member of a co-operative or family helper, etc.

The answer is marked in case of elected and nominated civil servants, judges, prosecutors as well as in case of the professional and civilian members of the armed and security forces, organizations.

Private entrepreneur is the entry in case of persons having a license for private business in general, the working member of a one-person undertaking without or with employees (artisan, merchant, agricultural producer, free-lance intellectual).

Working member of a joint undertaking will be marked in case of a person who is co-owner of a joint undertaking (other than co-operative) with the obligation of performing work in the business.

The entry is "member of co-operative" in case the given person is a member of a (consumer's or producing) co-operative with the obligation of personal contribution by work to the business.
The entry is "family helper" in case the given person is a family helper of a private entrepreneur, member of a joint undertaking or co-operative and is contributing to the business by his own work free of charge, though as a member of the household of the supported person he/she will benefit from the undertaking.

The entry is "causal hand, day laborer" in case of persons working with or without an entrepreneur's license usually on a short-term agreement for somebody (e.g. agricultural day labor, cleaning the roads, unskilled work in a construction, etc.). The causal hand -- depending on the agreement with the employer -- either is working for a given period of time (for a day, a week, etc.) or undertakes to carry on a definite work (e.g. dig a given parcel, painting the fence, etc.). The persons who in the farm of an ad hoc assignment (not as entrepreneurs) undertake the completion of an intellectual work (e.g. translation of a study, delivering a lecture, etc.) are regarded also as causal hands.

The entry is "worker for public utility" in case the person is employed by the local government in the frame of the public utility program.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Personal questionnaire

IV. Occupation, workplace and transport

28. What is (was) your status in employment?

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Sole proprietor, self-employed
[] 3 Working member of a company
[] 4 Working member of a co-operative
[] 5 Causal employee (working by special commission contract, casual workers, day workers)
[] 6 Employed in public works (doing work for public benefit, public purposes etc., employed in public employment)
[] 7 Helping family member
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IV. Occupation, workplace and transport

28. What is (was) your status in employment?
Employee is the person who is in labor relation with an employer generally based on working contract. This category includes civil servants, public functionaries, persons acting as judges or attorneys, as well as professional and contracted members of armed forces and public defense (their legal status being civil servant or public services worker).

Sole proprietor, self-employed is the person working alone or with some employees -- generally on the basis of a license of activity -- as sole proprietor (like artisans, retailers, farmers, free-lancers etc.), not as member of a joint undertaking.

Working member of a company is the person, who parallel to his/her partnership in possessing a non-co-operative venture, is obliged to contribute to the activity of the venture by personal activity, work.

Working member of a co-operative is the person who as a member of any kind of economic organization in co-operative form (e.g. consumption co-operative, agrarian co-operative) is obliged for work.

Casual employee (working by special commission contract, casual worker, day worker) is the person, who neither has a stable working contract, nor is an entrepreneur, though -- with, or without a special document -- is working, usually lasting for a short period of time (e.g. agricultural day-work, shoveling the snow, unskilled work in construction). The day-worker, based on an agreement with the employer, is working either for a negotiated period of time (one day, week etc.), or is performing a given job (digging of a piece of land, painting the fence etc.). Odd job performers are also the persons, who on the basis of an individual contract, not as entrepreneurs, perform an intellectual job (e.g. translation of a text, holding a lecture etc.).

Employed in public works (doing work for public benefit, public purposes etc., employed in public employment) is the person who is employed by the local government in public benefit work or public work program.

Contributing family worker is the participating family member who helps the sole proprietors, members of a company or members of a co-operative in their activity without pay, but receiving from the achievements of the enterprise or economic company as a member of the household.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_CLASSWK — Class of worker, employment status
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[Questions 14-18 are be completed for each person aged 14 years or older]

15. Employment status_____

If usually working for payment or profit, state whether "Employee", "Assisting relative", "Self employed", "Employs others" or "Self employed, without employees". If at present out of work, write "Out of work".

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The Enumerator should check that, within his knowledge, there is no inconsistency between the answers in this column and those given in Columns 4, 14 and 16.

Questions 14, 15 and 16 are the most difficult and require the most careful scrutiny. Question 14 should be answered for all persons aged 14 years or over, while questions 15 and 16 should be answered for persons who have a job or who are out of work.

Question 15 - Employment status.
This question should be answered for persons aged 14 years or over with a job or who are out of work. Note that the term "Employee" should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if he is assisting a relative. If, however, he is assisting a relative without receiving a fixed wage or salary he should be described as "Assisting relative". Members of religious orders should be described as "Employees". Persons without any paid employees, even though assisted by relatives who are not receiving fixed wages, should be described as "self employed without employees". Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should be described as "self employed, without employees", while persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should be described as "self employed, employs others". Persons employed to manage commercial concerns should be described as "Employee".

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Q.17 Employment status
[] 1 Self-employed, employing others
[] 2 Self-employed, without paid employees
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)

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Q.15 to Q.19:
The Questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 15-19) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each persons aged 15 years and over. (i.e. born on or before 5 April, 1966). Answers in respect of persons aged under 15 should be ignored.

Q.17: Employment status
An answer is required here for persons in Category 1, 3 or 6 at Question 15. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The answers supplied should relate to the occupation given at Question 16. Note that the term "Employee" should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if he assisting a relative. If, however, he/she is assisting a relative without receiving a fixed wage or salary, he/she should be described as "Assisting Relative". Members of religious orders should be described as "Employees". Persons without any paid employees, even though assisted by relatives who are not receiving fixed wages, should be described as "Self Employed, Without Employees". Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should also be described as "Self employed, Without Employees", while persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should be described as "Self Employed, Employing Others". Persons employed to manage commercial concerns should be described as "Employee". (Thus a person whose occupation is "Managing Director is an Employee.)

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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[Questions 15-22 relate to persons aged 15 years or over]

Q.17 Employment status

If at work, please check the appropriate box to indicate the person's present employment status. If unemployed or retired, indicate the person's previous employment status

[] 1 Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 2 Self-employed, without paid employees
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)
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Q.15 to Q.20:
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (questions 15-20) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each person aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 13 April, 1971). For persons younger than 15, these questions should be ignored.

Q.17: Employment status
An answer is required here for persons in Category 1, 3, or 6 at Question 15. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The answers supplied should relate to the Occupation given at Question 16. Note that the term "Employee" should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if he is assisting a relative. If, however, he/she is assisting a relative without receiving a fixed wage or salary, he/she should be described as "Assisting relative". Members of religious orders should be described as "Employees". Persons without any paid employees, even though assisted by relatives who are not receiving fixed wages, should be described as "Self-employed, without paid employees". Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should also be described as "Self-employed, without paid employees", while persons in partnership in a firm with paid employees should be described as "Self Employed, with paid employees". Persons employed to manage commercial concerns should be described as "Employee" (thus a person whose occupation is "Managing director" is an "Employee").

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_CLASSWKR — Class of worker
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[Questions 16-24 relate to persons aged 15 years and over]

Q.21 Employment status

It at work, please check the appropriate box to indicate person's present employment status. If unemployed or retired, indicate the person's previous employment status.

[] 1 Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 2 Self-employed, without paid employees
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)
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Appendix 1

Q.19 through Q.23: Employment
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 19-23) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These questions should be answered for all persons aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 21 April, 1976). Answers in respect of persons aged younger than 15 should be ignored.

Q.21: Employment status
An answer is required here for persons in Category 1, 3, or 6 at Question 19. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The answers supplied should relate to the Occupation given at Question 20. Note that the term "Employee" should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if she is assisting a relative. If, however, she is assisting a relative without receiving a fixed wage or salary, s/he should be described as "Assisting relative". Members of religious orders should be described as "Employees". Persons without any paid employees, even though assisted by relatives who are not receiving fixed wages, should be described as "Self employed, without employees". Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should also be described as "Self employed, without employees", while persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should be described as "Self employed, employing others". Persons employed to manage commercial concerns should be described as "Employee" (thus, a person whose occupation is "Managing director" is an "Employee").

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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[Questions 15-24 were asked of persons 15 years and over]

Q.20 Employment status

It at work, please check the appropriate box to indicate person's present employment status. If unemployed or retired, indicate the person's previous employment status.
[] 1 Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 2 Self-employed, without paid employees
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)
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Questions which cover persons 15 years and over

Q.20: Employment Status
An answer is required here for persons who ticked boxes 1,3 or 6 at Question 18. Note that the term 'Employee' should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if he/she is assisting a relative. However, if a person is assisting a relative without receiving a fixed wage or salary, he/she should tick box 4. Priests, nuns, brothers etc. should be described as 'Employees'. Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should tick box 2. Persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should tick box 1. Persons employed as managing directors should tick box 3.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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[Questions 20-26 apply to people aged 15 and over]

25 If you are:

  • Working for payment or profit (Q24 box 1)
  • Unemployed (Q24 box 3)
  • retired (Q24 box 6)

Answer the following questions about your main job or your last main job if you are not currently employed. Otherwise skip to Q32.

26 Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed in your main job?

Your main job is the job in which you usually work(ed) the most hours

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 3 Self-employed, without paid employees
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)

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Questions 26 to 31 are to be answered by persons who are working for payment or profit, unemployed or retired (i.e., those who have ticked boxes 1, 3, or 6 for question 24).

26. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed in your main job?

Your main job is the job in which you usually work(ed) the most hours

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 3 Self-employed, without paid employees
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)

Question 26 is used in the analysis of people's employment. This information is used to show potential growth in business and employment.

Guidelines on answering question 26:
  • The term "Employee" should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if he/she is assisting a relative. However, if a person is assisting a relative without receiving a fixed wage or salary, he/she should 4 "Assisting relative"
  • Priests, nuns, brothers, etc. should 1 "Employee"
  • Persons employed as managing directors should 1 "Employee"
  • Persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should 2 "Self-employed, with paid"
  • Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should 3 "Self-employed, without paid".

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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B. Person Form

27. If you are:

- working for payment or profit (Q26 box 1)
- unemployed (Q 26 box 3)
- retired (Q26 box 6)

Answer the following questions about your main job or your last main job if you are not currently employed. Otherwise, skip to Q34.

28. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed in your main job? Your main job is the job in which you usually work(ed) the most hours.

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 3 Self- employed, without paid employees
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)
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Questions 28 to 33 are to be answered by persons who are working for payment or profit, unemployed or retired (.i.e. Those who have ticked boxes 1, 3, or 5 for question 26).

Question 28 is used in the analysis of people's employment. This information is used to show potential growth in business and employment.

28. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed in your main job?

Your main job is the job in which you usually work(ed) the most hours.
[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 3 Self- employed, without paid employees
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)

Some guidelines on answering question 28:

  • The term 'Employee' should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if he/she is assisting a relative. However, if a person is receiving a fixed wage or salary, they should tick box Assisting relative.
  • Priests, nuns, brothers, etc. should tick box Employee
  • Persons employed as managing directors should tick box Employee
  • Persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should tick Self-employed, with paid employees
  • Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should tick Self-employed, without paid Employees

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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23. If you are aged under 15
Go to Q34
[Questions 24-33 were asked for persons age 15+.]
28. If you are working, unemployed or retired, go to Q29.
If you are a student, go to Q34.
Otherwise, go to Q35.

[Q29-Q33 were asked for persons who were working, unemployed or retired.]

29. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed in your main job?

Your main job is the job in which you usually work(ed) the most hours.
Mark one box only.

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 3 Self-employed, without paid employees
[] 4 Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)
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Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

Persons who are working should answer questions 29, 30, 32 and 34.

Persons who are retired should answer questions 29 and 30 only.

Persons who are unemployed should answer questions 29, 30 and 32 only.

All other persons should not answer any of the questions 29, 30, 32, 33 or 34.

Question 29. Question 29 is used in the analysis of people's employment. The information is used to show potential growth in business and employment.

Retired and unemployed people should answer question 29 based on the work they did last.

Priests, nuns, brothers etc. should mark 'employee'.

Persons employed as managing directors should mark 'employee'.

Persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should mark 'self-employed with paid employees'.

Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should mark 'self-employed without paid employees'.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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29. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed in your main job?

Your main job is the job in which you usually work(ed) the most hours. Mark one box only

[] 1. Employee
[] 2. Self-employed, with paid employees
[] 3. Self-employed, without paid employees
[] 4. Assisting relative (not receiving a fixed wage or salary)
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

Persons who are working should answer questions 29, 30, 32 and 34.

Persons who are retired should answer questions 29 and 30 only.

Persons who are unemployed should answer questions 29, 30 and 32 only.

All other persons should not answer any of the questions 29, 30, 32, 33 or 34.

[Question 29: Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed in your main job?]

Question 29 is used in the analysis of people's employment. The information is used to show potential growth in business and employment.

Retired and unemployed people should answer question 29 based on the work they did last.

[The original document includes an image below.]

Priests, nuns, brothers etc. should mark 'Employee'.

Persons employed as managing directors should mark 'Employee'.

Persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should mark 'Self-employed with paid employees'.

Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should mark 'Self-employed without paid employees'.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_CLASSWKR — Class of worker
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

7. Work activity
[Questions 7.1 to 7.12 were asked of those who worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker.]

To answer questions from 7.1 to 7.12, refer to the main work activities (activities where the greater number of hours were worked)

7.5 Indicate whether the person works as

[] 1 Employee or other subordinate position [Skip to question 7.7]
[] 2 Entrepreneur [Answer question 7.6]
[] 3 Professional [Answer question 7.6]
[] 4 Own-account worker [Answer question 7.6]
[] 5 Member of producers and/or services cooperative [Skip to question 7.9]
[] 6 Contributing family worker [Skip to question 7.9]

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7. Work activity
Answer question 7.1 and question 7.12 by referring to the main job carried out during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001).
The term main work activities refers to the job where the greatest number of working hours was employed.
Employed persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), did not work because they were on vacation, illness, on income support, on leave of absence etc., must refer to the main job usually performed.
Persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), changed job must refer to their new job carried out at the end of that week.

Question 7.5
Employee or other subordinate position: anyone working, with or without a contract, for a public or private employer, and receives compensation under the form of wages, salary, reimbursement of expenses, payment in kind, food, accommodation, etc.
Entrepreneur: anyone who manages their own business (agriculture, industry, commerce, services, etc.) and hires employees.
Professional: anyone who practices a profession or liberal arts (notary public, lawyer, dentist, building engineer, etc.).
Own-account worker: anyone who runs a farm, a small industrial or commercial firm, an artisans shop, a store or public service, in which he participates manually. This category also includes farmers, sharecroppers, etc., anyone working from the home directly for the consumer and not on commission to any company.
Member of a producer and/or services cooperative: anyone who is a member of a cooperative that produced goods and/or provides services, regardless of the field in which the cooperative operates, in other words, he who does not receive remuneration based on a work contract, but payment in proportion to the service provided and/or share of company profits.
Contributing family worker: anyone who helps a household member with their independent activity, without a regular work agreement or contract (for example, a wife who help her storekeeper husband in the shop, a son who helps his father on the farmer).

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_PAIDWKR — Have paid employees
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

7. Work activity
[Questions 7.1 to 7.12 were asked of those who worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker.]

To answer questions from 7.1 to 7.12, refer to the main work activities (activities where the greater number of hours were worked)

7.6 Indicate if there are paid workers

[Question 7.6 was asked of those who worked as entrepreneur, professional, or own-account worker.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Skip to question 7.9]

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7. Work activity
Answer question 7.1 and question 7.12 by referring to the main job carried out during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001).
The term main work activities refers to the job where the greatest number of working hours was employed.
Employed persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), did not work because they were on vacation, illness, on income support, on leave of absence etc., must refer to the main job usually performed.
Persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), changed job must refer to their new job carried out at the end of that week.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

In your answers to question 6.6 through 6.12 refer to your primary work activity only. If you are not working at present, refer to your most recent job.

6.6 What type of work do (did) you do?

[] 1 As an employee [go to question 6.7]
A job based on:
[] 2 Continuous coordinated collaboration (project-based or otherwise) [skip to question 6.9]
[] 3 Occasional work [skip to question 6.9]
Independent work as:
[] 4 Business owner [skip to question 6.8]
[] 5 Freelance professional [skip to question 6.8]
[] 6 Self-employed worker [skip to question 6.8]
[] 7 Member of a cooperative [skip to question 6.9]
[] 8 Family worker [skip to question 6.9]
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

In your answers to questions 6.6-6.12:

- Individuals with more than one job should answer in reference to their primary work activity only. Primary work activity is the job with the most work hours or the one (if you work an equal number of hours for different jobs) that provides the most income.
- Employed individuals who did not work during the week prior to the survey date (October 02nd-08th) because of a holiday, illness, CIG, leave of absence, etc., should refer to the job that usually represents their primary work activity.
- If you are not working at present, refer to the last job you had.
Question 6.6
Employment: work performed for a public or private employer (with or without a contract) in exchange for compensation in the form of wages, salary, reimbursement of expenses, payment in kind, food, lodging, etc.

This also includes:

-paid apprentices and trainees (paid work placements, fellowships, research grants), in other words, individuals whose work is a combination of training, practice and work;
- workers hired by a temporary employment agency;
- home workers who work on commission for one or more businesses.

Continuative and coordinated collaborative work (project-based or otherwise): work relating to one or several specific projects, programs or phases thereof. This contract type is characterized by the independence of the collaborator and mutual coordination with the contractor for provision of services. The worker may provide their services to multiple contractors (unless otherwise specified in the individual contract).

Occasional work: in this type of contract, the worker commits to providing the contractor with a job or service while retaining full organizational and operational autonomy without any administrative subordination. While this type of service is classified as occasional because of the fact that the relationship terminates after the agreed result has been achieved, the relationship is not necessarily a short-term one. Registration with INPS (the social security institute) is unnecessary due to the occasional nature of the relationship. Social security payments are not required, therefore, and the taxation involved is income tax, or IRPEF (20% withholding of the due amounts). This work category does not require a written contract, and there is no obligation to apply workplace safety regulations or any other legislation applying to other workers.

Business owner: self-employed manager of a business (agriculture, industry, commercial, services, etc.) which employs staff. With at least one employee working for them, the business owner?s main work is the organization and management of business activities. If direct involvement in the productive process is their primary work (in addition to organizing and managing the activity), then it is more appropriate to check box 6 ("Self-employed worker"). For example, a metalsmith who has his own workshop where he employs an assistant to help him, the primary activity is more about the metalwork itself than management of the workshop.

Freelance professional: works for him/herself in a professional capacity or in the liberal arts (notary, lawyer, dentist, construction engineer, etc.) in which intellectual work or effort is predominant. Freelance professionals may or may not be registered in an official roster of practicing professionals.

Self-employed worker: manager of a farm, small industrial or retail business, craftwork studio, shop or public service who contributes his/her own manual labor. This category also includes farmers, tenant farmers and similar who work directly from their own home on behalf of consumers, and not on commission for businesses. Self-employed workers may or may not have their own employees. What distinguishes them from business owners is how their direct involvement in the productive process predominates over their management-related tasks and responsibilities. If the worker has employees and the organization and management represents their primary activity, then it is more appropriate to check box 4 ("Business owner").

Member of a cooperative: an active member of any cooperative that produces goods and/or provides services, regardless of the specific type of activity involved, and whose compensation is proportional to services and/or share of business profits as opposed to contract-regulated payments.

Family worker: an individual who helps another family member who is self-employed without any contract-regulated work relationship (e.g. a wife helping her shopkeeper husband or a son helping his farmer father).

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_WKDEPN — Has paid employees
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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

In your answers to question 6.6 through 6.12 refer to your primary work activity only. If you are not working at present, refer to your most recent job.

6.8 Did (do) you have paid employees?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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In your answers to questions 6.6-6.12:

- Individuals with more than one job should answer in reference to their primary work activity only. Primary work activity is the job with the most work hours or the one (if you work an equal number of hours for different jobs) that provides the most income.
- Employed individuals who did not work during the week prior to the survey date (October 02nd-08th) because of a holiday, illness, CIG, leave of absence, etc., should refer to the job that usually represents their primary work activity.
- If you are not working at present, refer to the last job you had.

Netherlands 1960 — source variable NL1960A_CLASSWK — Economic status
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For wage-earners and salaried workers (incl. company directors, directors of co-operatives and the like) and for workers in a family business

Answer questions 6 up to and including 9 and, if applicable, also question 11. If in compulsory military service for initial training, answer question 6a only.

6(a). In what occupation are you employed? ____
See separate explanatory leaflet.

Not to be answered with a general designation.

If in civil or military service besides occupation, give also rank.

If in compulsory military service for initial training, write "initial training" and rank.

6(b). Illustrate kind of occupation by a short description of the activities performed. ________
See separate explanatory leaflet.

Netherlands 1971 — source variable NL1971A_CLASSWK — Economic status
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Questions to be answered by all persons

6a. Is he/she engaged in economic activity?

[] Yes
[] No

b. If not, is he/she
[] Homemaker in own household or in that of own parents
[] Pensioned, living from interest
[] Pupil or student
[] Unemployed, looking for job
[] No job for other reasons

11. What has been his/her main source of livelihood in 1970?

[] Income from
[] Economic activity
[] Property or other investment
[] Pension (of any kind)
[] Benefit or assistance
[] Support by husband, parents or the like (alimony)

Questions to be answered for economically active persons only (if looking for a job or on lay off from a job, turn to page 7)

2. Is he/she active in this occupation/function as

[] Employee for salary, wages or commissions
[] Self-employed person in own business
[] Working in family business or farm (e.g. as spouse, child, brother)

If he/she is self-employed in his/her own business or is employed as managing or supervising employee:
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Question 6a [Engaged in economic activity]
Check the box yes if the person involved:
If the person in the last week has worked for his/herself or his/her own company, had a job with a paycheck or working at a public workplace (also if the person was absent because of health, vacation, strikes, closing of company or other reasons).

If the person in the last month has worked regularly or once in a while in the company of the husband, father or other family member (also if no salary or compensation has been received) or has worked as: survey giver, laborer, family help, sales person, waiter, newspaper deliverer; in another part time job for housewives, students or retirees; for a temporary agency or such.

Is in training and receiving a salary or compensation for example a nursing student, learning in a trainee program (Bemetel, Smecoma, Vam, Voc etc.) at a retraining workplace or with the land-, sea-, air-force or police.
Temporary in military service.

Question 6b [Non-work activity]
Check every box that applies!
Check the box underneath unemployed, seeking employment if the person involved
Does not have a job nor has looked for a job in the last month by applying or advertised.

Is registered with an employment agency.

Question 11 [Source of livelihood]
Watch out! The most prominent source during the whole year of 1970 is being asked. Check ONLY one box! Check the box underneath:

Income from profession

If the income in 1970 has primarily come from wages, salary, allowance, commissions, income from freelance profession, revenue from own company, unemployment benefits or benefits from the illness law.

Income from financial securities
If the total income from dividends, interest, rental, leasing, payment of land from a life-insurance policy or such in 1970 was larger than other income sources.

Pension, A.O.W, A.W.W, Annuity
If the total income from old age-, widow-, orphan pension, disability pension, annuity or such in 1970 was larger than from other sources.

Social security, study allowances
If the total income from a payment according to the social security agreement, the law of the inability to work (WAO) and/or other payments from community, church, social institution, from scholarships or interest-free advance in 1970 was larger that from other sources. Also check for foster children i.e. where the custody association or other instance where a share in means of support is paid.

Supported by spouse, parents, caretakers
If in 1970 no individual income was enjoyed or if the sustenance in 1970 mainly was accounted by the spouse, ex-spouse (alimony), parents, children, guardian or such. So also check for children at boarding schools and students whereby sustenance and study costs are paid by parents.

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_CLASSWK — Economic status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Netherlands 2011 — source variable NL2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_CLASSWK — First type of employment (of person providing support)
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17 to 20 - Main employment
[Questions 17-20 were asked of the respondent's main employment.]

19. Type of employment ____

(Please write in one of the types given)

Commissioner (commission-merchant)
Member of productive cooperative
User of farm
Worker on own account
Aiding in work of ____ (write in the relevant successive number of person enumerated)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
52. Type of employment (please write in one of the types given in footnote xxxx) (Question 19) [p.71]
1. Each of the surveyed individuals shall have a type of employment indicated, basing on the terms provided at the bottom of third page of the A form.
2. "Employee" shall be indicated for all the individuals who are employed (hired) on the basis of an employment agreement, designation, or choosing and receive a set wage.
3. "Commissioner" or "Commission-worker" shall be written down for:

The individuals obtaining payment from a commission fund that is for those who have commission agreements concluded, in the case of which the wage depends of the amount of sold goods or provided services, for example: vendors in the "Ruch" kiosks, milk deliverers, cattle supervisors, etc.
The individuals working on the basis of flat-rate commission that is for those who are not employed by communal companies, but by a company with which the flat-rate commission agreement has been concluded for retail commerce, managing a gastronomy-related unit, etc.

4. "Home-worker" shall be indicated for all the individuals processing given raw materials transforming them into ready-made products in their own houses. It shall be checked if they sell the goods on their own or send them back to the company hiring them.
5. "Member of productive cooperative" shall be indicated for all the members of agricultural productive cooperatives. Commissioners employed in such cooperatives shall be referred to as "workers".
6. "User of farm" shall be indicated for individuals, who:
- Manage their own agricultural holding, in agriculture, horticulture, etc.
- Are the members of collective agricultural allotments and work together with other countrymen or share machinery and equipment.
7. "Worker on own account" shall be indicated for:
Individuals operating their own workshop, manufacture (for example, knitting, hairdressing), shop, stall ,etc.

- Individuals who fish on their own account as professional anglers,
- Individuals who are engaged in private tutoring or lecturing,
- Individuals driving their own taxi, cab, hackney, etc.
- Individuals selling goods on their own account, also on the streets and by means of stalls,
- Individuals being the representatives of so-called independent professions, for example writers, musicians, artists, practitioners (working on own account). For practitioners specifying employment in communal healthcare, as their main source of maintenance shall have working on their own account specified as their second source of maintenance.

8. "Aiding in work of?" shall be indicated for the individuals helping other members of the family in a regular basis and without set payment. Additionally, the number of the person being supported shall also be specified, for example: "Aiding in work of no. 01".
Nevertheless, if the said individual does not work without payment but there is a set wage for his or her support specified, then he or she shall not be considered a supported but a worker.
The fact of not receiving separate payment for the work in the same time points to the said supporting person being provided for by other members of the household and therefore, the supporters and the supported individuals shall be registered in the same household.
Therefore, a person who supports the family members without payment but lives in a different household shall not be considered a supporter but rather a hired worker, as he or she does not belong to the same household, the supported individual is the member of.
9. "Clergyman" shall be indicated for priests and monks of all religions.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_CLASSWK — Main employment type
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Census of population (inhabitants)

14-23 Source of income

14-17 Main employment

17. Write in the name of the working post in the working establishment listed above. Specify performed activities and duties ____

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Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

34. Status (kind of activity) (question 16) [p.31]
Every working person should have his working specification indicated:
'1. Socialized agriculture worker' -- should be used for individuals employed for a set workload in national companies, collective companies, social organizations, political organizations and in companies governed by these companies.

'2. Non-socialized agriculture worker' -- should be indicated for individuals:

- Employed in private companies (for example by manufacturers or in individual agricultural holdings), house helps.
- Employed in foreign companies or companies for Polish immigrants.
- Working in religious organizations, and in companies governed by these organizations (for example in monastery agricultural holdings).
- Individuals serving as religious leaders should have the symbol.
'2. Clergy' indicated.

'3. Franchise owner' should be indicated for individuals:

- Working in a lump sum-based organization, operating, for example on a retail market, services or gastronomy.
- Receiving payments from franchise fund, for example kiosk sellers, milk suppliers, slaughter animals' surveyors.
- Individuals employed by franchise owners.

'4. Home worker' -- should be indicated for individuals, who have some raw materials delivered by companies, and they assemble or process them in their houses, transferring to contractors after finishing.

'5. Production collective's member' -- should be indicated for all production collectives' members.

'6. Agricultural holding user' 'Agricultural allotment user' -- should be indicated for individuals, who are earning for their maintenance by working on their own expense in own (own, leased or used in any other way) agricultural holding (garden, orchard, etc.), as agricultural production manager.

Agricultural housing or allotment's user should be specified on the basis of self-evaluation of inhabitants or registered dwelling. Individual, who will define himself as agricultural holding's user (agricultural allotment), should have at least 3 months workload specified in the question number 20.

'7. Working on ones' own expense' -- should be indicated for individuals, who have their own industrial workshop (manufacturing workshop), shop, stall, workshop, they are earning by driving their own taxi, are performing so called free professions (artists, writers, doctors with their own practice) or are tutoring individually.

'8. Work supporter' - should be indicated for all individuals, which supports family member in managing the agricultural holding (plot) or in any other work performed on one's own expense without any specified payment. It should be noted that individuals learning in day schools shouldn't be considered as supporters while managing agricultural holding (allotment). Workload of the supporter indicated in the question number 20 should be longer than 3 months.

The fact of not receiving any set payments by the supportive family member automatically shows his mutual persistence with an individual working on his own expense, or with an user of the agricultural holding (plot), which results in a situation, that the supporter and supervisor should be registered in one household.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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19. Did you perform any work providing earnings or income or did you help pay in a family business?
If the answer is: 1 or 2 - go to question 20; 3 - go to question 25; 4 - go to question 28

[] 1 Yes, go to question 20
[] 2 You temporarily didn't work due to illness, vacation, lay-off, strike etc., but you did have a job (did not concern contributing family members) in reference week (from May 13th to May 19th), go to question 20
[] 3 No, go to question 25
[] 4 Lack of response (concerns persons staying abroad), go to question 28
20. Were you employed during the reference week as (concerns the week from May 13th to 19th):
[] 1 Full-time paid-employee
[] 2 Part-time paid-employee
[] 3 Employer
[] 4 Own-account worker (without employees)
[] 5 Agent (in all kind of agencies)
[] 6 Members of agricultural production co-operative
[] 7 Contributing family worker
[] 8 Clergyman/woman
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Question 19. Did you perform any work providing earnings or income or did you help without pay in a family business? [p. 38]

page 11

1. Answer 1. yes concerns persons, who in the week of research -- 13 May to 19 May 2002 did for at least 1 hour any work providing earnings or income (in cash or in kind) or helped without pay in a family business or family agricultural farm.

Answer 1 concerns also persons serving in the army or being working abroad.

2. Answer 2. concerns persons who are employed (i.e. have a formal agreement with an employer) or have their own business, but in the week of research did not spend even 1 hour working due to: illness, taking care of an ill child or any other member of the family, maternity leave, holidays, strike, weather conditions preventing them from working etc.

3. Classifying a person as working (answer 1 or 2) the fat of having an agreement with an employer not the king of the contract should be taken into account. A working person is also a person that is doing the work without any formal agreement (grey area). Even if a person is registered as unemployed but did some work in the week of research, he/she should be treated as working.

4. Answer 3. no concerns also persons, who usually help in a family business but did not serve any help in the time between 13 May and 19 May 2002.

5. Answer 4. lack of response concerns persons staying temporarily abroad, especially in the case when no relevant information can be collected from the members of the family.

6. In case an employee stays on unpaid or parental leave, the length of the leave should be taken into consideration. If the leave (unpaid or parental) lasts up to 3 months answer 2 should be indicated, if the leave is longer than 3 months -- the correct answer is answer 3.

Question 20. Were you employed during the reference week (13th to 19th May 2002) as... [p. 39]

Answer 1 or 2 concerns employees. They are:
Persons employed on the basis of a job contract (also if the payment is in kind)

Persons working on commission or employed on the basis of order agreement,

Persons doing the home employment,

Students who are being trained for the profession if they receive an income.
Full-time paid-employee (answer 1)-- a person who works full-time, but the number of hours worked a week depends on the regulations concerning a profession

Full-time paid-employees are also workers who work shorter than the typical number of hours due to special legal regulations (e.g. concerning work in a toxic surrounding) or persons serving in the army on a compulsory basis.
Page 12
If a work was done on the basis of order agreement, commission or was home employment a person working full time is a person who worked at least 36 hours in a reference week (13th to 19th May 2002).

A person helping in a family business or working in a family farm can also be classified as an employee.

Answer 3. employer means a person running his/her own business either in agriculture or not, registered or not who employs workers on the basis of permanent job contract.

If a married couple or relatives run the business together only one of the persons can be classified as an employer, the others should be classified as own-account workers. (not employing people) or contributing family workers.

Answer 5. agent (in all kinds of agencies) concerns persons who work on the basis of agency contract/agreement or who run an outpost on the basis of order agreement. The persons employed by an agent are classified as employees regardless the legal form of their job contract.

Answer 7. contributing family worker concerns persons who live in the same household and help in family business (also in agriculture) without being paid.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_CLASSWK — Professional situation
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

24. Professional situation

The profession you indicated as your main occupation was performed as:

[] 1 Employer (with one or more employees)
[] 2 Own-account worker
[] 3 Contributing family worker
[] 4 Employee
[] 5 Member of a production cooperative
[] 6 Other situation

Question 24 - Professional situation

  • Own-account worker: refers to the individual who works on his own and usually does not have paid workers, although he can receive help from family member whom he does not pay.
  • Contributing family worker: refers to the individual who works at least 15 hours per week in a family economic activity, without receiving payment.
  • Employee: refers to the individual who works for another person, firm, or organization in exchange for a wage. Workers in production cooperatives choose this option.
  • Member of a production cooperative: refers to the member of a production cooperative, where he works. This option includes, also, workers of self-managed firms.
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 16.
Only individuals 12 years of age or older answer the next questions.
[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

Question 24 - Professional situation

Important: Only the individuals who answered the previous question answer this question.

With this question, we intend to know the condition of those working, in other words, we intend to know the dependency relations in which the work is done.

If the enumerated was unemployed but looking for a new job, or doing the compulsory military service (but before that had a job) on the week of reference, he must indicate the situation he was in on the last profession he had.

The unemployed looking for their first job and individuals doing the compulsory military service but who did not had a job before do not answer this question, like they did not answer the previous one.

The profession you indicated as your main occupation was performed as:

Employer - is the owner, partner or major shareholder; has his main occupation in the company or agricultural exploitation.

Own-account worker - Is the individual who works on his own and does not have any paid employee, but might have unpaid family help.

Contributing family worker - Is an individual who worked on a family economic activity without payment for 15 hours or longer on the week of reference.
If a family individual worked less than 15 hours they do not answer this question.

Employee - Is the individual who works for somebody else and, for that, receives payment.

Member of production co-operative - If a person is a partner of a production cooperative and if he works in it as with his main occupation.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

[Questions 18-28 were asked of individuals of age 12+]

[Questions 21-24 were asked of individuals who currently have a job (answers 1 and 2 in question 19) and to those not having a job at the moment, but express the desire to work (answers 1 to 8 from question 20.2)]

22.2. Indicate the status in employment regarding the occupation you stated in question 21.

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Own-account worker
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Contributing family worker
[] 6 Compulsory military service
[] 7 Member of a producer's co-operative
[] 9 Other situation

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 17.
[Applies to questions 18-28]

Attention: Questions 21 to 24 are only for individuals who currently have a job (answers 1 and 2 in question 19) and to those not having a job at the moment express the desire to work (answers 1 to 8 from question 20.2).

Question 22.2: Indicate the status in employment in the occupation you stated in question 21.

With this question we intend to know the condition of those individuals who work towards their own work, or in other words we intend to know the dependency relations in which the work is done.

If the individual was unemployed during the week of reference, he must indicate the situation he was in on the last profession he had.

If the individual performed more than one activity during the week of reference, he must indicate the one that occupied him the most.

Employer is the owner, partner or major shareholder and has his main occupation in the company or agricultural exploration.

Employee is the individual who works for others and receives payment in exchange.

Own-account worker is the individual who works on his own and usually does not have any employee.

Unpaid family worker is an individual who works on a family economic activity without payment for 15 hours or longer on the week of reference.
If an individual worked longer than 15 hours without payment on a family economic activity, being simultaneously a student or a homemaker, the individual falls into these other categories.

Compulsory military service: individuals who are on compulsory military service during the census moment.

Member of a producers' cooperative: If the individual is a partner of a cooperative organization and if he/she worked in there as his/her main occupation, the workers that employed and paid for by a cooperative fall under the category of "Employee."

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_CLASSWK — Employment condition
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[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

[Questions 17 to 23 were asked of persons age 15+ who ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 13]

23. Please answer the questions 23.1 to 23.6 if you are employed or looking for a new job. If it is not the case, go to 24.
[Questions 23.1-23.6 were asked of persons age 15+ who are employed or looking for a new job, ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3, 13, and 19]

23.4. Indicate the status in employment in the occupation you stated in question 23.1:

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Own-account worker
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Contributing family worker
[] 5 Compulsory military service
[] 6 Member of a producers co-operative
[] 7 Other situation

Question 23.4 - Indicate the status in employment in the occupation you stated in Question 23.1

Boss/Employer - If you are the owner, partner or majority shareholder of a company or agricultural holding in which you practice your main occupation and normally have one or more paid workers in your employ.

Own-account worker - If you work for your own account or in partnership and do not normally have paid workers in your employ.

Employee - If you work for another person, company, the State, etc., and receive payment for this work. Workers employed on "Collective Farms" tick this box.

Contributing family worker - if you work 15 or more hours per week in a household economic activity, without receiving payment, tick this box.

Compulsory military service - If you are performing compulsory military service.

Member of a producers' co-operative - If you are the member of a cooperative for the production of goods or services and engage in your main occupation there, tick this response. This heading also includes workers in worker-controlled businesses. The employees and salaried workers of a cooperative, who are not its members, tick the box "Employee".

Other situation - If you are in a status in employment other ones the previous described.

If more than one of the above situations to you during the reference week, indicate the one which occupied the most of your time.

If you were unemployed during the reference week, indicate the situation applying to you in the last occupation you held.

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Question 23.4 - Indicate the status in employment in the occupation you stated in question 23.1.

With this question we intend to know the condition of who is working towards their own work.

If the individual was in more than one type of condition during the week of reference he must indicate the one that occupied him the most.

If the enumerated was unemployed on the week of reference he must indicate the situation he was in on the last profession he had.

Employer - is the owner, partner or major share owner and has his main occupation in the company or agricultural exploration.

Own-account worker - Is the individual that works on his own and usually does not have any employee.

Employee - Is the individual that works for other and for that receives payment.

Contributing family worker - Is an individual that worked on a familiar economic activity without payment for 15 hours or longer on the week of reference.

If a family individual worked longer than 15 hours without payment on a familiar economic activity, being a student or a home maker he must sign in that situation.

Compulsory military service - If he is doing the compulsory military service.

Member of a producers co-operative - If is a partner of a cooperative of good production and if you work on it as with your main occupation. The workers that work in a co-operative being paid for that but not being partners sign them selves has employees.

Other situation - when the enumerated does not fit within any of the other modalities of this question.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_CLASSWK — Professional status
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Individual questionnaire

Answer the questions 29 to 35 if you are employed, if you are unemployed and have already worked (use as reference the last occupation held. If you are not in one of the previous situations, go to question 36.

32. Indicate your professional status in the occupation indicated

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Family worker
[] 5 Active member of a producers' co-operative
[] 7 Other situation
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7.2.4. Individual

Questions 29-35 must be answer with reference to the same job

Question 32- Indicate your professional status in the occupation indicated?
[There is an image of question 32]
This question attempts to know the condition of the person who works in their occupation or rather relate the work to the dependence on the person who performs it.
If the person has more than one role, during the week in reference, indicate what took up the most time.
Employer- this is the owner, partner, or main stockholder of the business in which he/she mainly works, and typically has one or more paid employees under his/her supervision.
Self-employed- is a person who works for his/her own accord, or in association with another person and does not have paid employees.
Employee- is a person who works for an employer, business, State, etc. receiving a wage.
A person that does military service, voluntarily or by contract are considered employees.
Family worker- is considered work done for a family member and is not paid, all people who work at least 15 hours during the reference week and that directly contributed to the operation of a family business, farm, or professional office that produced profit and belongs to a relative.
Active member of a producers' co-operative- if the person is a member of a producers' co-operative of goods or services in which his/her main occupation is that must choose this option. This also includes workers for self-managed businesses. Paid employees of a cooperative that were not members must choose the option "employee".
Other situation- This includes all situations not previously mentioned.
For situations in which the difference between employee and self-employed is not clear, you must determine which one is the best fit, according to the work conditions (when and where the job is performed, how much pays, etc.).
In case that the person defines these conditions for themselves, the person is considered self-employed, in cases where the employer defines the conditions, the person is considered an employee.
Therefore, people that receive the so-called "green receipts" even if they are self-employed, must be classified with the option "employee" since they verify the following conditions: set work place
[p. 141]
within an organization, set hierarchy, and defined schedule. In case these conditions are not verifiable, then the answer should be "self-employed".
If a person was unemployed and was looking for work during the week in reference, you must indicate the situation in which the person last worked.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Questions 20-23 are to be completed only by persons who answered 1 or 2 to question 19. For persons looking for another job, the last occupation should be registered

21 Professional status

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Own account
[] 3 Worker
[] 4 Employee
[] 5 Member of cooperative association
[] 6 Unpaid family worker
[] 7 Other situation

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78. Q. 20 - 23 from chapter IV of the form will be completed only for persons who at Q. 19 - "Economic status of the enumerated person" - were classified under code 1 - occupied - or code 2 - seeking another place of work. For the latter (code 2) the previous situation will be recorded at Q. 20-23.

For persons who at Q. 19 had been recorded with one of the codes from 3 to 9, Q. 20-23 will be crossed over with a diagonal line.

Q. 21 Professional status

80. Professional status describes the position of a person related to the way of obtaining income for employment at the work place.

This characteristic will be recorded for all persons registered as having an occupation at Q. 20. Persons looking for another work place (code 2, Q. 19), those temporarily absent from work, as well as those detained or retained for questioning, will be recorded with their previous employment status.

The reporting codes are:

Code 1:Employer, private enterprise owner - for persons working in their own enterprise (commercial company, agency, shop, office, firm etc.) with one or more employees.

Code 2: Own account worker : for persons working in their own enterprise (commercial company, agency, shop, office, firm etc.) or independently, not having any engaged employees, with the exception of possible assistance by un -paid members of the household or relatives. Included here are farmers in their own households, tutors, craftsmen, independent professionals (medical doctors in their own clinic, lawyers, musicians, artists, independent accountants, translators), traders, and independent providers of service laborer (taxi drivers, independent carriers etc.).

Code 3: Employee - engaged - for persons performing an activity in a socio-economic enterprise (regardless of the ownership form) in which the job is based on a contract of work for pay in cash or in kind, or commissions, etc.
Also included here as employees are:
Conscripts on compulsory military service;
Persons permanently engaged by private individuals for housekeeping work (child care or senior care, for domestic work, etc.).

Code 4: Member of a cooperative association - for persons who are active members of an agricultural association or craft , consumption or credit cooperative.

Code 5: Unpaid family worker - for persons who perform an income generating activity in a family economic unit run by a household member, for which the person does not receive remuneration, such as wages, payment in kind, as an employee performing the same activity would receive, and who is a member of the household.

Code 6: Other situation - for persons who can't be classified in the above mentioned categories (codes from 1 to 5).

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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22. Employment status
[] 1 Employee (engaged)
[] 2 Employer, private enterprise owner
[] 3 Working on own account
[] 4 Member of an agricultural company/co-operative
[] 5 Contributing family worker in own household
[] 6 Other employment status

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Status in employment (item 22)

71. Status in employment represents the position of a person related to economical and social performed activity and the way of obtaining the incomes for employment at the working place.

This characteristic will be recorded for all the persons registered as having an occupation at item 21.

The way of recording:
-- The mark x will be written on the code box 1 (employee -engaged)-- for persons performing the activity in an economic or social unit (regardless of the ownership form) and the job is based on work contract for pay in cash or in kind, or bonuses charges (commissions), etc.

They are also considered as employees:

-- the permanent engaged persons by private persons for housekeeping works (baby care, or old man care, for domestic works, etc.);
-- paid engaged persons for job testing;
-- apprentices;
-- the priests and pastors;
-- conscripts on compulsory military services.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 2 (employer, private enterprise owner) -- for persons working on own unit with one or more employees.

Will be considered employer, private enterprise owner:

-- employers on own account but self-employed on their own enterprise;
-- holders having written contracts for renting or concessionary terms related to engaged employees.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 3 (own account worker) for persons working in their own unit, or independently (craftsmen, free professionals, traders, independent services laborer) not having any engaged employees, maybe only helped by non-paid members of the household or relatives.

Will be considered as own account worker:

-- the craftsmen self employed in their working shop (tailors, shoemakers, iron smiths, carpenters, wood-cutters, house-painters, etc.);
-- persons who are performing independent trade activities, on own unit (shop, market stalls, etc.), or as ambulant vendors (on fairs, markets, cattle fairs, streets operators);
-- persons working independent transport services (taxi drivers, independent carriers);
-- free professionals (medical doctors on their own clinic, lawyers, musicians, artists, independent accountants, translators);
-- persons committed on written civil contract basis to perform services to economic or social units;
-- individual farmers (only the heads of the household working on own agricultural farm);
-- holders having written contracts or concessionary terms non-related to any employees;
-- contributing workers for home domestic jobs (cleaning, ironing, washing, wood-cutting, children care, old men care, sick men care, etc.).

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 4 (member of an agricultural company/cooperative) -- for persons members of an agricultural company, or the craft cooperative, consumption cooperative or credit cooperative, achieving non-wage incomes.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 5 (contributing family worker to the own household) -- for the persons who usually are aiding a member of the household, either this is working on its own commercial enterprise, or is working on own account, but who are not receiving wages for their activity (unpaid family aid). To this category are also included the family members of the individual farmer who are working for own household.

[p. 54]

-- The mark x will be written on the cassette of the code 6 (other situation) -- for persons who are not possible to be classified on the above mentioned categories (for instance occasional day -- laborer).

Particular situation: the persons temporarily absent from the working place (see paragraph 67), and unemployed seeking another work will be recorded with the preceding activity status.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Questions 32-36 refer to the main activity. And apply only to a persons whose answer to question 31.1 was different from 0 and persons whose answer to question 30 was "unemployed looking for another job" (code 2). For the latter, the characteristics corresponding to their last job shall be recorded

33. Occupational status

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Self -employed
[] 4 Member of an agricultural company/co-operative
[] 5 (Unpaid) family helper
[] 6 Another situation

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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16. What was your job?
If you had more than one job (gainful occupation), indicate the job (or occupation) which you consider to be the most important.
[] 1 As a paid worker
[] 2 At your own enterprise or business:
[] a Permanently employing workers
[] b Not employing workers or occasionally employing workers
[] c As a member of a production cooperative (workshop)
[] 3 As an unpaid assistant at an enterprise or on a peasant holding or farm belonging to a relative or relatives
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11. Employment

Question 11. Did you perform any work for wage or salary a week before the census?
One of the suggested prompts should be marked for persons over 15 years.
"Yes" - for those in paid employment one week before the census (from October 2 to October 8, 2002) who:
1) Performed work regardless of the time of actual payment for the job:

- Work (at least one hour) for consideration regardless of the type: permanent, temporary, seasonal, odd or other job done for consideration;
- Paid public works;
- Work yielding income (but not for hire) - performed independently or with one or several partners - with or without hired labor;
- Unpaid work at a family enterprise or farm;
[p. 54]
2) Were temporarily not at work, but had a formal attachment to their job (e.g., an interpreter employed by the company awaiting a call).
The reasons of temporary absence from work are the following:

- Illness or injury, nursing care;
- Annual leave or days off, compensatory leave or holiday, overtime or weekend (holiday) compensation;
- Maternity and child rearing leave provided for by the law;
- Studies or retraining outside the place of employment, academic leave;
- Suspension of work with/without leave (holiday premium) on the management's initiative;
- Rotation shift duty or another specific type of the job;
- Strike;
- Other similar reasons.

Students and pensioners in paid employment a week before the census (from October, 2 to October 8, 2002) are deemed employed. Mark the "Yes" option for them.
Those with the "Yes" option marked in question l1, must have an identified source of livelihood indicated in question 10 "income from work (except work at personal subsidiary plots)"
"No" - for those out of work or without a paying job, who were solely:

- Attending a military academy, post-graduate course, doctor's degree course as a full-time student;
- Engaged in own-account production retained by the producer;
- Performing household duties in cleaning the house, cooking for household members, tailoring, repair, laundering and cleaning of clothes for household members, upbringing of children, rearing of the elderly or sick members of the household;
- Rendering services as a volunteer without pay to different persons or charity organizations, parent-teacher associations, veterans' committees, orphanages or old people's homes etc.;
-Owning stock of enterprises or companies without direct participation in the economic activity of the enterprise or company;
-Engaged in mendicancy, collection of empty bottles etc.
[p. 55]
The "No" option should be also chosen for those who did not have a job or a paying employment during the week preceding the enumeration point of time.
Ask the persons with the "Yes" option. "What is your status at your primary job?" Inform the respondent of all the prompts and let him/her choose the appropriate answer.
If a respondent had more than one job (paying occupation), ask him/her to identify a job he/she him/herself considers to be the primary job.
If the respondent finds difficulty in identifying the primary job, it is the one where he/she worked most of the time, or the one yielding larger income.
Those who changed the main job during the reference week, should identify the job he/she was doing by the end of the week.
Mark one of two suggested prompts.
"Working for hire" - for those who worked under a written agreement, contract or verbal agreement concluded with the management of an enterprise, organization or institution of any form of ownership, or with a private employer, and were remunerated by a wage or salary (in cash or in kind). The same option should be chosen for:

- Persons elected, appointed or commissioned as manager, or director, or other persons receiving a managerial wage;
- Students receiving a salary;
- Members of the family who worked at a family enterprise for a consideration and enjoyed the same rights and were paid on a par with others performing the same work;
- Ministers of religions.

"Working, but not for hire" - for those who:

- worked at an own enterprise (on an individual basis) with or without hired labor;
- were members of producers' cooperatives (crews);
- worked without pay on a farm, in a producers' cooperative, at a private enterprise (individual or family enterprise) owned by a relative.

The respondents who identified themselves as "Working, but not for hire" should also choose one of the additional prompts:
[p. 56]
"With hired labor" - for those who managed his/her own enterprise or were independently engaged in professional activity or commerce, and used one or more hired workers.
"Without hired labor" - for those who were independently engaged in professional activity or commerce, and did not hire workers.
"Other activity'' for those who were members of a producers' cooperative (crew), i.e. worked at an own enterprise (cooperative) producing commodities or services, where each owner enjoys equal rights with other owners in decision-making on the matters of production, sale and other aspects of the cooperative's activity, investment and distribution of income among the members~ for those who worked without pay on a farm, in a producers' cooperative, at a private enterprise (individual or family enterprise) owned by a relative.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Questions 11.2-11.4 are for the respondents, who had work during the period of October 7-13, 2010

11.2 What is your status at the place of your main occupation?

[] Employee (by agreement, on a contract, on an oral arrangement)
[] Employer (on one's own enterprise or organization, in one's own business)
[] With permanent use of employees' labor
[] Without permanent use of employees' labor
[] Other
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Section 11. Employment and unemployment
Questions of this section are filled in only by the individuals aged 15 to 72 years inclusive.

Questions 11.2 - 11.4 are asked only to those who had a job from 7th to 13th October 2010, i.e. those who marked "yes" as an answer to question 11.1.

Question 11.2. What was your title at the main place of work?
Question 11.2 is filled only by those with "yes" in question 11.1 field.
Mark "employed (under an agreement, contract or according to the oral agreement)" shall be put if respondent worked by a written agreement, a labor agreement, contract or according to the oral agreement, concluded with the administration of an enterprise (organization, institution) of any form of ownership or with a private employer (with making a record in a work-book or without it) for a reward in the form of remuneration of labor (in the monetary or natural form). This mark is also put for:

- Elected, appointed or approved managers, directors and other individuals who get salary as a manager of organization, enterprise, institution;
- Apprentices and trainees, who get wages;
- Members of a family who worked for a family-run company for salary and had the same rights, were paid the same way as others, who did the same work;
- Insurance agents;
- Servicemen;
- Ministers of various religions.

The mark "self-employed (own business or organization)" shall be put for those who:

- Worked at his/her own enterprise, organization or business and attracted employees or worked without them;
- Was a member of a production cooperative (artel);
- Worked without payment in a small peasant farm, in a production cooperative (individual and family) owned by a relative.

Those, who put a mark "self-employed (own business or organization)" also need to put a mark relevant to one of three following prompts:
"With hiring employees" will be marked by an employer who ran his/her own enterprise (organization, business) or was engaged in independent professional or commercial activities and hired one or more employees. The respondent could hire employees by a written contract or oral agreement, full-time or seasonally, for a certain or indefinite period of time, for a certain or indefinite volume of work and services.
"Without hiring employees" - will be marked by an individual (private) entrepreneur who was engaged in independent professional or commercial activities and did not hire employees or hired them on case basis.
"Another" will be marked by members of a production cooperative (artel), who worked without payment in a small peasant farm or individual (family) enterprise owned by a relative.
For example, if a respondent worked as a taxi-driver for a taxi park, he shall put a mark "employed (under an agreement, contract or according to the oral agreement)", and if he was occupied with a private cabbing, then he shall mark the prompt "self-employed (own business or organization)" and put a mark "Without hiring employees".
If a respondent has changed his main job within a week of census, this question will refer to work he was doing by the end of the week.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_CLASSWK — Status in employment
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

19. Social category ____

Filled by the econ. active persons and all pensioners; laborers and employees will also specify the sector (state, private, cooperative, mixed); laborer, employee, member of agricultural cooperative, member of production cooperative, employer (with one or more employees), privately operating farmer, self-employed tradesman, person in a liberal profession, helper in a family business, etc.
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Part A - Personal information

Questions 17 to 23
(a) economically active persons, including working pensioners, women on maternity leave, military service soldiers, persons in custody and in jail, and persons assisting (free of charge) in a family business complete all questions
b) pupils and students (including vocational school pupils) do not complete questions 18 and 19
c) other persons dependent on the breadwinner (mainly children, housewives) complete only question 17
d) non-working pensioners complete only questions 17-19.

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_CLASSWK — Status in employment
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Personal form

15. Social group

Employee working for wage, salary, other kind of remuneration
[] In a state enterprise (budgetary organization or contribution organization, state share company or other organization owned by the state)
[] In a private enterprise (at company, at tradesman)
[] In an agricultural cooperative or other cooperative organization
[] At other employer
[] Member of production cooperative
[] Entrepreneur (partner, tradesman) with employees
[] Entrepreneur (partner, tradesman, own account agricultural worker, liberal profession) without employees
[] Helping (non-paid) household member in family enterprise
[] Other non-specified
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Explanations for filling in the personal form

15. Social group
To be filled in by the category working and by working pensioners according to the current job.
Non-working pensioners, unemployed, persons at military service, persons in a prison, persons on maternity (parental) leave according to the last job. Should not be filled in by children up to age 16, apprentices, secondary school students, and university students.

Employees working for wage, salary, other kind of compensation:
Comprises persons with the work relation, for certain, as well as for uncertain time [period], employees appointed or voted in service relation (i.e. armed forces, police, including persons at military services). Also persons employed on the base of agreement upon working activity and of agreement upon carrying out work.
[next page]
Members of production cooperative:
Comprises the members of production, agricultural, or other production cooperatives. Employees of these cooperatives and members of consumer cooperatives.
Entrepreneur (partner, tradesman) with employees entrepreneur (partner, tradesman, own account agricultural worker, liberal profession) without employees:
Comprises persons with or without employees according to their entrepreneur activities. These are persons recorded in business register, in tradesmen register, persons conducting their entrepreneur activities on the base of special regulations (doctors, lawyers, experts, auditors, actors, self-employed farmers, etc.)
Helping (non-paid) household members in a family enterprise:
Comprises persons working on the other base as a legal working relation.
Other non-specified:
Comprises all persons not included in one of previous categories and persons not included in work relation (e.g. graduates) and homekeeping persons.

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_CLASSWK — Status in employment
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A. Data on population

9. Current activity status

[] Professionals (other than pensioners)
[] Working pensioner
[] Person on maternity leave
[] Person on parental leave
[] Unemployed
[] Secondary school student
[] University student
[] Person in household
[] Pensioner
[] Capital gain beneficiary
[] Child under 16 years of age (born after 20.5.1995)
[] Other

11. Status in employment (current or last performed)

[] Employee
[] Entrepreneur with employees
[] Entrepreneur without employees
[] Cooperative member
[] Contributing (unpaid) household member in family business
[] Other
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Census form A. Population data
Census form A. Population data was completed by each member of the household. For a minor citizen or a citizen who could not provide data on his/her own, the data should be provided by their legal representative, a family member or the owner of the house.

Employment status
Employment status is information about the current or last occupational position of a resident in the work process, which corresponds to his current or last performed main job. Employment status was derived from the type of work activity and the form of remuneration for the work performed. The resident should mark one of the following options:

- Employee
For the purposes of the census, a resident with a fixed-term or indefinite period of employment, an employee in service (army and police), appointed or elected. Employees are also residents employed at the decisive point of the census on an agreement to perform work or an agreement of work activity. This group does not include full-time students of secondary schools and universities if they worked on the basis of agreements on work performed outside employment.
- Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur is a person registered in the Commercial Register, in the Trade Register and also a person doing business on the basis of special regulations (a doctor, lawyer, expert, auditor, artist, self-employed farmer, etc.).
- Entrepreneur with employees
This group includes entrepreneurs employing other persons (employees) in the course of their business.
- Entrepreneur without employees
This group consists of entrepreneurs who do not employ any employees in the course of their business (e.g. self-employed entrepreneurs).
- Member of the cooperative
This group includes members of production, agricultural or other production cooperatives if membership of one of the production cooperatives was the only type of work activity they performed.
- Assisting (unpaid) household member in a family business
Assisting (unpaid) household member in a family business is a resident who worked in a family business on a basis other than an employment relationship.
- Other
Other occupational status should be indicated if none of the above options corresponded to the resident's employment position.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Answer questions 13, 14, and 15 only if you answered question 12 with answers 2 (Working) or 4 (Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously).
If the answer to question 12 was 2 (Working), refer to your principal occupation.
If the answer to question 12 was 4 (Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously), refer to your last job before you became unemployed.

15. Which of the following accurately describes your situation?
Mark the corresponding box with an X.

[] 1 Owner, businessman, or professional who employs other personnel
[] 2 Businessman or professional who does not employ other personnel, or a person who is self-employed
[] 3 Member of a production or commercial cooperative, or an employee of such a cooperative
[] 4 Person who has a steady job, either for a salary, or as a day laborer, or working for commissions, or for any other type of remuneration
[] 5 Person who works occasionally or intermittently, either for a salary, or as a day laborer, or working for commissions, or for any other type of remuneration
[] 6 Person who works, without set pay, in the family business owned by members of the household where you live
[] 7 Another situation different from those described above

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Questions 23, 24 and, 25 are to be answered only by those answered the previous question [Number 22] as 2, 4, or 5. Employed persons (answer 2) should refer to their occupation during the week of February 22 to 28. Persons who were unemployed (answer 4) or retired (answer 5) should refer to their last job.

24. Job status
This refers to the person's status in the occupation described in the previous question.

[] 1 Business owner, professional, or self-employed person who employed personnel
[] 2 Business owner, professional, or self-employed worker who did not employ personnel
[] 3 Member of a work cooperative or employee of such a cooperative
[] 4 Person works without pay in the business of a co-resident family member
[] 5 Person who works in a permanent job, for a fixed salary, commissions, daily wage or other type of earnings
[] 6 Person who works sporadically or seasonally, for a fixed salary, commissions, daily wage or other type of earnings
[] 7 Other situation

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Remember: This questionnaire should only be completed if the person is at least 16 years old and was studying or working last week.

7. What is your class of work?
Business owner, professional, or self-employed worker

[] self-employed
[] not self-employed

Salaried, employed by someone else
[] Full-time or indefinite contract
[] occasional or temporary worker

Other situations:
[] Employed in family business
[] member of a cooperative

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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17. What is/was his/her professional situation?
Mark only one option

Entrepreneur, professional or self-employed worker:
[] that employs personnel
[] that doesn?t employ personnel
Employee (of a third party)
[] fixed or indefinite
[] occasional or temporary
Other situations:
[] family help
[] member of a cooperative
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1.D.4 Professional situation

The professional situation refers to the kind of work contract (explicit or implicit) with other people or organizations, that the person has in their work position. The basic criteria used for defining the groups of the classification is the kind of economic responsibility and the type of authority that the person assumes about the establishments and their workers.

Information will be collected about this variable for the people that are 15 years or older that:

Are employed during the reference week
Are unemployed during the reference week, but have been employed at least once in the past.

Categories of this variable:

Self-employed worker with fixed or indefinite character
Self-employed worker with eventual or temporary character
Entrepreneur or professional that employs personnel
Entrepreneur or professional that does not employ personnel
Family help
Members of cooperatives

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_CLASSWK — Position in principal employment
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D. Questions to persons who carry out a profession
[Applies to questions 20-22]

21. Main profession or part time activity:

[Unemployed persons indicate in question 21a and 21b their last employment]

a) What is your present activity (please specify, possibly in note form, e.g. not just factory worker, but e.g. metal polisher, leather preparer; not just "employee" but e.g. punch card operator, general office work):


b) Occupational status, hierarchical grade (unskilled worker, apprentice, foreman, skilled worker, home worker, chief clerk, office manager, tenant farmer, business owner, family member employed in family business, etc.):


c) Name of employer, firm (persons who work for several employers, e.g. home workers, cleaners, should write 'several' only):


d) Branch, line of business (please specify as accurately as possible, e.g. not just "furniture" but "furniture factory" or "furniture dealer"):


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Question 21: Principal or part time occupation
a) Which occupation do you have presently?
It should be noted that the current practiced occupation is requested not the profession learned. This question should be answered as precisely as possible. General entries are to be avoided. Housewives and house daughters who work predominantly as such should enter housewives or housework.

[p. 25]

b) Present occupation, level
Persons who work all or most of the time in a family enterprise are working family members. Home workers are persons who work in their dwelling or another self-selected place for wages for one or more employer. Other possibilities are co-owner, director, master, journey man, and apprentice. Public servants give their position title.

c) Name of employer, company
Public servants enter the name of their office.

d) Branch of economy, industry
The branch of economy should be specific, such as cotton spinning, hosiery knitting, grocery store, etc. Female employees in agriculture should state whether they work predominantly in the household or in agricultural duties.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_CLASSWK — Position in principal employment
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D. Questions to persons who carry out a profession (Numbers 18-20) and housewives (only Number 18c)

19. Main profession or part-time activity:

a. What is your present activity? Please specify, possibly in note form, e.g. not just factory worker, but e.g. metal polisher, electrical winding-machine operator; not just "employee" but e.g. sales-assistant, punch card operator, general office-work.____

b. Occupational status, hierarchical grade: e.g. apprentice, laborer, unskilled worker, home-worker, skilled worker, foreman, chief clerk, shop-foreman, senior bank employee, works manager, tenant-farmer, proprietor, relative employed in family business.____

c. Name of employer, firm ____
[Persons who work for several employers, e.g. home-workers, cleaners, should write 'several' only.]

d. Branch, line of business: please specify as accurately as possible, e.g. not just "furniture" but "furniture factory" or "furniture dealer" ____

E. Questions to pensioners and retired persons

22. Professional status, hierarchical grade____
Examples: see Question 19b

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Question 19: Principal occupation and part time occupation

a) What is your occupation presently?

The current occupation is to be chosen, not the learned profession. The question is to be answered as precisely as possible. The actual occupation, not the position title, is to be entered (see examples on the questionnaire.)

Fulltime housewives and house daughters enter "housewife" or "housekeeping" in question 19a.
Persons working in institutions enter their specific occupation there.

[p. 43]

b) Position at work

Persons who work all or most of the time in a family enterprise are working family members. Home workers are persons who work in their dwelling or another self-selected place for wages for one or more employer.
Other possibilities are, for example, journey man, apprentice, director, co-owner. Public servants give their position title.

c) Name of employer, company

Public servants enter the name of their office.

d) Branch of economy, industry

The branch of economy should be specific, such as cotton spinning, hosiery knitting, grocery store, etc.
Female employees in agriculture should state whether they work predominantly in the household or in agricultural duties.

Questions 21 and 22: Former occupation of retired persons

The analysis of this question is to provide information on health risks and life expectancies of the various professions.

Retired persons state the occupation they had when they retired at the retirement age (men 65, women 62), even so if they might have answered already 19a and b, because they worked beyond the retirement age. If such a job after retirement is different from that before retirement, then the former should be considered for questions 19a and b, and the latter for questions 21 and 22.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_CLASSWK — Position in principal employment
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II. Profession: Questions to employed, unemployed and persons no longer employed

12. Professional status

For employed persons: please indicate your professional status.

For unemployed persons and those no longer employed: please indicate your professional status in your last job:

[] 1 Self-employed (own business, free-lance)
[] 2 Relative employed in family business
[] 3 Employed as apprentice (indentured or not)
[] 4 Employed as manager, executive employee, senior civil servant
[] 5 Employed at middle and lower levels, e.g. as office manager, section head, branch manager/ess, workshop foreman, foreman
[] 6 Employed in another function, e.g. as white-collared worker, blue-collared worker, trainee
[] 7 Other position, namely: ____

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_CLASSWK — Position in principal employment
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Questions 15 and 16 are intended for people in employment and apprentices

15. What is your current professional status?

[] Self-employed without employees (own business, free-lance)
[] Self-employed with employees (own business, free-lance)
[] Relative employed in family business

Employed as:

Indicate your main job (select just one reply)

[] Apprenticeship (indentured or not)
[] Employee in own corporation (e.g. stock corporation, plc)
[] Manager, executive employee, senior civil servant
[] Middle or junior level, e.g. office manager, section head, branch manager, group manager, workshop foreman, foreman
[] White-collar worker, blue-collar worker, trainee

[] Other position, namely: ________

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_CLASSWK — Work status
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Personal questionnaire

11. What is your current labour market situation?

Please tick everything that applies (more than one answer is possible). Casual jobs should also be entered. Tick ''in employment'' if:
- You work at least one hour per week for payment, or;
- You work in a family business without payment, or
- You are temporarily away from work (on holiday, sick leave or paid maternity leave, military / community service) but are otherwise employed or self-employed.

Apprentices should select both ''in employment'' and ''undergoing training.''

[] 1 In full-time employment
[] 2 In part-time employment
[] 3 In several part-time employments
[] 4 Seeking a job (whether or not registered for unemployment insurance)
[] 5 Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 6 Looking after home or family
[] 7 Disabled or partially disabled (e.g. person in receipt of Federal Disability Insurance)
[] 8 Retired (in receipt of AHV (retirement) or other pension), or pensioner in receipt of benefit other than disability insurance
[] 9 Other non-employed situation

[If 1, 2, or 3 is chosen,] average number of hours worked per week: _ _

30. What is the person's occupational status?

Only one answer.

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Only to be completed by persons in employment (incl. apprentices). Refer to the person's main occupation.

Person 2
[] 1 Self-employed or owner of the stock corporation or plc
[] 2 Relative employed in family business
[] 3 Employed as director or board member
[] 4 Employee with managerial responsibility
[] 5 Employee without managerial responsibility (including apprentice)
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "work"
Occupation/participation in the labour market          
- Employment status
- Current occupation
- Status in occupation
- Socio-professional category
- Economic branch, legal status, and size of the enterprise
- Number of hours worked per week, work-time percentage


- Labour market status
- Unemployment rate

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_EMPSTATP — Economic position (primary)
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Answer to the remaining questions are not required for any person under 16 years of age (born after 21st April 1975)
[Applies to questions 13 - 19]

13. Whether working, retired, looking after the home etc. last week
Which of these things was the person doing last week?

Please read carefully through the list and tick all the descriptions that apply.

Casual or temporary work should be counted at boxed 1, 2, 3 or 4. Also tick boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 if the person had a job last week but was off sick, on holiday, temporarily laid off or on strike.
Boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4 refer to work for pay or profit but not to unpaid work except in a family business.
Working for an employer is part time (box 2) if the hours worked, excluding any overtime and mealbreaks, are usually 30 hours or less per week.

[] 1 Was working for an employer full time (more than 30 hours a week)
[] 2 Was working for an employer part time (one hour or more a week)
[] 3 Was self-employed, employing other people
[] 4 Was self-employed, not employing other people
[] 5 Was on a government employment or training scheme
[] 6 Was waiting to start a job he/she had already accepted
[] 7 Was unemployment and looking for a job (Include any person wanting a job but prevented from looking by holiday or temporary sickness)
[] 8 Was at school or in other full time education (Do not count training given or paid for by an employer)
[] 9 Was unable to work because of long term sickness or disability
[] 10 Was retired from paid work
[] 11 Was looking after the home or family
[] Other, please specify ________

[Identification header here]

Please read A below, tick the box that applies and follow the instruction by the box ticked. This will tell you which questions to answer for each person.

[Question A. applies to people who were full or part-time employees or self-employed, with or without employees]
A. Did the person have a paid job last week (any of the boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 ticked at question 13)?
[] Yes. Answer questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 about the main job last week, then go on to question 19. Answer B

B. Has the person had a paid job within the last 10 years?
[] Yes. Answer questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 about the most recent job, then go on to question 19.

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity (last week)
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[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

18. Last week, were you doing any work:
- as an employee, or on a Government sponsored training scheme,
- as self-employed/freelance, or in your own/family business?

[Check] 'Yes' if away from work ill, on maternity leave, on holiday or temporarily laid off.
[Check] 'Yes' for any paid work, including casual or temporary work, even if only for one hour.
[Check] 'Yes' if you worked, paid or unpaid, in your own/family business.

[] Yes -- Go to 24
[] No -- Go to 19

[Questions 19 - 23 were asked of persons who were not doing any work last week.]

19. Were you actively looking for any kind of paid work during the last 4 weeks?

[] Yes
[] No

20. If a job had been available last week, could you have started it within 2 weeks?
[] Yes
[] No

21. Last week, were you waiting to start a job already obtained?
[] Yes
[] No

22. Last week, were you any of the following?

[Check] all boxes that apply.

[] Retired
[] Student
[] Looking after home/family
[] Permanently sick/disabled
[] None of the above

23. Have you ever worked?

[] Yes, please write in the year you last worked _ _ _ _ -- Go to 24
[] No, have never worked -- Go to 36

[Questions 24 - 35 were asked of persons who are currently working or have ever worked.]

25. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed?

[] Employee
[] Self-employed with employees
[] Self-employed/freelance without employees