Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For all persons
[Questions 1-18 were asked of all persons.]

12. Where does [the respondent] habitually live?

[] 1 In this city or rural parish?
[] 2 In another part of the country?

____ Province
____ Canton
____ City or rural parish

[] 3 In another country?

What is the name of the country? ____

For use of INEC

_ _ Province/Country
_ _ Canton
_ _ Parish

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Section 4]

Step 11: Continue with the second part (questions 11 to 13) of section 4, information about the population / B : General characteristics.

[A copy of part of section 4B of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the order sequential of the questions.
  • Remember the leaps in questions 11, 12, and 13.
  • Question 11 must have all of the categories read, like this:

  • Where was (Marco Méndez)born: in this city? , in another place of the country? or in another country?
  • In this example the informant was born in Bolivia, immediately you must ask the year in which he arrived in Ecuador.

  • Question 12 must have the categories read, like this:

  • In what place does (Marco Méndez) habitually live?: in this city?, in another place of the country? , or in another country?
  • In this example the informant lives in this same city, or marks x, in category 1 and continues with the next question.

  • Question 13 must have the categories read, like this:

  • 5 years ago, in what place did (Marco Méndez) habitually live?: in this city? , in another place of the country? or in another country?
  • In this example if the informant lived in another place of the country, mark x, in category 2.
  • Ask, In what Province?, in what county? and in what city or rural parish?
  • For the example, 5 years ago he lived in the province of Guayas, Guayaquil county, and Guayaquil City; write down these names.

(A) You should not register anything in the fields for the use of INEC.

  • Remember that if you are enumerating a child under 5 years of age, you should not ask question 13, just mark x in option 4 and continue with the next question.