Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For all persons
[Questions 1-18 were asked of all persons.]

17. To which indigenous nationality or group/tribe does [the respondent] belong?

[Question 17 was asked of persons who reported identifying as indigenous according to their culture and customs, per question 16.]

Nationalities: Achuar, Awa, Cofan, Chachi, Epera, Waorani, Kichwa, Secoya, Shuar, Siona, Tsáchila, Shiwiar, Zápara, Andoa.

Groups/tribes: Pastos, Natabuela, Otavalo, Karanki, Kayambi, Kitukara, Panzaleo, Chibuleo, Salasaka, Kisapincha, Tomabela, Waranka, Puruhá, Kañari, Saraguro, Paltas, Manta, Huancavilca

[Nationality/group/tribe] ____
For use of INEC _ _

Persons five years old and older, continue to question 19.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Section 4]

Step 12: Continue with the third part (questions 14 to 18) of section 4, information about the population / B: General characteristics

[A copy of part of section 4B of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.
  • Questions 14, 15 and 18 can have multiple answers.
  • If the informant indicates he/she speaks an indigenous language, immediately ask: what indigenous language or dialect do you speak? (question 15.1)
  • If the informant does not know the name of the language that he/she speaks, register that he/she does not know. You should not read the names.
  • Take into account the leaps with questions 16 and 17.
  • You should not register anything in the fields for the use INEC.
  • If in question 16 the informant responds "no", insist that you need an answer and reread the question with its alternatives.
  • If the informant does not know the name of the nationality or indigenous group to which he/she belongs, register does not know. You should not read the names.
  • Question 18 is multiple answer and will be asked regarding children under five years of age.