Questionnaire Text

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Section 3: Money transfers and emigration
[Questions 1-3 were asked for private dwellings.]

2. Since the last population and dwelling census (November 2001), have one or more people who lived in this household traveled to another country without returning to live here permanently?

[] 1 Yes

How many? ___ [continue with 3.1]

[] 2 No [continue with section 4 (Information about the population)]

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[Section 3]

Step 7: Continue with section 3, money transfers and emigration

[A copy of section 3 of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]

(A) If in question 2, there is a positive answer you should register the amount in the corresponding box.

  • Register only the people who left the country as of November of 2001.
  • The registry of this section is in horizontal format, each row corresponds to the information of one person.
  • If there are more than seven persons in the home that have left the country as of year 2001, you will give priority to the people who left in the latest years.
  • If there are more than seven persons in the home that have left the country you should register this in observation (page 4 of the census questionnaire).