Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

19. Did he/she do or help do any activity, even if it was not for payment?
For example: planted, harvested, raised animals to sell, washed, ironed, or sewed clothes for someone else; caught fish to sell; helped serve the public in any business; sold food, artisan products, fruit, newspapers, clothing or other articles; cared for or watched children or elderly, cured persons who were ill, helped with childbirth for women who are not part of their household, or carried out any similar activity.

[ ] 1 Yes, continue with question 20
[ ] 2 No

Unemployed, continue with question 20
Women, continue with question 24
Men, continue with question 28

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 19.- Did you perhaps perform or help to perform some activity last week, even though it might have been without pay?

[There is a picture of question 19 from this section of the enumeration form.]

This question is for those people who, in question 18 (What did you do last week?) answered with responses 03 through 10 and 99.

The objective of this question is to recover information about productive activities that some people performed and yet are not considered active; such is the case with housewives, students, and kids who don't report any productive activity because they consider them part of the household chores, given the small amount of time they take to do them or because of the little or no income they receive.

[p. 50]

Read the question with all of the examples listed after it in this way: Did you plant, harvest, raise animals for sale; wash, iron, sew others' clothing; catch fish for sale, help in service at some business, sell food, handicrafts, fruit, newspapers, clothing or other articles; care for or serve children or the elderly, cure sick people, help mothers who are not part of your household to give birth, or perform other similar activities?

[There is a drawing of a man selling meat, with box 1, yes, checked.]

If the person being interviewed reports having performed some activity, mark the yes box (1) and continue on to question 20.

If the answer is no, mark box (2). Keep in mind that: for people who are unemployed (response 03 to question 18) you should continue with question 20; for women 12 years of age and older you should skip to question 24; for men 12 years of age and older, you should skip to question 28.

For both men and women under the age of 12, consider the interview finished.