Questionnaire Text

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16. Is he/she affiliated with Social Security?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No
[ ] 9 Don't know

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Question 16.- Are you or were you affiliated with Social Security?

[There is a picture of question 16 from this section of the enumeration form.]

A person who at one time made and/or is making contributions to Social Security is considered affiliated. An affiliated person can be a white-collar or manual laborer in a private or public company, or a worker or person who contributes voluntarily.

In the case of a dispersed sector, keep in mind that people from the country will be affiliated with Rural Social Security.

Mark box 1, yes, when the informant indicates that they are or were affiliated with Social Security, and immediately ask if they currently contribute or not; wait for an answer and record it in the appropriate box.

Mark box 2, no, when the informant indicates that they have never been affiliated with Social Security.

Mark box 9, unknown, if the information is provided by third parties who don't know if the person in question is or was affiliated with Social Security.