Questionnaire Text

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2. Occupation condition of the dwelling:
[ ] 1 Occupied present
[ ] 2 Occupied with persons absent (end of interview)
[ ] 3 Unoccupied (end of interview)
[ ] 4 Under construction (end of interview)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 2.- Occupancy condition of the dwelling

[There is a picture of question 2 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Beginning with this question, information is only collected for private dwellings.

Occupied with people present, box (1) is when at least one of the inhabitants that occupy the dwelling is present at the time of the enumerator's visit. If only people under 12 year of age or people who have trouble communicating are home, return when they indicate that an adult will be present.

[There is a drawing representing this occupancy condition.]

Occupied with people absent, box (2) is when the dwelling is furnished with furniture and household effects, but its inhabitants are not there at the time of conducting the enumeration. If their absence is temporary, you should return to enumerate. Otherwise, consider the enumeration activity completed in that dwelling.

[The following appear in the original enumeration form for dispersed areas.]

Find out from the neighbors if the absence is temporary and ask what time would be convenient to return and enumerate. If their absence is unknown or the dwelling's occupants will not return during the period of enumeration of the dispersed sector, mark box 2 occupied with people absent and consider the interview finished.

[There is a drawing representing this occupancy condition.]

Unoccupied is when, at the time of the census, the dwelling is uninhabited and without any type of furniture, that is, ready to be inhabited. Mark box 3 and end the enumeration activity in that household. Example: dwellings under repair, for rent, or recently constructed.

[There is a drawing representing this occupancy condition.]

Unoccupied dwellings, in the process of destruction or demolition, should not be considered.

Under construction is a dwelling in any stage of its construction and which is not inhabited at the time of the census; for these cases, you should mark box 4 and finalize the enumeration in that dwelling. If a part of this type of dwelling is occupied by the guard or caretaker, fill out a census form for an independent dwelling.

[There is a drawing representing this occupancy condition.]

[p. 20]

If you marked box 2 (permanent absence), 3 (unoccupied) or 4 (under construction), finish the enumeration activity in that dwelling.