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4. What toilet facilities are available in this household?
[] 1 Toilet for exclusive use of the household
[] 2 Toilet shared by various households
[] 3 Latrine
[] 4 None

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Question 4. What sanitary service is available to the household?

Mark box 1, toilet for the exclusive use of the household, if it used only by the members of the household that you are interviewing.

Mark box 2, toilet for the shared use of various households, when the service is used by members of more two or more households.

Mark box 3, latrine, if the place for depositing excrement is a hole, generally covered with a small structure.

Mark box 4, none, if the household does not have any of the above mentioned services.

Question 4. What sanitary service is available to the household?
[ ] 1 Toilet for the exclusive use of the household
[ ] 2 Toilet for the shared use of various households
[ ] 3 Latrine
[ ] 4 None