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Household order number within the dwelling:
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4 or higher

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Chapter III. Household Identification

With this chapter the ascending order of the number of households is established; identify the head of household and the presence or absence of the persons that form the household.

Order number of the household in the dwelling:

There are four boxes: numbered 1 through 4, if there is one household in the dwelling, always mark 1. When there are 2 households or more, in the respective forms mark 1 for the first household, two for the second, 3 for the third, and 4 in the case of four households or more.

Name of the head of household.

Ask for and write down the name and last name of the head of household in the corresponding space.

Is any member of household present?

In the households where the persons are present, mark the yes box (1). In the case that the information is provided by third persons and the members of the household are absent, mark box 2.

If there is nobody present from the second household or more, in the corresponding forms, transcribe the: geographic location" chapter and ask for information for chapter III, "identification of the household". (Once this information has been collected, conclude the interview). This is only manner to establish the existence of two households or more in the processing stage of the information.

It is possible that all of the information for the second or more households can be provided by the head of the first household. In these cases, write the name of the person who gave the information in the observations section and in chapter III, is any member of the household present, mark box 2, no.

III. Household identification

Order number of the household in the dwelling:
[ ] 1; [ ] 2; [ ] 3; [ ] 4 and more

_____ Name and last name of the head of household:
Is any member of the household present?

[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No