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8. What is the system of garbage removal for the dwelling?
[] 1 Truck collection
[] 2 In vacant lot or stream
[] 3 Incineration or burial
[] 4 Other system ____ (specify)

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Question 8. What is the system for trash removal for the dwelling?

Mark box 1, if the trash from the dwelling is picked up by a collection truck.

Mark box 2, if the trash is thrown in a lot or ditch.

Mark box 3, if the trash is burnt or buried.

Mark box 4, if the trash removal is a form that is different from those listed above, for example: if the trash is thrown in a river, etc.

If the dwelling uses more than one trash removal system, note the one that is most frequently used.

Question 8. What is the system for trash removal for the dwelling?

[ ] 1 Collection truck
[ ] 2 A lot or ditch
[ ] 3 Burnt or buried
[ ] 4 Other method (specify) _____