Questionnaire Text

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13. Is part of the dwelling used for handcrafts, business or other activities?
[] 1 Only handcrafts
[] 2 Only business
[] 3 Business and handcrafts
[] 4 Other activities
[] 5 Dwelling only

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Question No. 14]

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 14, "Is any product for sale produced or made in this dwelling?", in this section of the enumeration form.]

If the answer is affirmative, mark the corresponding box and ask about the type of product that is made. If the answer is negative, mark the no box and continue on to the questions about the characteristics of the population.

[Note that this question corresponds roughly to question 13 on the enumeration form, though that question includes various response options, of which one should be checked, whereas this question requires a yes/no response followed by a blank to be filled in to specify the product.]