Questionnaire Text

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3. Predominant materials in the dwelling

A. Roof or covering

[] 1 Reinforced cement roof (Losa de hormigón)
[] 2 Eternit, Ardex or similar
[] 3 Zinc or similar
[] 4 Tile
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Straw or similar
[] 7 Other materials

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[Question No. 4]

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 4, "predominant construction materials", in this section of the enumeration form.]

Remember that the first part of the question refers to the information on the building and the second part to the [p. 13] information on the dwelling.

Record through observation the predominant materials in the walls and the covering of the building where the dwelling is located, and also the materials that predominate in the floor of the dwelling. Furthermore, note if the dwelling has a ceiling or not.

[Note that on the enumeration form, the question about predominant construction materials is question 3. Further, the enumerator's manual makes a distinction between materials used for the building and materials used for the dwelling that the enumeration form does not explicitly make.]