Questionnaire Text

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Section III - Household identification

Read to the interviewee: A household is a single person or group of people that share food and living expenses and live under the same roof.

8. So, how many households are in this dwelling?

[] 1 (If there is one (1) household, go to question 9)
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 or more

[If there is more than one household] use one survey per household and proceed this way:
A) Fill in the survey of the first home
B) Use a new survey for each additional home and fill in section I geographical location and leave blank sections II and III, then continue filling in sections IV, V and VI
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3.4 Location: is a smaller political-administrative unit, that divides the rural zones of municipalities and municipal districts of the Dominican Republic.

Question. 8. So, how many households are in this dwelling?
This question has the goal to obtain the total number of households within a dwelling.
Remember that before you ask the question to the interviewee, you must read the text in the box above the question in which you can find the definition of a household, and it goes as follows:
read to the interviewee: A household includes one person or a group of people that share food expenses and live under the same roof. Keep in mind the concept of household in chapter 3 heading 3.6 of this manual, as well as the examples that illustrate what a household is in the same section.
After you read the instructions and question 8 to the informant, fill in the corresponding bubble according the answer given by him/her.
If in the household, there are besides its members, domestic workers that live there with their families and share food expenses with all other members of the household, you should count them as part of the household.
Note: the minimum number of households that exist in a dwelling should be one.