Questionnaire Text

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For persons of 10 years old and more

If the answer to questions 46 or 47 or 48 was "yes", skip to question 59.

58. Why did [the respondent] not seek work last week? Read all options and select just one

[] 1 Has looked for work before and did not find it
[] 2 Believes it is very difficult to find work
[] 3 Other people are looking for work
[] 4 Is waiting for a reply to a job application
[] 5 Has to study
[] 6 Has to look after the home/children
[] 7 Lives from investment income or is retired
[] 8 Does not need or want to work
[] 9 Is disabled or elderly
[] 10 Partner does not allow him/her to work
[] 11 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For people age 10 or older

Question 58: Why didn't (NAME) look for a job, last week?

Read all options to the interviewee and fill in the correct one.
The following guidelines can help you to clarify any doubt that the interviewee might have:

The person has look for a job in the past and does not find one. In the case that a person has filled in job applications, has had job interviews and done anything necessary to find a job but had not been able to get one.

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The person believes that is very difficult to get a job. The person did not look for a job because he/she believes is very difficult to find one.

Other people are helping him/her look for a job. In the case that other people, (such as friends, and relatives) are helping him/her look for work.

The person is waiting for a job application or employment answer. When the person has applied for a job and done all the necessary to get a job and still waiting for an answer.

The person studies. When a person only studies and is not looking for a job.

The person has to take care of the children at home. A person stays at home to take care of children and household chores.

The person is a landlord or retired. A person that gets his/her income from rent or retirement and is not looking for a job.

The person does not need or want to work. In case that a person does not need to work or does not want to work.

The person is disable or very old to work. When a person has a permanent disability or is very old and cannot work.

His/her partner does not allow him/her to work. A person that has a partner that does not him/her work and therefore is not looking for a job.

Other. When there is a different reason from the ones previously mentioned, in which the person did not find a job.