Questionnaire Text

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For persons of 10 years old and more

46. Last week (i.e. the last seven days) did [the respondent] have any job or work for payment or reward, even though he/she may have been absent from work owing to vacations, illness or some other reason?

[] 1 Yes (Skip to question 50)
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For people age 10 or older

For the census purposes we distinguish between work that is paid or earns something in kind and unpaid or non-remunerated work.

Paid Work or Earnings in kind refers to the production of good and services that a person works on and that generates him/her an income in cash or in kind, being a salary or in kind. The paid work can be of two types:

a) Fix payment: is an established payment that is given regularly by an institution, business, company to a specific person or family house, that in exchange works a workday for profit.

b) Other type of remunerated work refers to the irregular activities and occupations, commonly worked independently although the person might get help from family members for which the person gains some sort of profit.
Unpaid or non-remunerated work is the activity of producing goods and services that a person does as a help to a business, company or family farm in which he/she does not receive any remuneration or payment.

Question 46: During the past week (seven days) have (NAME) done any type of work in which he/she received any kind of payment, even if he/she was not working because of vacations, illness or other reason?

Fill in the correct answer.
1. If the interviewee had a permanent job (paid or earned in kind) the previous week of the census, even if he/she is not working because he/she had vacations or had an illness or other reason, fill in the option "Yes" and then skip to question 50.
2. If the interviewee did not have a job or worked the previous week of the census, fill in "No" and then continue to question 47.