Questionnaire Text

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For persons of 3 years old and more
[Questions 37-44 were asked of persons age 3+.]

39. What was the main reason why [the respondent] stopped studying? Read all options and mark just one.

[] 1 Does not/did not like studying
[] 2 Has/had to work
[] 3 Got married or went to live with partner
[] 4 Looking after/looked after younger brothers and sisters
[] 5 There is/was no school in the locality
[] 6 School is/was far away
[] 7 Does not/did not have economic means
[] 8 Does not/did not have birth certificate
[] 9 Appropriate grades are/were not available
[] 10 Lack of places
[] 11 Completed studies
[] 12 Left when pregnant
[] 13 Other reason
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For People Age 3 or Older

Question 39: What is the main reason (NAME) stopped studying?

Read clearly each possible answer to the question. In the case that the person declares more than one reason why he/she stopped going to school, fill in the corresponding bubble.
If the person answers option 13 (other reason), fill in the bubble of option 13.