Questionnaire Text

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For individuals 10 years of age and older[Applies to questions 51-64.]

52. Did you receive or will you receive pay for any work done in your home or outside of it during the last week?

[] 1 Yes - Skip to question 58
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For persons 10 years of age and older

Question 52: Did you receive or will you receive pay for employment carried out in the house or outside of the house during the last week?

The question, along with the note: "Such as selling, making a product, sewing, washing or ironing someone else's clothes, etc." is read to the enumerated person.

The answer should refer exclusively to the activity or activities for which the person was paid.

If the answer is affirmative, the Yes circle is filled in and the enumerator will skip to question 58.