Questionnaire Text

Cambodia 2008 Liberia 2008 Paraguay 2002 Uganda 1991
Colombia 2005 Malawi 2008 Rwanda 2002 Uganda 2002
Dominican Republic 2002 Mexico 2000 Rwanda 2012 Zambia 2000
Ethiopia 2007 Mexico 2010 Sierra Leone 2004 Zambia 2010
France 1962 Mexico 2020 Sierra Leone 2015
Laos 2015 Mozambique 2007 Suriname 2012
Lesotho 2006 Panama 1980 Turkey 1985
Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_DISBRTH — Disabled since birth
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15. Physical/mental disability, if any:
If the person is physically/mentally disabled, give the appropriate code number from the list below. Otherwise enter a dash (-)

a. Since birth

[] 1 In seeing
[] 2 In speech
[] 3 In hearing
[] 4 In movement
[] 5 Mental

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Column 15: Physical/Mental Disability, if any

97. This question is a sensitive one and should be canvassed without offending the feelings of the respondent. The purpose of this question is to elicit the information of whether the respondent has any physical/mental disability. If he/she has no such disability put (0) in the two sub-columns. The five types of disabilities identified for census purpose are given below:

97.1 In Seeing: A person who cannot see at all (has no perception of light) or has blurred vision even with the help of glasses or contact lenses will be considered as having disability in "Seeing" or visually disabled, and Code 1 will be entered under this question. A person with proper vision only in one eye will also be treated as visually disabled. You may come across a situation where a person may have blurred vision and had no occasion to test whether his/her eye-sight would improve by using spectacles. Such persons would be treated as visually disabled.

97.2 In Speech: A person will be recorded as having speech disability if he/she is mute. Similarly, for a person whose speech is not understood by a listener of normal comprehension and hearing, he/she will be treated as having speech disability and Code 2 will be entered. Persons who stammer but whose speech is comprehensible will not be classified as disabled by speech.

97.3 In Hearing: A person who cannot hear at all (deaf) or can hear only loud sounds will be considered as having hearing disability and in such cases Code 3 will be entered. A person who is able to hear, using a hearing aid will not be considered as disabled under this category. If a person cannot hear through one ear but his/her other ear is functioning normally, he/she should be considered as having hearing disability.

97.4 In Movement: A person who lacks limbs or is unable to use the limbs normally will be considered having movement disability and Code 4 will be entered here. Absence of a part of a limb like a finger or a toe will not be considered as disability. However, absence of all the fingers or toes or a thumb will make a person disabled by movement. If any part of the body is deformed, the person will also be treated as disabled and covered under this category. A person who cannot move herself/himself or without the aid of another person or without the aid of a stick, wheelchair, etc., will be treated as disabled under this category. Similarly, a person would be

treated as disabled in movement if he/she is unable to move or lift or pick up any small article placed near him/her. A person who may not be able to move normally because of problems of joints like arthritis, and has to invariably limp while moving, will also be considered to have movement disability.

97.5 Mental: A person who lacks comprehension appropriate to his/her age will be considered as mentally disabled. This would not mean that if a person is not able to comprehend his/her studies appropriate to his/her age and is failing his/her quality examination is mentally disabled. Mentally retarded and insane persons would be treated as mentally disabled. A mentally disabled person may generally depend on his/her family members for performing daily routines. It should be left to the respondent to report whether the member of the household is mentally disabled and no tests are required to be applied by you to judge the member's disability.

97.6 If a person is disabled, enter only one of the five disabilities for that person, in codes, as given below:

1: In Seeing
2: In Speech
3: In Hearing
4: In Movement
5: Mental

97.7 Please note that a person may have two or more types of disability but only one of these is to be recorded. In such cases you will have to leave it to the respondent to decide as to the type of disability he/she wants the member of his/her household to be classified into. The disability of a person will be decided with reference to the date of enumeration. Persons with temporary disability on the date of enumeration will not be considered as disabled. For example, when a person's movement may have been restricted because of some temporary injury and he/she is likely to return to his normal state after sometime, such a person will not be treated as disabled.

97.8 The code has to be given in Column 15 (a) "Since birth" if the person has the disability from his/her birth. In other words, he/she was born with this disability. If the person got this disability after birth enter the disability code in Column 15 (b) "After birth".

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_DISAFTER — Disabled after birth
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15. Physical/mental disability, if any:
If the person is physically/mentally disabled, give the appropriate code number from the list below. Otherwise enter a dash (-)

b. After birth

[] 1 In seeing
[] 2 In speech
[] 3 In hearing
[] 4 In movement
[] 5 Mental

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Column 15: Physical/Mental Disability, if any

97. This question is a sensitive one and should be canvassed without offending the feelings of the respondent. The purpose of this question is to elicit the information of whether the respondent has any physical/mental disability. If he/she has no such disability put (0) in the two sub-columns. The five types of disabilities identified for census purpose are given below:

97.1 In Seeing: A person who cannot see at all (has no perception of light) or has blurred vision even with the help of glasses or contact lenses will be considered as having disability in "Seeing" or visually disabled, and Code 1 will be entered under this question. A person with proper vision only in one eye will also be treated as visually disabled. You may come across a situation where a person may have blurred vision and had no occasion to test whether his/her eye-sight would improve by using spectacles. Such persons would be treated as visually disabled.

97.2 In Speech: A person will be recorded as having speech disability if he/she is mute. Similarly, for a person whose speech is not understood by a listener of normal comprehension and hearing, he/she will be treated as having speech disability and Code 2 will be entered. Persons who stammer but whose speech is comprehensible will not be classified as disabled by speech.

97.3 In Hearing: A person who cannot hear at all (deaf) or can hear only loud sounds will be considered as having hearing disability and in such cases Code 3 will be entered. A person who is able to hear, using a hearing aid will not be considered as disabled under this category. If a person cannot hear through one ear but his/her other ear is functioning normally, he/she should be considered as having hearing disability.

97.4 In Movement: A person who lacks limbs or is unable to use the limbs normally will be considered having movement disability and Code 4 will be entered here. Absence of a part of a limb like a finger or a toe will not be considered as disability. However, absence of all the fingers or toes or a thumb will make a person disabled by movement. If any part of the body is deformed, the person will also be treated as disabled and covered under this category. A person who cannot move herself/himself or without the aid of another person or without the aid of a stick, wheelchair, etc., will be treated as disabled under this category. Similarly, a person would be

treated as disabled in movement if he/she is unable to move or lift or pick up any small article placed near him/her. A person who may not be able to move normally because of problems of joints like arthritis, and has to invariably limp while moving, will also be considered to have movement disability.

97.5 Mental: A person who lacks comprehension appropriate to his/her age will be considered as mentally disabled. This would not mean that if a person is not able to comprehend his/her studies appropriate to his/her age and is failing his/her quality examination is mentally disabled. Mentally retarded and insane persons would be treated as mentally disabled. A mentally disabled person may generally depend on his/her family members for performing daily routines. It should be left to the respondent to report whether the member of the household is mentally disabled and no tests are required to be applied by you to judge the member's disability.

97.6 If a person is disabled, enter only one of the five disabilities for that person, in codes, as given below:

1: In Seeing
2: In Speech
3: In Hearing
4: In Movement
5: Mental

97.7 Please note that a person may have two or more types of disability but only one of these is to be recorded. In such cases you will have to leave it to the respondent to decide as to the type of disability he/she wants the member of his/her household to be classified into. The disability of a person will be decided with reference to the date of enumeration. Persons with temporary disability on the date of enumeration will not be considered as disabled. For example, when a person's movement may have been restricted because of some temporary injury and he/she is likely to return to his normal state after sometime, such a person will not be treated as disabled.

97.8 The code has to be given in Column 15 (a) "Since birth" if the person has the disability from his/her birth. In other words, he/she was born with this disability. If the person got this disability after birth enter the disability code in Column 15 (b) "After birth".

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_LIMPERC — Cause of permanent limitation
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40. Of the above listed limitations for [the respondent], which is the one that most affects your daily activities? (expanded) _____
[This question was asked of person's who had at least one permanent limitation, per question 39.]

(In the DMC, select the corresponding answer from the previous list)

40.1 This limitation was caused by: (expanded)

[] 1 Because he/she was born this way?
[] 2 Because of an illness?
[] 3 Because of an accident?
[] 4 Because of violence of armed groups?
[] 5 Because of domestic violence?
[] 6 Because of common criminal violence?
[] 7 Due to old age, aging?
[] 8 Due to another cause?
[] 9 Does not know?

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_DISORIG — Origin of disability
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36. What is the cause of these disabilities?

[] 1 From birth
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Violence or abuse
[] 4 Motorcycle accident
[] 5 Other motor vehicle accident
[] 6 Other accident (excluding workplace)
[] 7 Workplace accident
[] 8 Old age
[] 9 Other cause
[] 10 Unknown
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Question 36: What is the cause of this (these) disability(disabilities)?

Fill in the correct answer declared by the interviewee.
If the person has two or more disabilities, fill in the most prominent/severe disability.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_DISCAUSE — Cause of disability
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

Disability status

12. What was the cause of [the respondent]'s disability?

[] 1 Car accident
[] 2 Other accident
[] 3 Polio
[] 4 Hanson disease
[] 5 Other diseases (after delivery)
[] 6 During pregnancy (at delivery)
[] 7 War/mines
[] 8 Others (not listed in codes 1-7)
[] 9 Not known
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Question 12:-Cause of Disability/Problem?

In this question cause of disability/ problem will be asked for those members who mentioned the type of disability in question 12. Therefore, identify and shade an appropriate code for each member from the alterative codes of cause of disability given below. For household members who have mental disturbance (in question 12 for whom code 12 was recorded) remember to skip to questions 14 since cause of disability is not applicable for them.

Cause of Disability/Problem:

1 = Vehicle accidents: Car, train, bicycle, motor bicycle, car accidents;
2 = Other accident: (falling, animal biting, falling from or kicked by animals, accident during work, electricity accident, being beaten, accidents caused by artilleries outside war front meaning bullet, , sharp edges, bomb accidents, ,land mines, accidents caused by hammering bomb and land mines, -gun fire, and other accidents.
3 = Polio
4 = Hanson Diseases
5 = Other Diseases (after birth) except Polio and Hanson / for instance: measles, small pox, meningitis, diabetes, heart attack, hypertension, STDs, etc./
6 = Accidents in the Uterus / after birth
7 = In the war/land mines: Lost their body parts in the war by any type of weapons such as bullet, bomb, buried land mines, sharp edges, etc. and regarding the accidents caused by buried land mines it can be in the war or anywhere outside war.
8 = Do Not Know/ If a respondent unable to state the cause/.
9 = Others / different from code1- code8/

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_DISORIG — Origin of disability
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For all persons, regardless of age:

18a. If you have an impairment or permanent physical disability, please state it here:


Examples: blind, almost blind, deaf-mute; characterized deafness [surdite caracteriseee]. For Amputation, maiming [mutilation], paralysis: please specify. For other impairment: please specify.

18b. Is it the result of:

[] 1 A war injury
[] 2 A work accident
[] 3 Other accident
[] 4 Illness or other reason

18c. If necessary, indicate the corresponding percentage of disability: ____ %

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_DISCAUSE — Cause of main difficulty
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B. For all persons in the household

Do you have any difficulty with the following activities?

Q17. Cause of main difficulty

(For persons with any difficulty from Q11 to Q16)

[] 1. Since birth
[] 2. War
[] 3. Accident
[] 4. UXO
[] 5. Disease
[] 6. Other
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Question Q17: The main cause of the disabilities
The purpose of this question is to gather information about the main causes of difficulties in the physical movement of household members.
The main cause of the disabilities: identified in this questionnaire include:

1) Congenital causes (congenital): refers to a person who is born with difficulty or disability by birth.
2) Caused by war: refers to difficulty or disability caused by the effects of war that cause a person to lose any part of the body or cause any part of the body to be dysfunctional or abnormal.
3) Caused by accident: refers to difficulty or disability caused by various accidents in many cases, such as accidents on land, water, accidents from physical work, playing sports, physical harm, electric shock, fire, hot water, or other causes.
4) Caused by Unexploded Ordnance: refers to difficulty or disability caused by explosives, massive bullets, and explosives left over from war causing the loss of any part of the body or making the operation of any part of the body difficult or abnormal.
5) The cause of the disease: refers to difficulty or disability caused by various diseases that affect people's health, making the operation of any part of the body difficult or not normal.
6) Other causes: refers to difficulty or disability caused by other causes not specified above, such as food poisoning symptoms, drug addiction, and others that make the operation of any part of the body difficult or abnormal.

The surveyor must write down the answers given by the interviewee and highlight in black the box of the causes code that causes difficulty or disability as specified in the questionnaire.
Note: If there are several disabilities, the surveyor is advised to ask the interviewee more about which disability causes the most difficulty (in questions 11-16) and then ask the reason for such difficulty.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_DISCAUSE — Cause of disability
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Section C. For all persons - Disability

20. What was the cause of disability?

[] 1 Born disabled
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Traffic accidents
[] 4 Domestic accident
[] 5 Mine accident
[] 6 Other work/farming accident
[] 7 Fight/ assault
[] 8 Playing/sport
[] 9 Animal accident
[] 10 Witchcraft
[] 11 Unknown
[] 12 Domestic violence
[] 13 Other, specify ____
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Part C of the questionnaire for all persons (Disability)

89. Column 20: What was the cause of disability?

Code 1 for born disabled. Code 88 for no disability/not applicable.

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_DISCAUSE — Cause of disability
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P15-17. Disability

P15. Does [the respondent] have any form of disability?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No -- Skip to P18
P17. What is the cause of [the respondent's] disability?

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_DISCAUS1 — Cause of disability, first
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[Questions P9-P13 were asked of usual residents]

P13. Does [the respondent] have difficulty or problems in the following? If yes, what are the causes?

Type of disability:

[] 0 None
[] 1 Seeing
[] 2 Hearing
[] 3 Speaking
[] 4 Walking / climbing
[] 8 Other


[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Disease / illness
[] 3 Injury / accident
[] 4 Not known
[] 8 Other

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Questions for usual members of households
Questions P09 to P013 should only be asked to the usual members of that household.

P13. Type and causes of disability
Ask the respondents whether there any members of the household who should be classified as disabled. In this case, disability refers to physical or mental handicap, which inhibits an individual's ability to work or participate in normal activities. Furthermore, the enumerator should ask for the causes of disability.

If the person has multiple disabilities and the first to be mentioned is "1" in the first row, ask for the cause and shade the appropriate code in the first row under cause. If the disability to be mentioned second is "Walking", shade 4 in the second row, ask for the cause and shade it in the second row under cause.

Note: The enumerator should probe the type of disability in order not to confuse with current illness.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_DISAB1 — Type of disability, first
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[Questions P9-P13 were asked of usual residents]

P13. Does [the respondent] have difficulty or problems in the following? If yes, what are the causes?

Type of disability:

[] 0 None
[] 1 Seeing
[] 2 Hearing
[] 3 Speaking
[] 4 Walking / climbing
[] 8 Other


[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Disease / illness
[] 3 Injury / accident
[] 4 Not known
[] 8 Other

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Questions for usual members of households
Questions P09 to P013 should only be asked to the usual members of that household.

P13. Type and causes of disability
Ask the respondents whether there any members of the household who should be classified as disabled. In this case, disability refers to physical or mental handicap, which inhibits an individual's ability to work or participate in normal activities. Furthermore, the enumerator should ask for the causes of disability.

If the person has multiple disabilities and the first to be mentioned is "1" in the first row, ask for the cause and shade the appropriate code in the first row under cause. If the disability to be mentioned second is "Walking", shade 4 in the second row, ask for the cause and shade it in the second row under cause.

Note: The enumerator should probe the type of disability in order not to confuse with current illness.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_DISWHY — Reason for the disability
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7. Cause of the disability

This person has the disability because:
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

1 Born this way
2 Illness
3 Accident
4 Old age
Another cause.
_____Write the cause.

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7. Cause of Disability

When a person has more than one disability that limits them, ask which one creates the most difficulties in carrying out their daily activities, and what caused it.

In option 1, include people who were born that way because of causes that originated during the pregnancy and at the time of birth, be they hereditary or not.

[P. 69]

In option 3, include all causes originated by accidents that occurred anywhere; for example, at work, in the street, in the home, or in other places. Also include acts of violence as accidental causes (assaults, fights, police action, war, and others).

Any cause different than the options presented should be written under by other causes.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_CDISWALK — Reason for disability in walking, moving, going up and down
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
[The respondent] has difficulty in (answer to 10):

[Question 11 was asked of persons who had disability, per question 10.]

For each option circled in question 10 read the options and circle only one reason code.

[] 1 Because s/he was born that way
[] 2 Due to an illness
[] 3 Due to an accident
[] 4 Due to advanced age
[] 5 For another reason

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
The purpose is to know the reason for which the people of the dwelling have difficulties completing activities in daily life.

This question is only asked if a circle is put around the code of some difficulty in "Disabilities"; in order to do so relate said difficulty with the response codes of question 11 "Cause of disability".

Read the text for the question about the reason for disability for each declared difficulty and record the code in the box that corresponds to the difficulty reported.

In the boxes of the codes, note the code that appears to the right of each one of the options, which must correspond to the difficulty circled in question 10.

Keep in mind that when one person has more than one difficulty, you must have a cause code registered for each one of them.

[p. 99]

Before noting the cause code, consider the following:

  • Code 1, because he/she was born that way. [This occurs] when the cause of the difficulty is at birth, as well as the causes originating during the pregnancy or in the moment of birth.
  • Code 2, because of sickness. [This occurs] when the difficulty was acquired because of health problems after birth. (This also includes disabilities caused by addictions).
  • Code 3, because of an accident. For all the difficulties originating in accidental situations occurring in any place; this could be at work, in the street, at home, or others. This also includes acts of violence, assaults, fights, acts of terrorism, and others.
  • Code 4, because of advanced age. This includes those who display difficulties whose principal cause is related to the physical or mental limitations and difficulties that come with age.
  • Code 5, because of another cause. Note this only in cases for which the cause of the difficulty is not congenital or due to sickness, addiction, accident, or aging.

Juan declares to the interviewer that Maria has difficulty walking due to an automobile accident where she can no longer mover her legs; in addition, she has difficulty hearing, because she already is very elderly. Record the information as [codes 10 and 13, respectively].

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_CDISSEE — Reason for disability in seeing
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
[The respondent] has difficulty in (answer to 10):

[Question 11 was asked of persons who had disability, per question 10.]

For each option circled in question 10 read the options and circle only one reason code.

[] 1 Because s/he was born that way
[] 2 Due to an illness
[] 3 Due to an accident
[] 4 Due to advanced age
[] 5 For another reason

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
The purpose is to know the reason for which the people of the dwelling have difficulties completing activities in daily life.

This question is only asked if a circle is put around the code of some difficulty in "Disabilities"; in order to do so relate said difficulty with the response codes of question 11 "Cause of disability".

Read the text for the question about the reason for disability for each declared difficulty and record the code in the box that corresponds to the difficulty reported.

In the boxes of the codes, note the code that appears to the right of each one of the options, which must correspond to the difficulty circled in question 10.

Keep in mind that when one person has more than one difficulty, you must have a cause code registered for each one of them.

[p. 99]

Before noting the cause code, consider the following:

  • Code 1, because he/she was born that way. [This occurs] when the cause of the difficulty is at birth, as well as the causes originating during the pregnancy or in the moment of birth.
  • Code 2, because of sickness. [This occurs] when the difficulty was acquired because of health problems after birth. (This also includes disabilities caused by addictions).
  • Code 3, because of an accident. For all the difficulties originating in accidental situations occurring in any place; this could be at work, in the street, at home, or others. This also includes acts of violence, assaults, fights, acts of terrorism, and others.
  • Code 4, because of advanced age. This includes those who display difficulties whose principal cause is related to the physical or mental limitations and difficulties that come with age.
  • Code 5, because of another cause. Note this only in cases for which the cause of the difficulty is not congenital or due to sickness, addiction, accident, or aging.

Juan declares to the interviewer that Maria has difficulty walking due to an automobile accident where she can no longer mover her legs; in addition, she has difficulty hearing, because she already is very elderly. Record the information as [codes 10 and 13, respectively].

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_CDISSPK — Reason for disability in speaking, communicating or conversing
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
[The respondent] has difficulty in (answer to 10):

[Question 11 was asked of persons who had disability, per question 10.]

For each option circled in question 10 read the options and circle only one reason code.

[] 1 Because s/he was born that way
[] 2 Due to an illness
[] 3 Due to an accident
[] 4 Due to advanced age
[] 5 For another reason

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
The purpose is to know the reason for which the people of the dwelling have difficulties completing activities in daily life.

This question is only asked if a circle is put around the code of some difficulty in "Disabilities"; in order to do so relate said difficulty with the response codes of question 11 "Cause of disability".

Read the text for the question about the reason for disability for each declared difficulty and record the code in the box that corresponds to the difficulty reported.

In the boxes of the codes, note the code that appears to the right of each one of the options, which must correspond to the difficulty circled in question 10.

Keep in mind that when one person has more than one difficulty, you must have a cause code registered for each one of them.

[p. 99]

Before noting the cause code, consider the following:

  • Code 1, because he/she was born that way. [This occurs] when the cause of the difficulty is at birth, as well as the causes originating during the pregnancy or in the moment of birth.
  • Code 2, because of sickness. [This occurs] when the difficulty was acquired because of health problems after birth. (This also includes disabilities caused by addictions).
  • Code 3, because of an accident. For all the difficulties originating in accidental situations occurring in any place; this could be at work, in the street, at home, or others. This also includes acts of violence, assaults, fights, acts of terrorism, and others.
  • Code 4, because of advanced age. This includes those who display difficulties whose principal cause is related to the physical or mental limitations and difficulties that come with age.
  • Code 5, because of another cause. Note this only in cases for which the cause of the difficulty is not congenital or due to sickness, addiction, accident, or aging.

Juan declares to the interviewer that Maria has difficulty walking due to an automobile accident where she can no longer mover her legs; in addition, she has difficulty hearing, because she already is very elderly. Record the information as [codes 10 and 13, respectively].

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_CDISHEAR — Reason for disability in hearing
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
[The respondent] has difficulty in (answer to 10):

[Question 11 was asked of persons who had disability, per question 10.]

For each option circled in question 10 read the options and circle only one reason code.

[] 1 Because s/he was born that way
[] 2 Due to an illness
[] 3 Due to an accident
[] 4 Due to advanced age
[] 5 For another reason

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
The purpose is to know the reason for which the people of the dwelling have difficulties completing activities in daily life.

This question is only asked if a circle is put around the code of some difficulty in "Disabilities"; in order to do so relate said difficulty with the response codes of question 11 "Cause of disability".

Read the text for the question about the reason for disability for each declared difficulty and record the code in the box that corresponds to the difficulty reported.

In the boxes of the codes, note the code that appears to the right of each one of the options, which must correspond to the difficulty circled in question 10.

Keep in mind that when one person has more than one difficulty, you must have a cause code registered for each one of them.

[p. 99]

Before noting the cause code, consider the following:

  • Code 1, because he/she was born that way. [This occurs] when the cause of the difficulty is at birth, as well as the causes originating during the pregnancy or in the moment of birth.
  • Code 2, because of sickness. [This occurs] when the difficulty was acquired because of health problems after birth. (This also includes disabilities caused by addictions).
  • Code 3, because of an accident. For all the difficulties originating in accidental situations occurring in any place; this could be at work, in the street, at home, or others. This also includes acts of violence, assaults, fights, acts of terrorism, and others.
  • Code 4, because of advanced age. This includes those who display difficulties whose principal cause is related to the physical or mental limitations and difficulties that come with age.
  • Code 5, because of another cause. Note this only in cases for which the cause of the difficulty is not congenital or due to sickness, addiction, accident, or aging.

Juan declares to the interviewer that Maria has difficulty walking due to an automobile accident where she can no longer mover her legs; in addition, she has difficulty hearing, because she already is very elderly. Record the information as [codes 10 and 13, respectively].

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_CDISCARE — Reason for disability in dressing, bathing or eating
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
[The respondent] has difficulty in (answer to 10):

[Question 11 was asked of persons who had disability, per question 10.]

For each option circled in question 10 read the options and circle only one reason code.

[] 1 Because s/he was born that way
[] 2 Due to an illness
[] 3 Due to an accident
[] 4 Due to advanced age
[] 5 For another reason

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
The purpose is to know the reason for which the people of the dwelling have difficulties completing activities in daily life.

This question is only asked if a circle is put around the code of some difficulty in "Disabilities"; in order to do so relate said difficulty with the response codes of question 11 "Cause of disability".

Read the text for the question about the reason for disability for each declared difficulty and record the code in the box that corresponds to the difficulty reported.

In the boxes of the codes, note the code that appears to the right of each one of the options, which must correspond to the difficulty circled in question 10.

Keep in mind that when one person has more than one difficulty, you must have a cause code registered for each one of them.

[p. 99]

Before noting the cause code, consider the following:

  • Code 1, because he/she was born that way. [This occurs] when the cause of the difficulty is at birth, as well as the causes originating during the pregnancy or in the moment of birth.
  • Code 2, because of sickness. [This occurs] when the difficulty was acquired because of health problems after birth. (This also includes disabilities caused by addictions).
  • Code 3, because of an accident. For all the difficulties originating in accidental situations occurring in any place; this could be at work, in the street, at home, or others. This also includes acts of violence, assaults, fights, acts of terrorism, and others.
  • Code 4, because of advanced age. This includes those who display difficulties whose principal cause is related to the physical or mental limitations and difficulties that come with age.
  • Code 5, because of another cause. Note this only in cases for which the cause of the difficulty is not congenital or due to sickness, addiction, accident, or aging.

Juan declares to the interviewer that Maria has difficulty walking due to an automobile accident where she can no longer mover her legs; in addition, she has difficulty hearing, because she already is very elderly. Record the information as [codes 10 and 13, respectively].

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_CDISLRN — Reason for disability in paying attention or learning simple things
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
[The respondent] has difficulty in (answer to 10):

[Question 11 was asked of persons who had disability, per question 10.]

For each option circled in question 10 read the options and circle only one reason code.

[] 1 Because s/he was born that way
[] 2 Due to an illness
[] 3 Due to an accident
[] 4 Due to advanced age
[] 5 For another reason

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
The purpose is to know the reason for which the people of the dwelling have difficulties completing activities in daily life.

This question is only asked if a circle is put around the code of some difficulty in "Disabilities"; in order to do so relate said difficulty with the response codes of question 11 "Cause of disability".

Read the text for the question about the reason for disability for each declared difficulty and record the code in the box that corresponds to the difficulty reported.

In the boxes of the codes, note the code that appears to the right of each one of the options, which must correspond to the difficulty circled in question 10.

Keep in mind that when one person has more than one difficulty, you must have a cause code registered for each one of them.

[p. 99]

Before noting the cause code, consider the following:

  • Code 1, because he/she was born that way. [This occurs] when the cause of the difficulty is at birth, as well as the causes originating during the pregnancy or in the moment of birth.
  • Code 2, because of sickness. [This occurs] when the difficulty was acquired because of health problems after birth. (This also includes disabilities caused by addictions).
  • Code 3, because of an accident. For all the difficulties originating in accidental situations occurring in any place; this could be at work, in the street, at home, or others. This also includes acts of violence, assaults, fights, acts of terrorism, and others.
  • Code 4, because of advanced age. This includes those who display difficulties whose principal cause is related to the physical or mental limitations and difficulties that come with age.
  • Code 5, because of another cause. Note this only in cases for which the cause of the difficulty is not congenital or due to sickness, addiction, accident, or aging.

Juan declares to the interviewer that Maria has difficulty walking due to an automobile accident where she can no longer mover her legs; in addition, she has difficulty hearing, because she already is very elderly. Record the information as [codes 10 and 13, respectively].

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_CDISMENT — Reason for mental impairment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
[The respondent] has difficulty in (answer to 10):

[Question 11 was asked of persons who had disability, per question 10.]

For each option circled in question 10 read the options and circle only one reason code.

[] 1 Because s/he was born that way
[] 2 Due to an illness
[] 3 Due to an accident
[] 4 Due to advanced age
[] 5 For another reason

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

11. Reason for disability
The purpose is to know the reason for which the people of the dwelling have difficulties completing activities in daily life.

This question is only asked if a circle is put around the code of some difficulty in "Disabilities"; in order to do so relate said difficulty with the response codes of question 11 "Cause of disability".

Read the text for the question about the reason for disability for each declared difficulty and record the code in the box that corresponds to the difficulty reported.

In the boxes of the codes, note the code that appears to the right of each one of the options, which must correspond to the difficulty circled in question 10.

Keep in mind that when one person has more than one difficulty, you must have a cause code registered for each one of them.

[p. 99]

Before noting the cause code, consider the following:

  • Code 1, because he/she was born that way. [This occurs] when the cause of the difficulty is at birth, as well as the causes originating during the pregnancy or in the moment of birth.
  • Code 2, because of sickness. [This occurs] when the difficulty was acquired because of health problems after birth. (This also includes disabilities caused by addictions).
  • Code 3, because of an accident. For all the difficulties originating in accidental situations occurring in any place; this could be at work, in the street, at home, or others. This also includes acts of violence, assaults, fights, acts of terrorism, and others.
  • Code 4, because of advanced age. This includes those who display difficulties whose principal cause is related to the physical or mental limitations and difficulties that come with age.
  • Code 5, because of another cause. Note this only in cases for which the cause of the difficulty is not congenital or due to sickness, addiction, accident, or aging.

Juan declares to the interviewer that Maria has difficulty walking due to an automobile accident where she can no longer mover her legs; in addition, she has difficulty hearing, because she already is very elderly. Record the information as [codes 10 and 13, respectively].

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_DISORBLIND — Reason for difficulty seeing, even with glasses
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Is the disability of [the respondent] for (answer of 10, except code 1) due to:

For each option with code 2, 3, 4, or 5, write one code

The cause of [the respondent]'s problem or condition is: _

[] 1 A birth condition?
[] 2 An illness?
[] 3 An accident?
[] 4 Old age?
[] 5 Another cause?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

11. Cause of disability
The question is asked after question 10. disability and only applies if the code of some degree of difficulty was circled as two. They can do it with little difficulty, 3. It can do it with great difficulty, 4. They cannot do it in some kind of activity limitation; or when in the last question of Do you have any mental problem or condition? code 5 was recorded. Yes.

The purpose of this question is to know the main reason or motive that originates the difficulty or limitation to performing some or several activities in the daily life of the people of the housing unit and are expressed in numerical codes ranging from 1 to 5.

Read question 11 verbatim. Cause of disability along with your five response options for each limitation stated in question 10 and record the code in the space to the right of each type of limitation; including the last option, you will ask about the cause of the mental problem or condition.

[p. 314]

Note that when a person has more than one activity limitation, they must have a cause code for each of them.

To note the cause code, consider the following:

- Because they were born that way. When the cause of the difficulty is from birth, as well as causes originated during pregnancy or at the time of birth.
- Due to illness. When the difficulty was acquired by diseases after birth. It also includes limitations or disabilities caused by addictions.
- Due to an accident. When it originated or derived from fortuitous situations or unforeseen events such as: vehicular accidents, accidental poisoning, fires, falls, etc. that caused damage or injury to the body structure and functioning of the person.
- Due to old age. t includes those who present physical or mental difficulties or limitations whose main cause is related to aging processes, which deteriorate the level of development of activities and autonomy of the person.
- For other cause. It refers to causes that are not expressed within the above categories, but are known to those reporting the difficulty or limitation.
Example 1:
Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about your son Eduardo (a one and a half year old baby). In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have seeing, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He does not appear to have any difficulty. When he was one month old, he had a test and the doctor said he was fine.

Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have hearing, even using a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He has no difficulty either, he had a study done and he listens well.
[p. 315]
Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have walking, going up or down? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He is unable to do so because he was born with a health problem.
Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in walking, climbing or descending due to being born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: That's how he was born, he immediately underwent a study and the doctor said that he had "Dysplasia in the development of the hip", which in the future will cause him problems walking or crawling, so he uses a special device and soon he will need an operation so he can move and it will take him longer to walk.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty has Eduardo remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Yes, he can do it with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in remembering or concentrating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: He was born this way.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have bathing, dressing, or eating?

Respondent: He does have a lot of difficulties because he was born with a health problem.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in bathing, dressing, or eating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: Because of his illness.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have in speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, or is unable to do so.

Respondent: Yes, although he is starting to say "mama", he does have little difficulty; doctors say it will take longer for him to learn to speak well.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in speaking or communicating because he was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason

Respondent: Because he was born that way.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: Yes, he has Down syndrome.

Interviewer: Is the cause of Eduardo's problem or mental condition because he was born like this, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason?
[p. 316]
Respondent: He was born with Down syndrome.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Example 2:

Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about Penelope (75-year-old woman, mother of the respondent).
In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to see, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has little difficulty seeing well.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's visual difficulty, even with glasses, because she was born that way because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of her old age, she already has cataracts.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to hear, even when wearing a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have hearing difficulty, even with a hearing aid because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in walking, climbing, or going downstairs? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Well, she walks with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have difficulty walking up or down because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.
[p. 317]
Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's remembering or concentrating difficulty because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have to bathe, dress or eat? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Much difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's difficulty bathing, dressing, or eating because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of an illness, she has a very strong arthritis problem and she has all her fingers crooked. Although she can bathe herself, I help her dress and eat because she can no longer hold a spoon.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has no difficulty.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: No, none.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 318]

The questions disability and cause of disability are presented in the census manager as shown below:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_DISORHEAR — Reason for difficulty hearing, even with a hearing aid
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Is the disability of [the respondent] for (answer of 10, except code 1) due to:

For each option with code 2, 3, 4, or 5, write one code

The cause of [the respondent]'s problem or condition is: _

[] 1 A birth condition?
[] 2 An illness?
[] 3 An accident?
[] 4 Old age?
[] 5 Another cause?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

11. Cause of disability
The question is asked after question 10. disability and only applies if the code of some degree of difficulty was circled as two. They can do it with little difficulty, 3. It can do it with great difficulty, 4. They cannot do it in some kind of activity limitation; or when in the last question of Do you have any mental problem or condition? code 5 was recorded. Yes.

The purpose of this question is to know the main reason or motive that originates the difficulty or limitation to performing some or several activities in the daily life of the people of the housing unit and are expressed in numerical codes ranging from 1 to 5.

Read question 11 verbatim. Cause of disability along with your five response options for each limitation stated in question 10 and record the code in the space to the right of each type of limitation; including the last option, you will ask about the cause of the mental problem or condition.

[p. 314]

Note that when a person has more than one activity limitation, they must have a cause code for each of them.

To note the cause code, consider the following:

- Because they were born that way. When the cause of the difficulty is from birth, as well as causes originated during pregnancy or at the time of birth.
- Due to illness. When the difficulty was acquired by diseases after birth. It also includes limitations or disabilities caused by addictions.
- Due to an accident. When it originated or derived from fortuitous situations or unforeseen events such as: vehicular accidents, accidental poisoning, fires, falls, etc. that caused damage or injury to the body structure and functioning of the person.
- Due to old age. t includes those who present physical or mental difficulties or limitations whose main cause is related to aging processes, which deteriorate the level of development of activities and autonomy of the person.
- For other cause. It refers to causes that are not expressed within the above categories, but are known to those reporting the difficulty or limitation.
Example 1:
Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about your son Eduardo (a one and a half year old baby). In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have seeing, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He does not appear to have any difficulty. When he was one month old, he had a test and the doctor said he was fine.

Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have hearing, even using a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He has no difficulty either, he had a study done and he listens well.
[p. 315]
Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have walking, going up or down? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He is unable to do so because he was born with a health problem.
Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in walking, climbing or descending due to being born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: That's how he was born, he immediately underwent a study and the doctor said that he had "Dysplasia in the development of the hip", which in the future will cause him problems walking or crawling, so he uses a special device and soon he will need an operation so he can move and it will take him longer to walk.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty has Eduardo remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Yes, he can do it with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in remembering or concentrating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: He was born this way.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have bathing, dressing, or eating?

Respondent: He does have a lot of difficulties because he was born with a health problem.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in bathing, dressing, or eating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: Because of his illness.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have in speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, or is unable to do so.

Respondent: Yes, although he is starting to say "mama", he does have little difficulty; doctors say it will take longer for him to learn to speak well.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in speaking or communicating because he was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason

Respondent: Because he was born that way.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: Yes, he has Down syndrome.

Interviewer: Is the cause of Eduardo's problem or mental condition because he was born like this, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason?
[p. 316]
Respondent: He was born with Down syndrome.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Example 2:

Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about Penelope (75-year-old woman, mother of the respondent).
In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to see, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has little difficulty seeing well.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's visual difficulty, even with glasses, because she was born that way because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of her old age, she already has cataracts.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to hear, even when wearing a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have hearing difficulty, even with a hearing aid because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in walking, climbing, or going downstairs? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Well, she walks with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have difficulty walking up or down because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.
[p. 317]
Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's remembering or concentrating difficulty because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have to bathe, dress or eat? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Much difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's difficulty bathing, dressing, or eating because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of an illness, she has a very strong arthritis problem and she has all her fingers crooked. Although she can bathe herself, I help her dress and eat because she can no longer hold a spoon.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has no difficulty.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: No, none.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 318]

The questions disability and cause of disability are presented in the census manager as shown below:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_DISORMOBIL — Reason for difficulty walking, going up or down
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Is the disability of [the respondent] for (answer of 10, except code 1) due to:

For each option with code 2, 3, 4, or 5, write one code

The cause of [the respondent]'s problem or condition is: _

[] 1 A birth condition?
[] 2 An illness?
[] 3 An accident?
[] 4 Old age?
[] 5 Another cause?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

11. Cause of disability
The question is asked after question 10. disability and only applies if the code of some degree of difficulty was circled as two. They can do it with little difficulty, 3. It can do it with great difficulty, 4. They cannot do it in some kind of activity limitation; or when in the last question of Do you have any mental problem or condition? code 5 was recorded. Yes.

The purpose of this question is to know the main reason or motive that originates the difficulty or limitation to performing some or several activities in the daily life of the people of the housing unit and are expressed in numerical codes ranging from 1 to 5.

Read question 11 verbatim. Cause of disability along with your five response options for each limitation stated in question 10 and record the code in the space to the right of each type of limitation; including the last option, you will ask about the cause of the mental problem or condition.

[p. 314]

Note that when a person has more than one activity limitation, they must have a cause code for each of them.

To note the cause code, consider the following:

- Because they were born that way. When the cause of the difficulty is from birth, as well as causes originated during pregnancy or at the time of birth.
- Due to illness. When the difficulty was acquired by diseases after birth. It also includes limitations or disabilities caused by addictions.
- Due to an accident. When it originated or derived from fortuitous situations or unforeseen events such as: vehicular accidents, accidental poisoning, fires, falls, etc. that caused damage or injury to the body structure and functioning of the person.
- Due to old age. t includes those who present physical or mental difficulties or limitations whose main cause is related to aging processes, which deteriorate the level of development of activities and autonomy of the person.
- For other cause. It refers to causes that are not expressed within the above categories, but are known to those reporting the difficulty or limitation.
Example 1:
Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about your son Eduardo (a one and a half year old baby). In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have seeing, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He does not appear to have any difficulty. When he was one month old, he had a test and the doctor said he was fine.

Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have hearing, even using a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He has no difficulty either, he had a study done and he listens well.
[p. 315]
Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have walking, going up or down? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He is unable to do so because he was born with a health problem.
Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in walking, climbing or descending due to being born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: That's how he was born, he immediately underwent a study and the doctor said that he had "Dysplasia in the development of the hip", which in the future will cause him problems walking or crawling, so he uses a special device and soon he will need an operation so he can move and it will take him longer to walk.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty has Eduardo remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Yes, he can do it with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in remembering or concentrating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: He was born this way.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have bathing, dressing, or eating?

Respondent: He does have a lot of difficulties because he was born with a health problem.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in bathing, dressing, or eating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: Because of his illness.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have in speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, or is unable to do so.

Respondent: Yes, although he is starting to say "mama", he does have little difficulty; doctors say it will take longer for him to learn to speak well.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in speaking or communicating because he was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason

Respondent: Because he was born that way.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: Yes, he has Down syndrome.

Interviewer: Is the cause of Eduardo's problem or mental condition because he was born like this, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason?
[p. 316]
Respondent: He was born with Down syndrome.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Example 2:

Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about Penelope (75-year-old woman, mother of the respondent).
In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to see, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has little difficulty seeing well.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's visual difficulty, even with glasses, because she was born that way because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of her old age, she already has cataracts.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to hear, even when wearing a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have hearing difficulty, even with a hearing aid because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in walking, climbing, or going downstairs? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Well, she walks with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have difficulty walking up or down because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.
[p. 317]
Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's remembering or concentrating difficulty because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have to bathe, dress or eat? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Much difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's difficulty bathing, dressing, or eating because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of an illness, she has a very strong arthritis problem and she has all her fingers crooked. Although she can bathe herself, I help her dress and eat because she can no longer hold a spoon.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has no difficulty.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: No, none.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 318]

The questions disability and cause of disability are presented in the census manager as shown below:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_DISORMNTL — Reason for difficulty remembering or concentrating
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Is the disability of [the respondent] for (answer of 10, except code 1) due to:

For each option with code 2, 3, 4, or 5, write one code

The cause of [the respondent]'s problem or condition is: _

[] 1 A birth condition?
[] 2 An illness?
[] 3 An accident?
[] 4 Old age?
[] 5 Another cause?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

11. Cause of disability
The question is asked after question 10. disability and only applies if the code of some degree of difficulty was circled as two. They can do it with little difficulty, 3. It can do it with great difficulty, 4. They cannot do it in some kind of activity limitation; or when in the last question of Do you have any mental problem or condition? code 5 was recorded. Yes.

The purpose of this question is to know the main reason or motive that originates the difficulty or limitation to performing some or several activities in the daily life of the people of the housing unit and are expressed in numerical codes ranging from 1 to 5.

Read question 11 verbatim. Cause of disability along with your five response options for each limitation stated in question 10 and record the code in the space to the right of each type of limitation; including the last option, you will ask about the cause of the mental problem or condition.

[p. 314]

Note that when a person has more than one activity limitation, they must have a cause code for each of them.

To note the cause code, consider the following:

- Because they were born that way. When the cause of the difficulty is from birth, as well as causes originated during pregnancy or at the time of birth.
- Due to illness. When the difficulty was acquired by diseases after birth. It also includes limitations or disabilities caused by addictions.
- Due to an accident. When it originated or derived from fortuitous situations or unforeseen events such as: vehicular accidents, accidental poisoning, fires, falls, etc. that caused damage or injury to the body structure and functioning of the person.
- Due to old age. t includes those who present physical or mental difficulties or limitations whose main cause is related to aging processes, which deteriorate the level of development of activities and autonomy of the person.
- For other cause. It refers to causes that are not expressed within the above categories, but are known to those reporting the difficulty or limitation.
Example 1:
Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about your son Eduardo (a one and a half year old baby). In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have seeing, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He does not appear to have any difficulty. When he was one month old, he had a test and the doctor said he was fine.

Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have hearing, even using a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He has no difficulty either, he had a study done and he listens well.
[p. 315]
Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have walking, going up or down? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He is unable to do so because he was born with a health problem.
Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in walking, climbing or descending due to being born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: That's how he was born, he immediately underwent a study and the doctor said that he had "Dysplasia in the development of the hip", which in the future will cause him problems walking or crawling, so he uses a special device and soon he will need an operation so he can move and it will take him longer to walk.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty has Eduardo remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Yes, he can do it with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in remembering or concentrating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: He was born this way.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have bathing, dressing, or eating?

Respondent: He does have a lot of difficulties because he was born with a health problem.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in bathing, dressing, or eating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: Because of his illness.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have in speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, or is unable to do so.

Respondent: Yes, although he is starting to say "mama", he does have little difficulty; doctors say it will take longer for him to learn to speak well.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in speaking or communicating because he was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason

Respondent: Because he was born that way.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: Yes, he has Down syndrome.

Interviewer: Is the cause of Eduardo's problem or mental condition because he was born like this, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason?
[p. 316]
Respondent: He was born with Down syndrome.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Example 2:

Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about Penelope (75-year-old woman, mother of the respondent).
In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to see, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has little difficulty seeing well.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's visual difficulty, even with glasses, because she was born that way because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of her old age, she already has cataracts.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to hear, even when wearing a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have hearing difficulty, even with a hearing aid because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in walking, climbing, or going downstairs? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Well, she walks with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have difficulty walking up or down because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.
[p. 317]
Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's remembering or concentrating difficulty because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have to bathe, dress or eat? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Much difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's difficulty bathing, dressing, or eating because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of an illness, she has a very strong arthritis problem and she has all her fingers crooked. Although she can bathe herself, I help her dress and eat because she can no longer hold a spoon.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has no difficulty.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: No, none.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 318]

The questions disability and cause of disability are presented in the census manager as shown below:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_DISORCARE — Reason for difficulty bathing, dressing, or eating
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Is the disability of [the respondent] for (answer of 10, except code 1) due to:

For each option with code 2, 3, 4, or 5, write one code

The cause of [the respondent]'s problem or condition is: _

[] 1 A birth condition?
[] 2 An illness?
[] 3 An accident?
[] 4 Old age?
[] 5 Another cause?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

11. Cause of disability
The question is asked after question 10. disability and only applies if the code of some degree of difficulty was circled as two. They can do it with little difficulty, 3. It can do it with great difficulty, 4. They cannot do it in some kind of activity limitation; or when in the last question of Do you have any mental problem or condition? code 5 was recorded. Yes.

The purpose of this question is to know the main reason or motive that originates the difficulty or limitation to performing some or several activities in the daily life of the people of the housing unit and are expressed in numerical codes ranging from 1 to 5.

Read question 11 verbatim. Cause of disability along with your five response options for each limitation stated in question 10 and record the code in the space to the right of each type of limitation; including the last option, you will ask about the cause of the mental problem or condition.

[p. 314]

Note that when a person has more than one activity limitation, they must have a cause code for each of them.

To note the cause code, consider the following:

- Because they were born that way. When the cause of the difficulty is from birth, as well as causes originated during pregnancy or at the time of birth.
- Due to illness. When the difficulty was acquired by diseases after birth. It also includes limitations or disabilities caused by addictions.
- Due to an accident. When it originated or derived from fortuitous situations or unforeseen events such as: vehicular accidents, accidental poisoning, fires, falls, etc. that caused damage or injury to the body structure and functioning of the person.
- Due to old age. t includes those who present physical or mental difficulties or limitations whose main cause is related to aging processes, which deteriorate the level of development of activities and autonomy of the person.
- For other cause. It refers to causes that are not expressed within the above categories, but are known to those reporting the difficulty or limitation.
Example 1:
Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about your son Eduardo (a one and a half year old baby). In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have seeing, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He does not appear to have any difficulty. When he was one month old, he had a test and the doctor said he was fine.

Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have hearing, even using a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He has no difficulty either, he had a study done and he listens well.
[p. 315]
Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have walking, going up or down? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He is unable to do so because he was born with a health problem.
Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in walking, climbing or descending due to being born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: That's how he was born, he immediately underwent a study and the doctor said that he had "Dysplasia in the development of the hip", which in the future will cause him problems walking or crawling, so he uses a special device and soon he will need an operation so he can move and it will take him longer to walk.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty has Eduardo remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Yes, he can do it with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in remembering or concentrating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: He was born this way.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have bathing, dressing, or eating?

Respondent: He does have a lot of difficulties because he was born with a health problem.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in bathing, dressing, or eating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: Because of his illness.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have in speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, or is unable to do so.

Respondent: Yes, although he is starting to say "mama", he does have little difficulty; doctors say it will take longer for him to learn to speak well.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in speaking or communicating because he was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason

Respondent: Because he was born that way.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: Yes, he has Down syndrome.

Interviewer: Is the cause of Eduardo's problem or mental condition because he was born like this, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason?
[p. 316]
Respondent: He was born with Down syndrome.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Example 2:

Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about Penelope (75-year-old woman, mother of the respondent).
In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to see, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has little difficulty seeing well.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's visual difficulty, even with glasses, because she was born that way because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of her old age, she already has cataracts.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to hear, even when wearing a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have hearing difficulty, even with a hearing aid because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in walking, climbing, or going downstairs? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Well, she walks with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have difficulty walking up or down because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.
[p. 317]
Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's remembering or concentrating difficulty because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have to bathe, dress or eat? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Much difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's difficulty bathing, dressing, or eating because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of an illness, she has a very strong arthritis problem and she has all her fingers crooked. Although she can bathe herself, I help her dress and eat because she can no longer hold a spoon.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has no difficulty.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: No, none.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 318]

The questions disability and cause of disability are presented in the census manager as shown below:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_DISORCOMM — Reason for difficulty speaking or communicating
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Is the disability of [the respondent] for (answer of 10, except code 1) due to:

For each option with code 2, 3, 4, or 5, write one code

The cause of [the respondent]'s problem or condition is: _

[] 1 A birth condition?
[] 2 An illness?
[] 3 An accident?
[] 4 Old age?
[] 5 Another cause?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

11. Cause of disability
The question is asked after question 10. disability and only applies if the code of some degree of difficulty was circled as two. They can do it with little difficulty, 3. It can do it with great difficulty, 4. They cannot do it in some kind of activity limitation; or when in the last question of Do you have any mental problem or condition? code 5 was recorded. Yes.

The purpose of this question is to know the main reason or motive that originates the difficulty or limitation to performing some or several activities in the daily life of the people of the housing unit and are expressed in numerical codes ranging from 1 to 5.

Read question 11 verbatim. Cause of disability along with your five response options for each limitation stated in question 10 and record the code in the space to the right of each type of limitation; including the last option, you will ask about the cause of the mental problem or condition.

[p. 314]

Note that when a person has more than one activity limitation, they must have a cause code for each of them.

To note the cause code, consider the following:

- Because they were born that way. When the cause of the difficulty is from birth, as well as causes originated during pregnancy or at the time of birth.
- Due to illness. When the difficulty was acquired by diseases after birth. It also includes limitations or disabilities caused by addictions.
- Due to an accident. When it originated or derived from fortuitous situations or unforeseen events such as: vehicular accidents, accidental poisoning, fires, falls, etc. that caused damage or injury to the body structure and functioning of the person.
- Due to old age. t includes those who present physical or mental difficulties or limitations whose main cause is related to aging processes, which deteriorate the level of development of activities and autonomy of the person.
- For other cause. It refers to causes that are not expressed within the above categories, but are known to those reporting the difficulty or limitation.
Example 1:
Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about your son Eduardo (a one and a half year old baby). In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have seeing, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He does not appear to have any difficulty. When he was one month old, he had a test and the doctor said he was fine.

Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have hearing, even using a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He has no difficulty either, he had a study done and he listens well.
[p. 315]
Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have walking, going up or down? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He is unable to do so because he was born with a health problem.
Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in walking, climbing or descending due to being born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: That's how he was born, he immediately underwent a study and the doctor said that he had "Dysplasia in the development of the hip", which in the future will cause him problems walking or crawling, so he uses a special device and soon he will need an operation so he can move and it will take him longer to walk.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty has Eduardo remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Yes, he can do it with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in remembering or concentrating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: He was born this way.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have bathing, dressing, or eating?

Respondent: He does have a lot of difficulties because he was born with a health problem.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in bathing, dressing, or eating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: Because of his illness.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have in speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, or is unable to do so.

Respondent: Yes, although he is starting to say "mama", he does have little difficulty; doctors say it will take longer for him to learn to speak well.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in speaking or communicating because he was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason

Respondent: Because he was born that way.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: Yes, he has Down syndrome.

Interviewer: Is the cause of Eduardo's problem or mental condition because he was born like this, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason?
[p. 316]
Respondent: He was born with Down syndrome.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Example 2:

Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about Penelope (75-year-old woman, mother of the respondent).
In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to see, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has little difficulty seeing well.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's visual difficulty, even with glasses, because she was born that way because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of her old age, she already has cataracts.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to hear, even when wearing a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have hearing difficulty, even with a hearing aid because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in walking, climbing, or going downstairs? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Well, she walks with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have difficulty walking up or down because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.
[p. 317]
Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's remembering or concentrating difficulty because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have to bathe, dress or eat? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Much difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's difficulty bathing, dressing, or eating because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of an illness, she has a very strong arthritis problem and she has all her fingers crooked. Although she can bathe herself, I help her dress and eat because she can no longer hold a spoon.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has no difficulty.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: No, none.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 318]

The questions disability and cause of disability are presented in the census manager as shown below:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_DISORPSYC — Reason for mental problem or condition
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Is the disability of [the respondent] for (answer of 10, except code 1) due to:

For each option with code 2, 3, 4, or 5, write one code

The cause of [the respondent]'s problem or condition is: _

[] 1 A birth condition?
[] 2 An illness?
[] 3 An accident?
[] 4 Old age?
[] 5 Another cause?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

11. Cause of disability
The question is asked after question 10. disability and only applies if the code of some degree of difficulty was circled as two. They can do it with little difficulty, 3. It can do it with great difficulty, 4. They cannot do it in some kind of activity limitation; or when in the last question of Do you have any mental problem or condition? code 5 was recorded. Yes.

The purpose of this question is to know the main reason or motive that originates the difficulty or limitation to performing some or several activities in the daily life of the people of the housing unit and are expressed in numerical codes ranging from 1 to 5.

Read question 11 verbatim. Cause of disability along with your five response options for each limitation stated in question 10 and record the code in the space to the right of each type of limitation; including the last option, you will ask about the cause of the mental problem or condition.

[p. 314]

Note that when a person has more than one activity limitation, they must have a cause code for each of them.

To note the cause code, consider the following:

- Because they were born that way. When the cause of the difficulty is from birth, as well as causes originated during pregnancy or at the time of birth.
- Due to illness. When the difficulty was acquired by diseases after birth. It also includes limitations or disabilities caused by addictions.
- Due to an accident. When it originated or derived from fortuitous situations or unforeseen events such as: vehicular accidents, accidental poisoning, fires, falls, etc. that caused damage or injury to the body structure and functioning of the person.
- Due to old age. t includes those who present physical or mental difficulties or limitations whose main cause is related to aging processes, which deteriorate the level of development of activities and autonomy of the person.
- For other cause. It refers to causes that are not expressed within the above categories, but are known to those reporting the difficulty or limitation.
Example 1:
Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about your son Eduardo (a one and a half year old baby). In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have seeing, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He does not appear to have any difficulty. When he was one month old, he had a test and the doctor said he was fine.

Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have hearing, even using a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He has no difficulty either, he had a study done and he listens well.
[p. 315]
Interviewer: In your daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have walking, going up or down? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: He is unable to do so because he was born with a health problem.
Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in walking, climbing or descending due to being born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: That's how he was born, he immediately underwent a study and the doctor said that he had "Dysplasia in the development of the hip", which in the future will cause him problems walking or crawling, so he uses a special device and soon he will need an operation so he can move and it will take him longer to walk.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty has Eduardo remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Yes, he can do it with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in remembering or concentrating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: He was born this way.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have bathing, dressing, or eating?

Respondent: He does have a lot of difficulties because he was born with a health problem.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in bathing, dressing, or eating because he was born that way, because of an illness, an accident, or some other cause?

Respondent: Because of his illness.

Interviewer: In his daily life, How much difficulty does Eduardo have in speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, or is unable to do so.

Respondent: Yes, although he is starting to say "mama", he does have little difficulty; doctors say it will take longer for him to learn to speak well.

Interviewer: Is Eduardo's difficulty in speaking or communicating because he was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason

Respondent: Because he was born that way.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: Yes, he has Down syndrome.

Interviewer: Is the cause of Eduardo's problem or mental condition because he was born like this, because of an illness, because of an accident, or for another reason?
[p. 316]
Respondent: He was born with Down syndrome.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Example 2:

Interviewer: Now I am going to ask you about Penelope (75-year-old woman, mother of the respondent).
In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to see, even when wearing glasses? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has little difficulty seeing well.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's visual difficulty, even with glasses, because she was born that way because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of her old age, she already has cataracts.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how difficult is it for Ms. Penelope to hear, even when wearing a hearing aid? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have hearing difficulty, even with a hearing aid because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in walking, climbing, or going downstairs? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Well, she walks with little difficulty.

Interviewer: Does Mrs. Penelope have difficulty walking up or down because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.
[p. 317]
Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Ms. Penelope have in remembering or concentrating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: It is very difficult for her.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's remembering or concentrating difficulty because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Due to her old age.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have to bathe, dress or eat? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: Much difficulty.

Interviewer: Is Mrs. Penelope's difficulty bathing, dressing, or eating because she was born that way, because of an illness, because of an accident, because of old age, or for another reason?

Respondent: Because of an illness, she has a very strong arthritis problem and she has all her fingers crooked. Although she can bathe herself, I help her dress and eat because she can no longer hold a spoon.

Interviewer: In her daily life, how much difficulty does Mrs. Penelope have speaking or communicating? He has no difficulty, he can do it with little difficulty, he does it with great difficulty, or he is unable to do it.

Respondent: She has no difficulty.

Interviewer: Does she have any mental problems or conditions? Respondent: No, none.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 318]

The questions disability and cause of disability are presented in the census manager as shown below:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_BIRTHDEF — Birth defect
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

10. What has caused the disability?

[] 1 Birth
[] 2 Disease
[] 3 Landmines/ War
[] 4 Military Service
[] 5 Labor accident
[] 6 Car accident
[] 7 Other
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P10. What has caused the disability?

For all persons who, in the previous question, have marked any kind of disability you should ask what the causes of the disability were. We intend to know how that person acquired a certain kind of disability. For example, if an individual has an amputated arm and says that he lost his arm while working, you should mark an X in box number 5 (labor accident).

Be aware that this question also admits more than one response. If, for example, in the previous question an individual had two kinds of disability, for this question they should indicate the cause for each type of disability.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_DISEASE — Disease
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

10. What has caused the disability?

[] 1 Birth
[] 2 Disease
[] 3 Landmines/ War
[] 4 Military Service
[] 5 Labor accident
[] 6 Car accident
[] 7 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P10. What has caused the disability?

For all persons who, in the previous question, have marked any kind of disability you should ask what the causes of the disability were. We intend to know how that person acquired a certain kind of disability. For example, if an individual has an amputated arm and says that he lost his arm while working, you should mark an X in box number 5 (labor accident).

Be aware that this question also admits more than one response. If, for example, in the previous question an individual had two kinds of disability, for this question they should indicate the cause for each type of disability.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_INJWAR — Landmine or war injury
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

10. What has caused the disability?

[] 1 Birth
[] 2 Disease
[] 3 Landmines/ War
[] 4 Military Service
[] 5 Labor accident
[] 6 Car accident
[] 7 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P10. What has caused the disability?

For all persons who, in the previous question, have marked any kind of disability you should ask what the causes of the disability were. We intend to know how that person acquired a certain kind of disability. For example, if an individual has an amputated arm and says that he lost his arm while working, you should mark an X in box number 5 (labor accident).

Be aware that this question also admits more than one response. If, for example, in the previous question an individual had two kinds of disability, for this question they should indicate the cause for each type of disability.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_INJMILIT — Military service injury
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

10. What has caused the disability?

[] 1 Birth
[] 2 Disease
[] 3 Landmines/ War
[] 4 Military Service
[] 5 Labor accident
[] 6 Car accident
[] 7 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P10. What has caused the disability?

For all persons who, in the previous question, have marked any kind of disability you should ask what the causes of the disability were. We intend to know how that person acquired a certain kind of disability. For example, if an individual has an amputated arm and says that he lost his arm while working, you should mark an X in box number 5 (labor accident).

Be aware that this question also admits more than one response. If, for example, in the previous question an individual had two kinds of disability, for this question they should indicate the cause for each type of disability.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_WORKACC — Work related accident
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

10. What has caused the disability?

[] 1 Birth
[] 2 Disease
[] 3 Landmines/ War
[] 4 Military Service
[] 5 Labor accident
[] 6 Car accident
[] 7 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P10. What has caused the disability?

For all persons who, in the previous question, have marked any kind of disability you should ask what the causes of the disability were. We intend to know how that person acquired a certain kind of disability. For example, if an individual has an amputated arm and says that he lost his arm while working, you should mark an X in box number 5 (labor accident).

Be aware that this question also admits more than one response. If, for example, in the previous question an individual had two kinds of disability, for this question they should indicate the cause for each type of disability.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_CARACC — Car accident
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

10. What has caused the disability?

[] 1 Birth
[] 2 Disease
[] 3 Landmines/ War
[] 4 Military Service
[] 5 Labor accident
[] 6 Car accident
[] 7 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P10. What has caused the disability?

For all persons who, in the previous question, have marked any kind of disability you should ask what the causes of the disability were. We intend to know how that person acquired a certain kind of disability. For example, if an individual has an amputated arm and says that he lost his arm while working, you should mark an X in box number 5 (labor accident).

Be aware that this question also admits more than one response. If, for example, in the previous question an individual had two kinds of disability, for this question they should indicate the cause for each type of disability.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_OTHERDIS — Other disability
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

10. What has caused the disability?

[] 1 Birth
[] 2 Disease
[] 3 Landmines/ War
[] 4 Military Service
[] 5 Labor accident
[] 6 Car accident
[] 7 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P10. What has caused the disability?

For all persons who, in the previous question, have marked any kind of disability you should ask what the causes of the disability were. We intend to know how that person acquired a certain kind of disability. For example, if an individual has an amputated arm and says that he lost his arm while working, you should mark an X in box number 5 (labor accident).

Be aware that this question also admits more than one response. If, for example, in the previous question an individual had two kinds of disability, for this question they should indicate the cause for each type of disability.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_BLIND — Blind
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

30. Do you have, from birth or other cause, any physical or mental disability?
Mark one or more boxes, as appropriate


[] 1 From birth
[] 2 Other cause


[] 3 From birth
[] 4 Other cause

Mental retardation

[] 5 From birth
[] 6 Other cause

Paralysis or other physical disability

[] 7 From birth
[] 8 Other cause

[] 9 No disability

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons up to 40 years of age

Question 30 Do you have, from birth or other cause, any physical or mental disability?

Mark one or more boxes according to the following definitions.
a. Blind: The person has no vision or sees very little (visual weaknesses).
b. Deaf: The person does not see or talk, communicates through signs but with normal intelligence.
c. Mental retardation: consists of a below average or below normal intellectual capacity and is seen through growing up and the development of the person.
d. Invalid: is a person who through injuries in the locomotive system is not self-sufficient. It includes those who suffer from cerebral paralysis and those paralyzed in the arm or leg. Do not include those who walk with crutches or lack an arm.

If the person does not have any impediment, mark the corresponding box.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_DEAFM — Deaf-mute
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

30. Do you have, from birth or other cause, any physical or mental disability?
Mark one or more boxes, as appropriate


[] 1 From birth
[] 2 Other cause


[] 3 From birth
[] 4 Other cause

Mental retardation

[] 5 From birth
[] 6 Other cause

Paralysis or other physical disability

[] 7 From birth
[] 8 Other cause

[] 9 No disability

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons up to 40 years of age

Question 30 Do you have, from birth or other cause, any physical or mental disability?

Mark one or more boxes according to the following definitions.
a. Blind: The person has no vision or sees very little (visual weaknesses).
b. Deaf: The person does not see or talk, communicates through signs but with normal intelligence.
c. Mental retardation: consists of a below average or below normal intellectual capacity and is seen through growing up and the development of the person.
d. Invalid: is a person who through injuries in the locomotive system is not self-sufficient. It includes those who suffer from cerebral paralysis and those paralyzed in the arm or leg. Do not include those who walk with crutches or lack an arm.

If the person does not have any impediment, mark the corresponding box.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_RETARD — Mental retardation
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30. Do you have, from birth or other cause, any physical or mental disability?
Mark one or more boxes, as appropriate


[] 1 From birth
[] 2 Other cause


[] 3 From birth
[] 4 Other cause

Mental retardation

[] 5 From birth
[] 6 Other cause

Paralysis or other physical disability

[] 7 From birth
[] 8 Other cause

[] 9 No disability

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons up to 40 years of age

Question 30 Do you have, from birth or other cause, any physical or mental disability?

Mark one or more boxes according to the following definitions.
a. Blind: The person has no vision or sees very little (visual weaknesses).
b. Deaf: The person does not see or talk, communicates through signs but with normal intelligence.
c. Mental retardation: consists of a below average or below normal intellectual capacity and is seen through growing up and the development of the person.
d. Invalid: is a person who through injuries in the locomotive system is not self-sufficient. It includes those who suffer from cerebral paralysis and those paralyzed in the arm or leg. Do not include those who walk with crutches or lack an arm.

If the person does not have any impediment, mark the corresponding box.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_DISAB — Paralysis or physical disability
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30. Do you have, from birth or other cause, any physical or mental disability?
Mark one or more boxes, as appropriate


[] 1 From birth
[] 2 Other cause


[] 3 From birth
[] 4 Other cause

Mental retardation

[] 5 From birth
[] 6 Other cause

Paralysis or other physical disability

[] 7 From birth
[] 8 Other cause

[] 9 No disability

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons up to 40 years of age

Question 30 Do you have, from birth or other cause, any physical or mental disability?

Mark one or more boxes according to the following definitions.
a. Blind: The person has no vision or sees very little (visual weaknesses).
b. Deaf: The person does not see or talk, communicates through signs but with normal intelligence.
c. Mental retardation: consists of a below average or below normal intellectual capacity and is seen through growing up and the development of the person.
d. Invalid: is a person who through injuries in the locomotive system is not self-sufficient. It includes those who suffer from cerebral paralysis and those paralyzed in the arm or leg. Do not include those who walk with crutches or lack an arm.

If the person does not have any impediment, mark the corresponding box.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_DISABC — Cause of disability
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Chapter I. Disability information

36. Is there any person in this household who has a permanent physical or mental disability? ... Such as for example:

[] 1 Yes - Write on one line the name, surname, age, and disability (or disabilities) of the person, followed by the cause(s).
[] 6 No - Go on to Chapter J

Write down the cause of the impediment

List of possible causes:

[] 1 Born this way
[] 2 Because of an illness
[] 3 Because of an accident
[] 4 Due to aging
[] 5 Specify if for another reason
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
I. Information about disabilities

Do not forget to ask this question.

Question 36: Is there a person in this household who has a permanent physical of mental disability?

Exclude the incapacities due to temporary problems, such as broken bones or illnesses.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_DISAB2C — Cause of second disability
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Chapter I. Disability information

36. Is there any person in this household who has a permanent physical or mental disability? ... Such as for example:

[] 1 Yes - Write on one line the name, surname, age, and disability (or disabilities) of the person, followed by the cause(s).
[] 6 No - Go on to Chapter J

Write down the cause of the impediment

List of possible causes:

[] 1 Born this way
[] 2 Because of an illness
[] 3 Because of an accident
[] 4 Due to aging
[] 5 Specify if for another reason
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
I. Information about disabilities

Do not forget to ask this question.

Question 36: Is there a person in this household who has a permanent physical of mental disability?

Exclude the incapacities due to temporary problems, such as broken bones or illnesses.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_DISAB3C — Cause of third disability
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Chapter I. Disability information

36. Is there any person in this household who has a permanent physical or mental disability? ... Such as for example:

[] 1 Yes - Write on one line the name, surname, age, and disability (or disabilities) of the person, followed by the cause(s).
[] 6 No - Go on to Chapter J

Write down the cause of the impediment

List of possible causes:

[] 1 Born this way
[] 2 Because of an illness
[] 3 Because of an accident
[] 4 Due to aging
[] 5 Specify if for another reason
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
I. Information about disabilities

Do not forget to ask this question.

Question 36: Is there a person in this household who has a permanent physical of mental disability?

Exclude the incapacities due to temporary problems, such as broken bones or illnesses.

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_DISCAUSE — Cause of the handicap or disability
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A. Questions to be asked to all members of the household
[Questions 1-14.]

P14. Cause of the disability or handicap

[Question 14 was asked of individuals with some handicap]
What is the cause of the disability or handicap of _____?

Circle the code corresponding to one of the abbreviations copied at the bottom of the page, according to the declaration of the interviewee.

[] 1. CO = Congenital
[] 2. MA = Disease
[] 3. AC = Accident
[] 4. GU = War
[] 5. GE = Genocide
[] 6. MI = Anti-personal mine
[] 7. AU = Other
[] 8. SP = Do not know

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

P14: Cause of disability or handicap

This question concerns all the persons who have answered (positively) to question P13, as having some sort of disability or handicap.

The census enumerator must circle the number corresponding to the answer given.

For a person disabled or handicapped by bullets, who has been harassed because of his/her race or his/her political opinion, one will write in the appropriate boxes: genocide.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_DISCAUSE1 — Cause of first disability
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 7-13 were asked of all usual residents.]

12. Does the respondent have any difficulty or problem as listed below? If yes, what were the causes?

[Respondent can answer up to 5 disability/ cause pairs.]

Type of disability _
Cause of disability _

If none, write 0 in "Types of disability" and go to Question 13.
Types of disability
1. Seeing
2. Hearing
3. Speaking
4. Walking/ Climbing
5. Learning/ Concentrating
6. Other____
Causes of disability
1. Congenital
2. Disease/ Illness
3. Injury/ Accident
4. War/ Mines
5. Genocide
6. Now known
7. Other ____

[Table omitted.]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P12: Type and cause of major disability
Ask: Does [the person] have any difficulty or problem as listed below? If yes, what were the causes?

A person is called disabled if during birth or after birth his/her body part or his/her mental is damaged, lack of body part or congenital malformation and fails to do activities that other persons who have no such problems could do.

The possible disabilities and their causes are follows:

Type of disability [D]
1 - Seeing
2 - Hearing
3 - Speaking
4 - Walking/Climbing
5 - Learning/Concentrating
6 - Other
Causes [C]
1 - Congenital
2 - Disease/Illness
3 - Injury/Accident
4 - War/Mines
5 - Genocide
6 - Not known
7 - Other

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_DISCAUSE — Cause of disability
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P15. Disability
Is [the respondent] disabled?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to P19)

[Questions 16-18 were asked of persons who are disabled, per question P15]

P17. Cause of disability

[] 1 Congenital (from birth)
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Transport accident
[] 4 Occupational injury
[] 5 Other accident
[] 6 War
[] 7 Natural aging process
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section 1 - Population
Columns P1 to P18 -- These should provide particulars of all members who slept in the household/institution on census night. They therefore apply to all persons.

Columns P15 - P18 -- Disability
105. It is absolutely important that this information is collected as accurately as possible, which means that the question applies to everybody in the household. You must be particularly careful to distinguish between actual disability and other forms of illnesses.

106. For example, you may be told that a member of the household has had tuberculosis or has been suffering from backache or stomach pains for a very long time. These are not disabilities for the purpose of these questions. It may be necessary to see the persons who have been reported as being disabled. This


will give you an opportunity to determine whether the persons) is/are disabled according to the specifications below.

107. Somebody is disabled if he/she is blind, crippled, deaf, dumb, mentally retarded or has lost limbs), etc.

P15 -- Whether person is disabled
108. Ask, "Is [the respondent] disabled?" If the answer is "Yes", ask the second question relating to the type of disability (question P16) before you make any entry. If you are satisfied that the type of disability falls within our prescribed category, you can then fill in P15 and P16. This is necessary to avoid messing up the questionnaire.

P17 -- Cause of disability
111. Ask for the cause of the disability and record the appropriate code refer to the code list). For example, "Congenital" is 1, "Disease/illness" is 2, etc.

P17 Cause of disability

[] 1 Congenital from birth)
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Transport accident
[] 4 Occupational injury
[] 5 Other accident
[] 6 War
[] 7 Natural aging process
[] 8 Other specify)

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_DISCAUSE — Cause of main disability
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All persons [Questions P01-P20]

[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

Disability [Questions P15-P19]

P18. Cause of main disability

Answered only if the respondent answered yes to having a disability in P15.

[] 1 Congenital (from birth)
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Transport Accident
[] 4 Occupational injury
[] 5 Other accident
[] 6 War
[] 7 Natural ageing process
[] 8 Other
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

P18 -- Cause of main disability
126. Ask for the cause of the main disability and record the appropriate code (refer to the code list). For example, 'congenital' is 1, 'disease/illness' is 2 etc.

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_DISAB — Disabled
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All persons [Questions P01-P20]

[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

Disability [Questions P15-P19]

P15. Does [the respondent] suffer from any form of disability?

If 2 or 3 go to P20

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 3. Don't Know
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns (P15 to P19) disability
120. It is absolutely important that this information is collected as accurately as possible. These questions apply to everybody in the household. You must be particularly careful to distinguish between actual disability and other forms of illnesses.

121. For example, you may be told that a member of the household has had tuberculosis or has been suffering from backache or stomach pains for a very long time. These are not disabilities for the purpose of these questions. It may be necessary to see the persons who have been reported as being disabled. This will give you an opportunity to determine whether the person(s) is/are disabled according to the specifications below.

122. Somebody is disabled if he/she is blind, crippled, deaf, dumb, mentally retarded, lost limb(s), speech impaired, is an albino, etc.

P15 -- Person disabled?
123. Ask, 'Does (name) suffer from any form of disability?' If the answer is 'Yes' ask the second question relating to the main type of disability in (P16) and the second type if any in P17. Before you make any entry be sure that you are satisfied that the type of disability falls within the prescribed categories.

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_DISCSSIGHT — Cause of seeing disability
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Personal module

All persons (health)
[Questions P21a to P23 were asked of all persons about their health.]

P21b. What causes this impairment?

Enter the relevant code for each of the impairments listed under P21a:
A. Seeing (even when using glasses)
[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Traffic accident
[] 4 Other accident
[] 5 Other cause
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_DISCSHEAR — Cause of hearing disability
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Personal module

All persons (health)
[Questions P21a to P23 were asked of all persons about their health.]

P21b. What causes this impairment?

Enter the relevant code for each of the impairments listed under P21a:
B. Hearing (even when using a hearing aid)
[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Traffic accident
[] 4 Other accident
[] 5 Other cause
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_DISCSMOBIL — Cause of walking disability
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Personal module

All persons (health)
[Questions P21a to P23 were asked of all persons about their health.]

P21b. What causes this impairment?

Enter the relevant code for each of the impairments listed under P21a:
C. Walking or going up and down stairs
[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Traffic accident
[] 4 Other accident
[] 5 Other cause
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_DISCSMNTL — Cause of remembering disability
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Personal module

All persons (health)
[Questions P21a to P23 were asked of all persons about their health.]

P21b. What causes this impairment?

Enter the relevant code for each of the impairments listed under P21a:
D. Remembering and concentrating
[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Traffic accident
[] 4 Other accident
[] 5 Other cause
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_DISCSCARE — Cause of personal care disability
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Personal module

All persons (health)
[Questions P21a to P23 were asked of all persons about their health.]

P21b. What causes this impairment?

Enter the relevant code for each of the impairments listed under P21a:
E. Personal care
[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Traffic accident
[] 4 Other accident
[] 5 Other cause
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_DISCSLIFT — Cause of lifting, reaching, or carrying disability
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Personal module

All persons (health)
[Questions P21a to P23 were asked of all persons about their health.]

P21b. What causes this impairment?

Enter the relevant code for each of the impairments listed under P21a:
F. Lifting / reaching / carrying
[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Traffic accident
[] 4 Other accident
[] 5 Other cause
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_DISCSCOMM — Cause of communicating disability
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Personal module

All persons (health)
[Questions P21a to P23 were asked of all persons about their health.]

P21b. What causes this impairment?

Enter the relevant code for each of the impairments listed under P21a:
G. Communicating / talking
[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Traffic accident
[] 4 Other accident
[] 5 Other cause
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_DISCAUSE — Cause of disability
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

Physical disability

20. Visible physical disability, mental disorder or psychological defect, if any

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Ask those who answer "Yes" to question 20.
[Questions 21-22 were asked of those who had physical disability, as per question 20.]

22. Cause of disability

[] 1 Congenital
[] 2 Traffic accident
[] 3 Work accident
[] 4 Illness
[] 5 Other

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

Handicap status (20-22)

Question 22: The cause of your handicap?

Being sought is the reason for the genesis of the disability of the person being administered the census. If according to the response obtained, the reason for the handicap is congenital, put an "X" into the 1 "Congenital" box, if a traffic accident, into the 2 "Traffic accident" box, if due to a work accident, into the 3 "Work accident" box, if from an illness, into the 4 "Illness" box, if other, into the 5 "Other" box. If there is more than one handicap, write the one for the handicap identified in question 21.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_DISCAUSE — Cause of disability
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Complete this section for households, not for institutions


____ Is anyone who was in the household on census night disabled? (yes or no)
If yes, write: Person number [in blank column header] _____

[Columns provide space to record answers for four persons for the following questions:]

____ Nature of disability (blind, mentally ill, deaf and dumb, polio, amputee, leprosy, cripple, lame epilepsy, mentally retarded, other (specify))
____ Cause of disability (born, disease, accident, inflicted injury, etc.)

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175. "Is anyone who was in the household on census night disabled?"

Nature of Disability

176. By "disabled" we mean any condition which prevents a person from living a normal social and working life.

177. There are many disabilities and conditions which may prevent a person from living a normal life. And they may be difficult to describe accurately. But most people have a good idea of what amounts to disability and for census purposes we have to rely on your judgment and that of the household and persons concerned.

178. There are clear cases of disability such as having lost a leg, or being so crippled by polio that once cannot walk normally, or being mad. There are many cases where it is not so easy. In such cases, common sense must be your guide. If the condition is not so serious as to prevent a person from living a full life and being able to provide for him or her, it should not be counted as a disability.

179. If a person has lost an arm, he or she is disabled. A person who has lost the tip of a finger in an accident would not normally be considered disabled. In the same way a person whose sight is impaired but who wears glasses and can live and work normally while doing so is not disabled for purposes of the census. For census purposes old age is not a disability.

180. If there is anyone in the household who is disabled or whom you and others think of as disabled, write the person number and describe the nature of the disability as best you can in a few words. It is important that you write the person number because we need to know the sex, age and other particulars of the person concerned.

Cause of Disability

181. People may be born with a disability. They may be disabled as a result of illness or because of an injury received by accident or because of an injury inflicted on them by others. Describe the cause as best you can.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_DISCAU1 — Cause of Disability 1
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For all persons

P14 Cause of disability What caused this difficulty? (Write the code for cause, for each corresponding difficulty.) ___ ___

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[Question P1 - P15 apply to all persons]

Question P14: Cause of Disability
Ask, "What caused this difficulty?"
122. Causes of disability are important because they provide the health and medical explanation of the disability. This information is useful in providing preventive measures against the disability. For example a person may have difficulty in walking because he/she suffered from leprosy or polio. Similarly, a person with strange behavior or mental retardation may have suffered from a long illness, which affected the brain.
123. Sometimes people may be born with a disability. They may be disabled as a result of an illness or because of an injury caused by an accident or because of an injury inflicted on them by others. Record the code of the cause for each corresponding type of disability recorded in P13.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_DISCAU2 — Cause of Disability 2
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For all persons

P14 Cause of disability What caused this difficulty? (Write the code for cause, for each corresponding difficulty.) ___ ___

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[Question P1 - P15 apply to all persons]

Question P14: Cause of Disability
Ask, "What caused this difficulty?"
122. Causes of disability are important because they provide the health and medical explanation of the disability. This information is useful in providing preventive measures against the disability. For example a person may have difficulty in walking because he/she suffered from leprosy or polio. Similarly, a person with strange behavior or mental retardation may have suffered from a long illness, which affected the brain.
123. Sometimes people may be born with a disability. They may be disabled as a result of an illness or because of an injury caused by an accident or because of an injury inflicted on them by others. Record the code of the cause for each corresponding type of disability recorded in P13.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_DISCONG — Cause of disablity is congenital or prenatal
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Special Group Population
15. Is any member of the household disabled in any way?
[] Yes (fill in Disability Supplement)
[] No
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5.4 Disability

You are about to start a rather sensitive topic. Prepare the respondent by telling him/her that you are now going to start asking questions on disability.
A person with a disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of the ongoing difficulties due to a long term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. Short term disabilities due to temporary conditions such as broken legs and illness are excluded. Only disabilities lasting for more than six months should be included.

P15 Are You Disabled in any Way?
Find out whether this person is disabled and shade appropriately. If the respondent is not disabled, skip to P18.

P16 What is Your Disability?
Find out what disability the person has and shade appropriately. Also note that a person may have more than one disability. Shade all disabilities reported.

5.4.1 Types of Disability

a. Blind: Complete loss of sight.

b. Partially Sighted: Loss of one eye or poor sight but does not mean complete blindness.

c. Deaf: Complete loss of sense of hearing.

d. Hard of Hearing: Partial loss of sense of hearing, and not complete loss of sense of hearing.

e. Mentally Ill: Psychological disorder related to the individual's mental state or state of mind.

f. Ex-mental: Any person that has suffered from mental disorder before but is now rehabilitated/or medically treated/or is undergoing rehabilitation.
g. Mentally Retarded: Any individual that is either very slow to learn or has deficiency of mental intellect (slow in grasping things, difficulties in remembering things, very slow at responding).

h. Physically Handicapped: Any person with a physical abnormality relating to the loss of bodily limbs or any deformity in the bodily stature, eg, the epileptics and lepers.
5.4.2 Causes of Disability

P-17 What is the cause of this disability?
Ask for the cause of the reported disability/ies and shade accordingly. Causes of disability are categorised as follows:

a. Congential/prenatal - these are disabilities which one is born with.
b. Disease/illness e.g. polio. leprosy. cataract.
c. Injury accidents/trauma e.g. road accidents. injuries from accidental falls, fire etc.
d. Other. eg. unsuccessful medical operation. witchcraft, wrongful application of traditional and conventional medicine.
e. Unknown

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_DISEASE — Cause of disablity is disease or illness
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Special Group Population
15. Is any member of the household disabled in any way?
[] Yes (fill in Disability Supplement)
[] No
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5.4 Disability

You are about to start a rather sensitive topic. Prepare the respondent by telling him/her that you are now going to start asking questions on disability.
A person with a disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of the ongoing difficulties due to a long term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. Short term disabilities due to temporary conditions such as broken legs and illness are excluded. Only disabilities lasting for more than six months should be included.

P15 Are You Disabled in any Way?
Find out whether this person is disabled and shade appropriately. If the respondent is not disabled, skip to P18.

P16 What is Your Disability?
Find out what disability the person has and shade appropriately. Also note that a person may have more than one disability. Shade all disabilities reported.

5.4.1 Types of Disability

a. Blind: Complete loss of sight.

b. Partially Sighted: Loss of one eye or poor sight but does not mean complete blindness.

c. Deaf: Complete loss of sense of hearing.

d. Hard of Hearing: Partial loss of sense of hearing, and not complete loss of sense of hearing.

e. Mentally Ill: Psychological disorder related to the individual's mental state or state of mind.

f. Ex-mental: Any person that has suffered from mental disorder before but is now rehabilitated/or medically treated/or is undergoing rehabilitation.
g. Mentally Retarded: Any individual that is either very slow to learn or has deficiency of mental intellect (slow in grasping things, difficulties in remembering things, very slow at responding).

h. Physically Handicapped: Any person with a physical abnormality relating to the loss of bodily limbs or any deformity in the bodily stature, eg, the epileptics and lepers.
5.4.2 Causes of Disability

P-17 What is the cause of this disability?
Ask for the cause of the reported disability/ies and shade accordingly. Causes of disability are categorised as follows:

a. Congential/prenatal - these are disabilities which one is born with.
b. Disease/illness e.g. polio. leprosy. cataract.
c. Injury accidents/trauma e.g. road accidents. injuries from accidental falls, fire etc.
d. Other. eg. unsuccessful medical operation. witchcraft, wrongful application of traditional and conventional medicine.
e. Unknown

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_DISINJ — Cause of disablity is injury, accident or trauma
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Special Group Population
15. Is any member of the household disabled in any way?
[] Yes (fill in Disability Supplement)
[] No
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5.4 Disability

You are about to start a rather sensitive topic. Prepare the respondent by telling him/her that you are now going to start asking questions on disability.
A person with a disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of the ongoing difficulties due to a long term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. Short term disabilities due to temporary conditions such as broken legs and illness are excluded. Only disabilities lasting for more than six months should be included.

P15 Are You Disabled in any Way?
Find out whether this person is disabled and shade appropriately. If the respondent is not disabled, skip to P18.

P16 What is Your Disability?
Find out what disability the person has and shade appropriately. Also note that a person may have more than one disability. Shade all disabilities reported.

5.4.1 Types of Disability

a. Blind: Complete loss of sight.

b. Partially Sighted: Loss of one eye or poor sight but does not mean complete blindness.

c. Deaf: Complete loss of sense of hearing.

d. Hard of Hearing: Partial loss of sense of hearing, and not complete loss of sense of hearing.

e. Mentally Ill: Psychological disorder related to the individual's mental state or state of mind.

f. Ex-mental: Any person that has suffered from mental disorder before but is now rehabilitated/or medically treated/or is undergoing rehabilitation.
g. Mentally Retarded: Any individual that is either very slow to learn or has deficiency of mental intellect (slow in grasping things, difficulties in remembering things, very slow at responding).

h. Physically Handicapped: Any person with a physical abnormality relating to the loss of bodily limbs or any deformity in the bodily stature, eg, the epileptics and lepers.
5.4.2 Causes of Disability

P-17 What is the cause of this disability?
Ask for the cause of the reported disability/ies and shade accordingly. Causes of disability are categorised as follows:

a. Congential/prenatal - these are disabilities which one is born with.
b. Disease/illness e.g. polio. leprosy. cataract.
c. Injury accidents/trauma e.g. road accidents. injuries from accidental falls, fire etc.
d. Other. eg. unsuccessful medical operation. witchcraft, wrongful application of traditional and conventional medicine.
e. Unknown

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_DISOTHR — Other cause of disablity
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Special Group Population
15. Is any member of the household disabled in any way?
[] Yes (fill in Disability Supplement)
[] No
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5.4 Disability

You are about to start a rather sensitive topic. Prepare the respondent by telling him/her that you are now going to start asking questions on disability.
A person with a disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of the ongoing difficulties due to a long term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. Short term disabilities due to temporary conditions such as broken legs and illness are excluded. Only disabilities lasting for more than six months should be included.

P15 Are You Disabled in any Way?
Find out whether this person is disabled and shade appropriately. If the respondent is not disabled, skip to P18.

P16 What is Your Disability?
Find out what disability the person has and shade appropriately. Also note that a person may have more than one disability. Shade all disabilities reported.

5.4.1 Types of Disability

a. Blind: Complete loss of sight.

b. Partially Sighted: Loss of one eye or poor sight but does not mean complete blindness.

c. Deaf: Complete loss of sense of hearing.

d. Hard of Hearing: Partial loss of sense of hearing, and not complete loss of sense of hearing.

e. Mentally Ill: Psychological disorder related to the individual's mental state or state of mind.

f. Ex-mental: Any person that has suffered from mental disorder before but is now rehabilitated/or medically treated/or is undergoing rehabilitation.
g. Mentally Retarded: Any individual that is either very slow to learn or has deficiency of mental intellect (slow in grasping things, difficulties in remembering things, very slow at responding).

h. Physically Handicapped: Any person with a physical abnormality relating to the loss of bodily limbs or any deformity in the bodily stature, eg, the epileptics and lepers.
5.4.2 Causes of Disability

P-17 What is the cause of this disability?
Ask for the cause of the reported disability/ies and shade accordingly. Causes of disability are categorised as follows:

a. Congential/prenatal - these are disabilities which one is born with.
b. Disease/illness e.g. polio. leprosy. cataract.
c. Injury accidents/trauma e.g. road accidents. injuries from accidental falls, fire etc.
d. Other. eg. unsuccessful medical operation. witchcraft, wrongful application of traditional and conventional medicine.
e. Unknown

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_DISUNKN — Unknown cause of disability
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Special Group Population
15. Is any member of the household disabled in any way?
[] Yes (fill in Disability Supplement)
[] No
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5.4 Disability

You are about to start a rather sensitive topic. Prepare the respondent by telling him/her that you are now going to start asking questions on disability.
A person with a disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of the ongoing difficulties due to a long term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. Short term disabilities due to temporary conditions such as broken legs and illness are excluded. Only disabilities lasting for more than six months should be included.

P15 Are You Disabled in any Way?
Find out whether this person is disabled and shade appropriately. If the respondent is not disabled, skip to P18.

P16 What is Your Disability?
Find out what disability the person has and shade appropriately. Also note that a person may have more than one disability. Shade all disabilities reported.

5.4.1 Types of Disability

a. Blind: Complete loss of sight.

b. Partially Sighted: Loss of one eye or poor sight but does not mean complete blindness.

c. Deaf: Complete loss of sense of hearing.

d. Hard of Hearing: Partial loss of sense of hearing, and not complete loss of sense of hearing.

e. Mentally Ill: Psychological disorder related to the individual's mental state or state of mind.

f. Ex-mental: Any person that has suffered from mental disorder before but is now rehabilitated/or medically treated/or is undergoing rehabilitation.
g. Mentally Retarded: Any individual that is either very slow to learn or has deficiency of mental intellect (slow in grasping things, difficulties in remembering things, very slow at responding).

h. Physically Handicapped: Any person with a physical abnormality relating to the loss of bodily limbs or any deformity in the bodily stature, eg, the epileptics and lepers.
5.4.2 Causes of Disability

P-17 What is the cause of this disability?
Ask for the cause of the reported disability/ies and shade accordingly. Causes of disability are categorised as follows:

a. Congential/prenatal - these are disabilities which one is born with.
b. Disease/illness e.g. polio. leprosy. cataract.
c. Injury accidents/trauma e.g. road accidents. injuries from accidental falls, fire etc.
d. Other. eg. unsuccessful medical operation. witchcraft, wrongful application of traditional and conventional medicine.
e. Unknown