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Question 10: What is the highest level at a vocational school or university?
a) Full-time vocational schools are attended either in preparation for a specific trade or for a complete vocational training. They include (among others): commercial schools, schools for higher commercial studies, administrative schools, language schools and interpreters' schools, housekeeping schools, nursemaids' schools, schools for medical assistants, schools of arts and schools of dramatic arts.

Compulsory part-time vocational schools or special part-time vocational schools must not be indicated under "full-time vocational school".

Advanced full-time vocational schools provide a further education for specific occupations. They may be attended on a part-time or a full-time basis.

The advanced full-time vocational schools are normally designated as "special schools for... (occupational objective or field of interest)" -- e.g., advanced full-time technical schools (also schools for technicians), advanced full-time vocational schools for economics, agriculture, home economics, textiles and clothing, social pedagogy. These schools also include master schools.

The vocational colleges mainly emerged from the former engineering schools and higher advanced full-time vocational schools. Their objective is to provide an education on a scientific or artistic basis by means of schooling especially focused on practical training, thereby enabling the students to perform an independent activity in their professional life. The vocational colleges also include the administrative vocational colleges where junior staff is trained for the upper-grade non-technical service of the Federation and the states.

Studies at universities, teacher training colleges, theological colleges and colleges of arts as well as in scientific courses of studies at the Gesamthochschulen should be indicated under "institution of higher education."

b) Indicated here is the occupational emphasis towards which the successful completion of a full-time vocational school, advanced full-time vocational school, vocational college or university that was orientated -- e.g., agriculture, mechanical engineering electrical engineering, business management, economics, surface ground construction, underground construction, trade in goods, transport and communications, banking and insurance. If a commercial school was completed, please enter "commercial school."

Question 15: Are you presently working as?
Home workers indicate either "other wage earner" or "skilled worker" in accordance with the activity pursued. Skilled workers also include journeymen.

Trainees and improvers are considered apprentices.

Tradesmen/women working from home, work agents or persons having a contract for work, and labor should mark "self-employed".

Question 17: What kind of activity, occupation, or profession do you perform?
Do not enter here the completed level of vocational education/training or the rank of your position, but rather state as precisely as possible the actual occupation performed or the activity pursued at present -- e.g., building mechanic (not mechanic), heating fitter (not fitter), long-distance truck driver (not driver), balance clerk or machine accountant (not bookkeeper), electrical engineer (not engineer), pediatrician (not doctor), short hand typist (not employee), post office clerk (not civil servant), soldier doing basic military services, professional soldier, soldier on a temporary basis (not soldier). Persons doing civilian alternative service please indicate "civilian service". Apprentices should enter the profession/occupation they are trained in.

Question 18: Do you pursue some additional economic activity?
This includes all further activities (also assisting in the establishment of a family member) which -- even if only occasionally -- are performed at the present -- e.g., part-time activity of a mechanic on his own supplementary income agriculture holding. Work in own household is, however, not considered additional economic activity.

For persons between 15 and 65 years of age
[Questions 9-11 were asked of persons between 15 and 65 years]

If you have completed education at a school/university of general/vocational education:

9. What is the highest level of general education you have completed?

[] 1 Elementary school, post-primary school
[] 2 Intermediate school or equivalent (e.g., completed 10th grade)
[] 3 High school qualifying for higher education (final high school exam) or qualifying for vocational education

10a. What is the highest level at a vocational school or a university you have completed?

[] Full-time vocational school (e.g., commercial or administrative school)
[] Advanced full-time vocational school
[] Higher technical college (engineering school, vocational college)
[] Institution of higher education (including teacher training)

For economically active persons
[Questions 15-18 were asked of economically active persons.]

15. Are you presently working as:

[] 1 Skilled worker
[] 2 Other wage earner
[] 3 Salaried employee
[] 4 Apprentice
[] 5 Official (3), judge, soldier, person doing civilian alternative service
[] 6 Self-employed, employing paid labor
[] 7 Self-employed, without paid labor
[] 8 Assistant family member

(3) = Also applicants for civil service

17. What kind of activity, occupation/profession do you perform? ________

18. If you pursue some additional economic activity, is it:

[] 1 Agricultural activity
[] 2 Non-agricultural activity