Questionnaire Text

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Question 1: Do you occupy the dwelling/rooms as...?
Households in residential homes mark category b: "Main tenant (including annuitant)", unless they own the dwelling.

Question 2: Is the dwelling a recreational home?
A dwelling used as accommodation only during leisure time (e.g. on weekends, during vacation) is referred to as a recreational home. It may be used by the owners themselves, be rented to third parties or rented to third parties free of charge. Renting may be done by the owners or by a hotel or some other organization. Recreational homes may be found in any type of building (e.g. weekend and holiday house, multi-dwelling house).

Question 1: Type of building
Residential buildings are buildings used at least 50% for residential purposes; in other buildings with space used for residential purposes, less than half of the total floor space is used for residential purposes, whereas the largest part serves commercial, social, cultural or administrative purposes.

Other types of accommodation are makeshift buildings for temporary use including: barracks, temporary homes, permanently-anchored houseboats, railway construction trains and arbors.

Residential homes provide for the housing needs of certain sections of the population, e.g. students and elderly people. A building can be used exclusively as a residential home, such as student dormitories, nursing homes, nurses' dormitories and shelters for mothers and children. There are, however, also buildings that are only partly used as residential homes (e.g. centers for elderly people).

Data on dwelling

1. Do you occupy the dwelling/rooms as:

[] 1 Owner, co-owner or prospective buyer
[] 2 Main tenant (including annuitant)
[] 3 Sub-tenant

2. Is the dwelling a leisure-time accommodation?

[] 1 No
[] 2 Yes

Data on building: please complete only if you are the owner or manager of this building
[Questions 1 to 4 were asked only of the owner or manager of the building]

1. Type of building

[] 1 Residential building (building used at least 50% for residential purposes)
[] 2 Other building with space used for residential purposes
[] 3 Other type of accommodation (e.g., barrack)