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Section III. Private housing data
[Applies to questions 1-16]

13. [Bathroom]

Only mark one per subsection.

A) Does the home have a bath or shower with running water and drainage...?
[] 1 Used exclusively by the home
[] 2 Shared by several homes
[] 3 Not present (go to question 14)
B) The bath or shower is located
[] 1 Within the home
[] 3 Outside of the home
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Section III. Private housing data.

Question 14. Sanitation system.
With this question, we aim to find out if the home has a sanitation system, if it is exclusive or shared, the type of system, and its location.

Subsection A) asks "Does the home have its own sanitation system, shared system, or none?"
If boxes 1 or 2 are checked, go to subsection B), while if box 3 is checked (None), go directly to question 15, leaving subsections B) and C) blank.

Subsection B) is meant to find out what kind of sanitation system the home has. Only one should be marked, asking "What type of sanitation system does the home have: flush toilet, latrine, outhouse or cesspool?"
In the event that the home has more than one sanitary service and the use, type and locations are different, mark the one which is more frequently used.

Subsection C) deals with the location of the sanitation system, asking the question as follows: Is the sanitation system located inside or outside of the home, checking the box that the interviewee indicates. Only one may be checked.

Flush toilet: A sanitary system with water directed by pipes and drainage to the sewage network, or to a trench, etc.
Latrine: A trench or hole of sufficient size and depth, with a mouth or rim and a cement bowl (with lid), of wooden or concrete construction, no less than 5 meters away from the home and 15 meters from the well. Has a cabin with complete privacy.
Outhouse or cesspool: A trench or hole that does not meet the requirements of a latrine, with varying dimensions; may have a cabin and wooden floor.

[Figure omitted]