Questionnaire Text

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Section III. Private housing data
[Applies to questions 1-16]

2. The home is occupied...?

(Only mark one)

If answered 3-5, end of interview

[] 1 By permanent residents
[] 2 By absent occupants (closed)
[] 3 By temporary residents
[] 4 Seasonally
[] 5 No one (vacant)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section III. Private housing data.

Question 2. The home is occupied by:
This question concerns how the home is occupied. For the purposes of the Census it refers to:
Keeping the basic definitions in mind (which appear on previous pages), ask this question to the person being enumerated and classify it according to the response provided.

[p. 31]

[Figure omitted]

Remember that this question only allows one mark, and continue to question 3 if the home is occupied by permanent residents.
[Figure omitted]
In the event that the person being enumerated does not know how to classify themselves, or does not understand the question, briefly explain each one of the options.
If you choose options 3-5, do not complete Section IV, given that with Option 3, the residents are not permanent in the country, in the case of Option 4 people in the home have their permanent residence elsewhere in the country and finally Option 5 implicitly states the home has no occupants, and the enumeration of this home should therefore be concluded.

How do I fill out the Questionnaire for each of the options?
For homes Occupied by Permanent Residents, do the following: if all or some residents are present, complete all sections of the Questionnaire for this home.
If the home is Occupied by Temporary Residents (foreigners), complete Sections I, II and questions 1 and 2 from Section III, leaving Section IV blank.
For Seasonally Occupied Homes.

- If there is no one present in the home on the day of the interview, Sections I and II of the Questionnaire, as well as questions 1 and 2 from Section III, should be completed.
- If someone forming part of a Census Household is present in the seasonally occupied home on the day of the interview, and other members of the same household are in their habitual home, proceed as instructed in the previous point. That household's information will be completed by the members of the household who remained in their habitual home.
- If all members of a Census Household are present in the seasonally occupied home on the day of the interview (no one is in their habitual home, where they are permanent residents) and they will remain there throughout the entire census survey period, a survey should be completed for the seasonally occupied home, filling out Sections I and II, and questions 1 and 2 from Section III, also completing another questionnaire with the address where the Household normally resides and all sections filled out accordingly. In the Enumeration Guide, the annotation Traveler Questionnaire should be made in parentheses followed by the name of the Head of Household, to indicate that the Questionnaire does not belong to the Segment.
[p. 32]

In any case, the Supervisor must be informed of the actions taken for the seasonally occupied home.
If the home is occupied with absent permanent residents (closed), Sections I and II of a questionnaire should be completed, as well as the information that can be gathered from Section III for this home. In Section IV, the information from questions 1, 4 and 5 for each of the members of the household will be obtained from the Address Registry in the CDR, and the Household Summary will be completed in its entirety.
If the home has no residents (vacant), complete Sections I and II, as well as questions 1 and 2 from Section III on a Questionnaire.