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Section III. Private housing data
[Applies to questions 1-16]

1. Housing type

(Only mark one)

[] 1 House
[] 2 Apartment
[] 3 Room in bunkhouse or tenement
[] 4 Thatched hut [Bohio]
[] 5 Improvised
[] 6 Other (go to section IV)
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Section III. Private housing data.

Question 1. Type of housing:
This question is not directed toward the person to be enumerated, but rather answered by a simple inspection, using the basic definitions to classify the type of home.
This question only allows one mark.
If you choose an option between 1 and 5, proceed to question 2; if you mark option 6, skip to Section IV - Personal Data.
[Figure omitted]
In the case that you are inside a bunkhouse or tenement, keep in mind that there may be rooms that have been modified and the common areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and sanitation system are no longer in use because they are now incorporated in the interior of the home. In those cases, they will be considered apartments; therefore you must ask if these services are found within the home.
Homes listed as "other" must have occupants in order to be included in the Census.