Questionnaire Text

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For persons six years old or more [Questions 11-15]

12. What is the highest level of education that you finished completely?

[Question 12 was asked of persons age 6 and older who had at least some education, per question 11.]

(Mark only one)

[] 0 None - Continue with question 14
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic secondary
[] 3 Specialized worker
[] 4 Pre-university
[] 5 Mid-level technical
[] 6 Mid-level pedagogy
[] 7 Higher or university

13. What degree or academic diploma did he/she receive in the last level completed?

[Question 13 was asked of persons age 6 and older who had completed at least some education, per question 12.]

*Examples: Mid-level technician in accounting, licentiate in Economy, specialized welding worker.

_ _ According to the classifier

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Question 12. What is the highest level of education that you have finished completely?

The objective of this question is to know the educational level that the interviewee has finished completely.


12. What is the highest level of education that you have finished completely? (only one mark)
[] 0 None -- Continue with question 14
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic Secondary Education
[] 3 Specialized Laborer
[] 4 Pre-university
[] 5 Middle Technical
[] 6 Mid-level Pedagogy
[] 7 Higher or University

You should understand that a level has been completely finished when the interviewee has passed the last year or grade, obtaining the academic degree or diploma that accredits him/her as a graduate.

Observe that the levels are the same (same code) that you find related to the previous question (11).

You will mark the corresponding box for the completed level for the interviewee. The box "None" will be used for the persons who declared that they have not completely finished any educational level.

Before you mark the box, you should verify that information received with that of the previous question, since this method will allow you to rapidly determine if the answer you received is adequate or not.

Question 13. What academic degree or diploma did you receive from the last level that you passed?

If the previous question (11) has any of the boxes one through seven marked, indicating that the person completely finished an educational level, you should always note the answer to the question about the academic degree or diploma received that corresponds to this level. If you have marked the box for "None" (0), you should not ask the question.

[Header: Instructions for the use of the Enumerator / Section IV. Information about the Person -- 64]

If the interviewee declared that in one single level he/she has obtained more than one degree, you should note the one that has the greatest relation to his/her job, or the one that is understood to have the greatest importance because he/she uses it the most in his/her job.


13. What academic degree or diploma did you receive from the last level that you passed?
(Examples: Mid-Level Technician in Accounting, Licentiate in Economy, Specialized Laborer in Welding)

[ _ _ ]
(Based on the classifier)

The interviewee does not have to show you the diploma, it only has to be declared.

For the levels of Specialized Worker, Middle Technician and Upper Level Technician, you should note the specialty of the degree obtained very clearly.

Examples of degree:
Middle Technician in Finances, Elementary Certification, Drill-press Operator, Secondary Certification, Flight Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Licentiate in Economic Control, Specialized Worker in Carpentry (blank), Middle Technician in Metallurgy, etc.

In the cases of the persons who have a scientific degree or other degree of post-graduate education, you will specify the degree that corresponds to the university field and not the post-graduate specialty.