Questionnaire Text

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Section IV. Information about the person

3. Order number of the mother (or father) and of the spouse in the questionnaire
*If he/she does not form part of this household, write "00"
Son/daughter of [_ _]
Spouse of [_ _]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 3. Order number of the mother (or father) and the spouse in the questionnaire.

This question is for linking each child with his/her mother and/or father, and each spouse/companion with his/her spouse/companion and vice versa, noting the order number that has been assigned in the census questionnaire to the person. This is the importance of having previously carefully numbered all of the members of the household. This question is not asked; rather, you are the one who should place the corresponding numbers for each couple or the parents of each persons, as will be explained. This has the goal of building the families.

3. Order number of the mother (or father) and the spouse in the questionnaire.
(If this person is not part of this household, write "00".)
Son/daughter of [ _ _ ]
Spouse of [ _ _ ]

The Order Number is the one that was noted in question 1, in the box that follows "Person Number" before "Name(s) and last names" (that of the Head of Household appears pre-printed and is number 01).
Son/daughter of [_ _]

In this space you will note the order number (which appears in question 1 as Person Number), which corresponds to the mother of the person you are enumerating, if she lives with him/her in the same census household. If this is not the case, you will write the number of the father and if neither of them lives in the household, you will write "00".

The mother or father whose order number (Person Number) is noted on the page for the child in this question 3, can have any civil or conjugal status, because we also include the children of single mothers or single fathers.

For the step-sons/daughters or adopted sons/daughters you will note the order number (Person Number) of the step-mother or adoptive mother and if she does not live in the household, you will note the number of the step-father or adoptive father.

Spouse of [_ _]
For the effects of the Census, this is one of the two members of a normal relationship of husband-wife between persons who are legally married or in a stable consensual union, who are of different sex.

In the space you will note, reciprocally for each of the members of a couple that co-habits in the household, the number of the questionnaire (Person Number) of the enumerated spouse, which appears in the line designated in question 1, if he/she is a member of the household. If not, you will write "00".

Once you have completed Section IV of the questionnaire, verify that the persons in this question who have the annotation for the number of the spouse, should have reciprocal numbers with the spouse, should have the marital or civil status of married or in a consensual union (question 15). If this is not the case, the answer should be "00".