Questionnaire Text

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Section III. Information about the Private Dwelling

2. The dwelling is occupied by:

(Mark only one)

[] 1 Permanent residents
[] 2 Temporary residents
[] 3 Seasonal
[] 4 Closed (occupants absent)
[] 5 Unoccupied

Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5: Do not complete section IV.

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Question 2. The dwelling is occupied by?

This question refers to the form in which the dwelling is found occupied.

For the purposes of the Census, it refers to:


Dwelling occupied by:

[] Permanent residents
[] Temporary residents
[] Seasonally occupied

[] Closed
[] Unoccupied

Taking into account the basic definitions (which appear on previous pages), ask the question to the enumerated person and classify it according to the answer that he/she gives you. Remember that this question only allows one answer and then you move on to question 3, when the dwelling is occupied by permanent residents.


2. The dwelling is occupied by: (only one mark)
[] 1 Permanent residents
[] 2 Temporary residents
[] 3 Seasonally occupied
[] 4 Closed
[] 5 Unoccupied

For answers 2-5: do not complete Section IV.

In the case that the enumerated person does not know how it is classified, or does not understand the question, continue by giving a brief explanation of each of the alternatives.

If you mark any of the options between 2 and 5, you will not complete Section IV, since the alternative to answer 2, the residents are not permanent residents in the country; in the case of number 3, the persons who are found in the dwelling have their permanent residence in another place in the country; in the case of number 5, this has the implicit indication that the dwelling does not have occupants, for which you should ask the neighbors the rest of the questions of this section.

In the case of number 4 of the questionnaire, it indicates that you should not complete section IV, but requires what is obtained from the CDR, the questions 1, 4 and 5 (name and last names, age and sex respectively), for this section to avoid the loss of persons, in that case that they cannot be located in other places in the country because they are in hospitals where the patients' stay is temporary or in the case of tourists institutions, which will not be visited because they are not the object of the Census.

If you mark that the dwelling is unoccupied (box 5) in question 2, you should not have marked that the type of private dwelling is improvised (box 5) in question 1.