Questionnaire Text

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11. What type of social security does [the respondent] have?

[] 1 Salaried
[] 2 Self-employed, voluntary work, or contract
[] 3 Non contributive agreements (receives a pension)
[] 4 Pensioned by the CCSS, Magisterium, or other
[] 5 Family insurance
[] 6 State insurance
[] 7 Other forms
[] 8 Does not have social security from the CCSS
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
11. What type of social security does [name] have?

[] 1 Salaried
[] 2 Self-employed, voluntary work, or contract
[] 3 Non contributive agreements (receives a pension)
[] 4 Pensioned by the CCSS, Magisterium, or other
[] 5 Family insurance
[] 6 State insurance
[] 7 Other forms
[] 8 Does not have social security from the CCSS
Salaried: this is the direct insurance of a salaried worker that obtains it by working for a boss and receives a salary, from which a percentage is deducted because of a social security that must be paid by law of the CCSS.

This excludes the cases of people that have a salaried job and do not have direct insurance as a "salaried worker" because, for different reasons, the bosses do not report them on the CCSS sheet.

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Self-employed, voluntary work, or contract: this type of insurance can be obtained by people that work independently or that are unemployed or inactive.

In this type of insurance, the people decide to voluntarily pay for themselves by paying fees directly. This includes those workers insured by a contract, linked to cooperatives or businesses that have undersigned a contract with the CCSS, they can be associations, unions, cooperatives, etc. In these cases, in general, the fee payments are made by the company.

Non contributive agreements (receives a pension): in addition to offering health services to their beneficiaries, this offers a monthly economic subsidy that the people receive from the CCSS, that they generally withdraw at their offices. The beneficiaries are:

The elderly
Disabled people
Single mothers
Orphans in an evident state of need that do not benefit from other pension programs of the country

The people that enjoy a non-contributive agreement do not pay fees during their active life.

Included within this category are the people pensioned from the non-contributive contract of Grace or War.

Pensioned by the CCSS, magisterium, or other: this insurance is obtained by the person that during his/her active life was directly insured, paid fees for Disability, Elderly, and Death contracts (IVM) for other special contracts like that of the Hacienda, magisterium, Judicial Power, Post Office and Telegraphs, Trains, Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MDPT), or the Supreme Court of Justice; and that currently enjoys a pension for disabilities or old age. If the person is pensioned from by any of these contracts he/she must be considered part of this category.

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This includes the people that have inherited the pension of their spouse, father or mother, due to their death and who do not have any other form of insurance.

If he/she has insurance from another country and does not have any other form of insurance with the CCSS, mark the option eight (doesn't have social security from the CCSS).

Family insurance: this type of insurance is obtained by the family members of a directly insured person, whether he/she has salaried, pensioned, self-employed, or contracted insurance. All of the directly insured generate benefits for their family members and dependents, who would be included in this category. As family members of a directly insured person are the following:

Spouse or partner
Children younger than 18 years, dependents of the insured, single and without salary
Children dependents between 18 and 25 years that are students
Younger brothers and sisters between 18 and 22 years old that are students, whenever they are properly registered or single; or those older than these ages with permanent disability.
Dependent children with permanent disability.
Mothers, fathers, or other family member dependents. In the case of mothers this also includes those adopted or those that carry out the tasks like a mother
State insurance: the person with this insurance belongs to the family nucleus of very low economic resources and whose socioeconomic situation does not allow them to insure themselves in any other way.

The law requires the state to insure its population prior to socioeconomic studies. This type of insurance, even though it covers the entire nuclear family, and people with disabilities regardless of age and dependents, it must be processed for each person of the household, to whom identification will be provided. If only one person has the identification, this does not work to insure

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the rest of the household. This type of insurance does not provide economic subsidies, only the health service of the CCSS.

Other forms: included in this category are the students insured through contracts of the CCSS with education institutions, always when the person is not covered by another form of insurance. This also includes foreign functionaries accredited in Costa Rica or by international organizations, whenever the insurance is from the CCSS.

Does not have social security from the CCSS: this category includes all the people that are not located in any of the previous categories.