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2. Investigate and mark if the dwelling is occupied or unoccupied.

[] 1 With present habitual residents
[] 2 With absent habitual residents (return later)
[] 3 For rent or sale (end of the interview)
[] 4 Under construction or repairs (end of the interview)
[] 5 Seasonal vacation home (end of the interview)
[] 6 Temporary dwelling for workers or students (end of the interview)
[] 7 Other (end of the interview)
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Question 2: Occupation of the Dwelling

2. Investigate and mark if the dwelling is occupied or unoccupied.

[] 1 With present habitual residents
[] 2 With absent habitual residents (return later)
[] 3 For rent or sale (finish interview)
[] 4 Under construction or in repair (finish interview)
[] 5 Temporarily on vacation (finish interview)
[] 6 Temporary dwelling for workers or students (finish interview)
[] 7 Other (finish interview)

This question refers to the occupation condition of the dwelling and must be registered by investigating with the informant.

[p. 107]

The first thing you should investigate is whether or not there are people habitually residing in the dwelling.

Occupied dwelling

A dwelling in which at least one person resides habitually will be considered occupied. After determining this condition, you should investigate and note if the occupied dwelling is found:

With habitual residents present: this refers to the presence of habitual residents in the dwelling, in which case it should be interviewed.

With habitual residents absent: this refers to the absence of the habitual residents from the dwelling during the week of the census.

This case could include, for example, a family that at the moment of the census is on vacation but left a person watching the dwelling, this person not being a habitual resident.

You should visit this dwelling however many times necessary during the week, in order to locate some resident that can provide the information.

Unoccupied dwelling

A dwelling that at the moment of the census does not have any person habitually residing within will be considered unoccupied.

In this case proceed to investigate and assign the type of vacancy. For the unoccupied dwellings, finish the interview after marking the option that corresponds to the kind on vacancy.

The categories of vacancy are:

For rent or sale: mark this option when it is indicated that the dwelling is for sale or available for rent.

Under construction or repair: the dwelling is not inhabited because it is under construction or undergoing repairs.

[p. 108]

Seasonal vacation home: this is a dwelling that at the moment of the census is being used to lodge people temporarily (not permanently), for the purposes of recreation and rest.

It might be that at that moment is it inhabited but its dwellers are not habitual residents.

Nonetheless, if the people that are found there are habitual residents, you must consider it as an occupied dwelling and complete the interview without marking this option.

Temporary dwelling for workers or students: this is a dwelling that at the moment of the census is being used to lodge people temporarily (not permanently), for reasons of work or study.

It might be that at that moment it is inhabited but its dwellers are not habitual residents. Nonetheless if the people that live there are habitual residents, you must consider it as an occupied dwelling and complete the interview without marking this option.

This type of dwelling includes those houses or apartments that are rented by institutions, businesses, or self-employed workers to reside there temporarily in order to complete a job.

Other: any other type of dwelling not considered previously, like an abandoned dwelling.