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12. Fuel used for cooking
[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Gas
[] 3 Kerosene/petrol (canfĂ­n)
[] 4 Charcoal
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Other
[] 7 None (no cooking)

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Question 12: Cooking Fuel

At least five types of fuel are used in Costa Rican dwellings for cooking: electricity, gas, kerosene, coal from wood (plant coal), and firewood itself. For this question only one of the five categories should be marked with an X, given that it interests us to know which fuel is used most frequently even in the possibility that two of more classes of fuel are used. Nevertheless, as it is possible to find other possible sources of cooking fuel, the form has reserved an alternative for this "Other" material. On the other hand, also an alternative for dwellings and households in which they do not cook has been reserved "None" (do not cook) and, therefore they do not use any type of inflammable material for cooking. In this place dwellings should be registered in which in spite of having a kitchen, a burner, or other cooking facility, its inhabitants do not cook their meals there.

Examine well the reproduction of question 12 of the form that is included below.