Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
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11. Social security
Mark only the appropriate circle according to the coverage status of the enumerated person.
[] 1 Directly covered
[] 2 Covered by family member
[] X Not covered
Questionnaire instructions
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18.- Questions Nos. 11 and 12.- Social Security
This question should be referred to all persons. By means of it, what is to be known is the size and the location of the population that enjoys the protection of Social Security, through any of its regimes, such as Sickness and Maternity, Invalid ,Old Age and Death; and in direct "direct insurance" or indirect "family insurance".
[p. 44]
You should mark the corresponding box according to whether the person is protected or not in direct or indirect form, by any regime of Social Security.
If the circle "Not Insured" is marked, the following questions do not apply.