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6. Water source

By pipe (mark one box in each case, a, b, and c)

[] Public system
[] Private system
[] Inside the dwelling
[] Outside of the dwelling
[] For this dwelling only
[] For this and other dwellings

By other means

[] 8 Well
[] 9 Other (specify) ____

[] X Does not have

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Box No. 6.- Water Source


Piped water service is understood as the supply of water by pipes from a public or private system, the water always arrives by means of pipes to the dwelling or that is carried from a pipe or other apparatus connected to the public or private system, that is found at a distance not greater than 100 meters from the Dwelling.

Mark with an "X" a box of each one of the following cases:

[Below the text is a graphic.]

According to whether the piped system to which the pipe is connected is public or private.

[p. 28]

[Below the text is a graphic.]

According to whether the pipe takes the water to the interior of the dwelling or not.

[Below the text is a graphic.]

According to whether the pipe supplies water only to the dwelling whose characteristics you are writing down (only for this dwelling), or that supplies it also to other dwellings (for this and other dwellings).

By other Means:

In the case of Dwellings that are supplied water by means of wells, rivers, ditches, etc. If the Dwelling takes water from a well located at a distance not greater than 100 meters, you should mark the respective box ("well"); if it is by other means, specify in the space "Other", writing down for example: river, ditch, gulley, etc.

Does not Have:

It is considered that a dwelling does not have water service, when the place from which it is taken (river, ditch, well, gulley, pipe, etc.) is at a distance greater than 100 meters from the dwelling.

In the case that a family that is being enumerated is not provided water from a pipe, well or other source to provide themselves with water, but they are permitted to take it from a neighboring Dwelling or from a school, local store, etc. it is considered that the Dwelling does not have water service.