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2. Predominant material in the walls
(mark only one box)

[] 1 Wood
[] 2 Concrete
[] 3 Metal sheet
[] 4 Adobe and cane with earth covered with a cement cap (bahareque)
[] 9 Other (specify) ____

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Box No. 2.- Predominant Material in the Walls

You should mark an "X" in the respective box, asking for the material which in the largest proportion has been used in the construction of the walls.

Wood- Wood of any kind

Concrete- Brick, cement blocks, water proof cement, mixed brick, stone, reinforced concrete, cement, or any other natural or artificial stone material.

Metal Sheet - Wood with metal wire screen and plaster.

Adobe and bahareque - cane with earth covered with a cement cap (french bahareque), Mud blocks in wooden beams and mixed with smashed brick (filled bahareque), Blocks of earth (adobe).

Other- Specify when using this space, writing down for example: palm, straw, etc.