Questionnaire Text

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F3. Ask these questions of all persons who are ten years old or more.

37. Principal activity of last week -- you . . .

[] 1 Looked for work having worked before
[] 2 Looked for work for the first time (continue with F 4)
[] 3 Did not work, on vacation or leave or other reason
[] 4 Worked
[] 5 Student (continue with F 4)
[] 6 Household domestic duties (continue with F 4)
[] 7 Disabled (continue with F 4)
[] 8 Retired (continue with F 4)
[] 9 Other situation (continue with F 4)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F3. Ask these questions to all persons 10 years old or older

37. Last week [the respondent] principally did:

Read the question and the alternatives to the interviewed person until obtaining an affirmative response. You should mark with "x" a single option.

[Below the text is a form.]

Keep in mind the following criteria:

Looked for work but had worked before
A person who having worked any other time did not have a job last week but did look for work or was waiting for a response to requests that had been carried out previously (Unemployed, unemployed person who looks for work).

Looked for work for the first time
A person who had never worked, but during the reference week was looking for work (applicant).

Did not work because of being on vacation or with permission or other reason
A person who, having employment or work, in the reference week and did not do it. For example, on vacation, on leave, repair of equipment, sickness, strike, or any other temporary interruption of their job.

It corresponds to persons who in the week before the census carried out a job for an income in money or kind.

A person who during the reference week was dedicated to studying and did not have or look for a job. Students on vacation are included in this category.

Carried out household duties
A person who, during the reference week, was dedicated to the duties of their own household or directed them and did not have or look for work.

Is incapacitated to work
A person who because of any permanent disability could not carry out any type of work.

Lived from retirement payments, pension or investments
A person who, without working, receives income by investments (interest, leasing, dividends or companies) or pensions (of old age, invalid or death). Retirees are those who receive an old age pension.

[p. 171]

Another situation
Persons whose activity in the reference week cannot be classified in any of the previous options. For example, one who worked without remuneration for goodwill or voluntary entities.

If an interviewed person responds to you that they "studied", "carried out domestic duties" or "lived from retirement payments or investments", ask if along with this, they carried out any other productive activity like for example driving a taxi, worker in a store, etc. If they respond affirmatively to you, mark option 4 ("working") and erase the other option.

If you marked options 1, 3 or 4 continue with question 38.

If you marked options 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, go directly to filter F4 and do not ask questions 38 and 39