Questionnaire Text

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C. For persons five years old or more.
[Applies to questions 35 - 41]

38. In October of 1980, did you live in

[] 1 Magistracy, streets, country-side (no shelter)
[] 3 in an urban center with a municipal mayor

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

C. For persons 5 years old or older

(Question 35 to 41)

Take care to fill out this part C of Section V, only for persons who are 5 years old or older.

Question No. 38 In October 1980 did you live:

[Below the text is a form.]

This question is asked to all persons who lived in this or another municipality. Its object is to find out if these persons lived in the municipal capital (where the mayoralty is) or outside of the municipal capital.

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.