Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Summary of persons
When you finish the form, complete the following data.
____ Total
____ Men
____ Women

If you used two or more forms, write the totals on the first form only.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Once the interview of every one of the persons of the dwelling is finished, make sure that the number of pages of persons is equal to the number of persons written down in the square of question 25. If you find any difference, revise the form until you find the error and correct it.

Fill out then the "Summary of persons" that appears in the first page of the form, making sure that the total number of persons of the dwelling is equal to the number of men plus the number of women.

If you used two forms, the total numbers should only appear on the first, but all persons registered on the second should be included.

Check that the total number written down is equal to the number of persons written down in the square of page 25.

Write your name and the head of the group or supervisor.