Questionnaire Text

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C. Economic characteristics (For persons 10 years old or more)
[Applies to questions 14 - 19]

14. What did you do the week before the census (14 to 20 October)

[] 1 Work
[] 2 Did not work but has a job
[] 3 Looking for work and has worked before
[] 4 Looking for work for the first time
[] 5 Lives on rent payments
[] 6 Has a pension
[] 7 In school
[] 8 Home business, self-employed
[] 9 No work

If the answer is 1, 2, or 3, continue with question 15. If the answer is 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, continue with question 18.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section C. Economic characteristics

This section should be filled out only for persons 10 years old or older.
[Applies to questions 14 - 19]

Question No. 14. Activity during the week previous to the day of the census.

[Below the text is a form.]

[P. 50]

Take into account the following:

The question refers to what a person did during the week understood to be October 14 to 20.

Mark an "x" in the box corresponding to the obtained information.

Two or more alternatives will never be marked for the same person. If someone had two activities, only pick the alternative that is put first, in the form.

1. Mark "x" in the box "worked" when a person did any labor during one or more hours during the week in exchange for remuneration. In this category persons who without receiving remuneration for their work are included, working in family businesses or exploitations for 15 or more hours in the week.

2. Mark "x" in the box "did not work but had a job", when a person had employment during the week of October 14 to 20, but did not work for any temporary reason like sickness, passage, vacation, on leave, work conflict, machine injury, bad weather, etc.

3. Mark "x" in the box "looked for work but worked before", in the case of persons who worked some time in their life, but did not have employment during the week of October 14 to 20, and spent this week looking for new employment.

4. Mark "x" in the box "looked for work for the first time", when a person looked for work the week before the Census day, but had not worked previously.

5. Mark "x" in the box "lived by their investments", when a person did not do any job, or did not look for employment during the week before the Census day and periodically receives income provided from interest on loaned money, participation in earnings of a business, stocks (dividends) or leasing of buildings, houses, lands, machinery or equipment.

[p. 51]

6. Mark "x" in the box "retired or pensioned", when a person does not work or look for work during the week of October 14 to 20 and receives pensions of widow, physical incapacity, etc., or retirement by leaving a job after becoming a certain age or certain number of years of service.

7. Mark "x" in the box "studied" when a person did not work, or look for work in the week before the Census, and attended educational classes of any type.

8. Mark "x" in the box "domestic duties", when a person did not work or did not look for work in the week of October 14 to 20, and did domestic activities (washing, cooking, taking care of children, etc.) in their own household without receiving remuneration.

9. Mark "x" in the box "without activity", for persons who are not located in any of the previous alternatives.

How to continue the filling out of the form

For persons who are in the alternatives 1 (worked), in 2 (did not work but looked for work) or 3 (Looked for work but worked before) ask all the other questions in section C. about economic characteristics.

For persons who are in the other alternative (4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9) go directly to questions 18 and 19, without filling out questions 15, 16 and 17.