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1. Type of dwelling
[] 1 Independent house
[] 2 Apartment
[] 3 Room(s)
[] 4 Tenant quarters
[] 5 Dwelling made out of waste materials
[] 6 Structure not meant for habitation
[] 7 Shack, hut, cabin
[] 8 Tent, cave
[] 9 Dwelling under construction

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Question No. 1 Type of dwelling

[Below the text is a form.]

[P. 22]

1. Mark "x" in the box corresponding to the type of dwelling visited.

2. Do not forget that types of dwelling of question No. 1 are exclusive and therefore you cannot mark more than a single box.

3. Take into account the following definitions:

Independent house is a dwelling that is separated from other buildings by walls that go from the floor to the roof, built with materials in good state, has an independent entrance and generally is inhabited by a household. It can be located in continuous urbanizations or separated from other buildings by gardens, meadows, lots with walls, or fences.

Apartment is a dwelling that forms part of a large building and is separated from other dwellings by walls; has independent access and some exclusive facilities.

Room or rooms, is a closed and separated space, with walls from the floor to the roof and with a door that is independent from the rest of the construction. The do not have exclusive facilities, but they do have an independent entrance for its inhabitants.

Examples of this category are local store without facilities, a garage adapted for living.

Tenant quarters is a building adapted or transferred for lodging many households that share facilities.

Each household lives, generally, in one or two rooms. The facilities are not exclusive and in the majority of cases they are located in the patio, site and corridors. The kitchen can be shared, or not exist.

Dwelling made out of waste materials is every form of lodging constructed with waste materials; cardboard, cloth, planks, tin, or with second hand materials or in a bad state of demolition.

Dwellings in buildings not meant for habitation. In this definition buildings that have not been built for lodging persons, but that at the moment of the Census have been found inhabited are included, such as factories, offices, stores, laboratories, granaries, stores, workshops, etc.

Shack, hut or cabin. They are buildings characteristic of the rural area; built with natural materials of the region: bamboo (guadua), cane with earth (bahareque), pressed mud or adobe; with roofs of palm or straw and generally with earthen floors. This class of dwellings can have facilities outside of the principal construction, or lack them.

Tent, cave. They are improvised and not permanent dwellings. All dwellings formed by camping tents, gypsy tents and lodgings within rocks or hills are entered in this definition, that lodge persons on the day of the Census.

Dwelling under construction. It is a dwelling not completely finished, that is inhabited or not.