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12. Schooling ____
Write as applicable: Elementary, Secondary, Commercial Technical Schooling, Artistic Technical Schooling, Nursing, Industrial Technical Schooling, Agricultural Technical Schooling, University, Schooling for the Magisterio [elementary and secondary teaching]

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Level of education

Column No. 12 - What education have you received in education centers? The enumerator should ask this question with reference to all persons 5 years old or older. The response should be written down in this column.

The annotation in the census form should indicate clearly and exactly the class of education received, for example: Primary, Secondary, Technical Industrial, Arts and Crafts, Complementary, Home for Farmers, Agricultural or Livestock, Elemental Nursing, Higher Nursing, Artistic Schooling, Elemental Religious, Higher Religious, Primary School Teacher, University, Military, Radio-technical, etc.

The generic name of secondary education should not be used since it means many types of teaching and obtaining the exact name of each one of them is what is important to the Censuses. For persons who did not receive any class of instruction in educational centers the expression none should be written down.

In no case should this important aspect be left without annotation.

Column No. 13 - What was the highest year that you passed in the education that you just indicated? The enumerator should write down the number that corresponds to the last year of study passed, for example: If a person is said to have passed as the last studied, the third year of Secondary school, the enumerator should write the number 3 in this column, in front of the word Secondary school that was written down in the immediately previous column (12).

Another example: If a person passed the first year of primary school, they should be registered in column 12 with the word Primary and in column 13 with the number 1 which corresponds to the year of education passed.

For persons who have not received any class of education in educational centers, they will be written down as zero (0).