Questionnaire Text

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Women of childbearing age - 15 to 49
XIII. Bore the following in 1981
[] 0. No birth
[] 1. First child
[] 2. Second
[] 3. Third
[] 4. Fourth
[] 5. Fifth or more

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13. Bore the following in 1981. Women of child-bearing age between 15 and 49 (their completed years of age at reference time) should give an answer to this topic. It means this woman should declare the order of live birth (including the birth of a baby that died shortly afterwards) given by her (in or out of wedlock) in 1981. Twins, triplets or even more babies born at a single birth should be counted as one birth order. All child-bearing age women, married or unmarried, who did not give birth in 1981 should mark down "0" in the form.

Live-borns are babies who breathed or had other phenomenon of life such as heart-beats, umbilical cord throbbing or voluntary muscle systole after leaving its mother's womb (disregarding the number of months of pregnancy).