Questionnaire Text

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Females 12 and above
[Questions 34-36 were asked of females age 12 and older.]

36. How many live births did you have within the last 12 months?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

36. Number of live births in the last 12 months (by women age 12 and older)
This question has undergone serious changes, thus you should strictly adhere to the following new instructions on how to ask the questions and mark the responses provided.

a) To start,

-Disregard the following mentions which are on the questionnaire in each of the 6 columns, these are:
Birth 1, Birth 2, Birth 3, etc.
Name of the child, etc.

b) Each of these 6 columns is now reserved for the collection of date related to the live births of a woman aged 12 years or older having occurred over the course of the last 12 months. As such, one column, questions Q34 and Q 35, are not recorded: Q34=Empty and Q35=Empty, if that means that each column is reserved to the recording of the data related to a man or to a young girl who is less than 12 years old: check the accuracy of this situation. If it is true, then leave Q36 also "Empty". If it's false, proceed to make the necessary corrections, then follow the following instructions since you are dealing with a woman who is 12 years or older.

c) The individual is a woman age 12 and older. Questions Q34 and Q35 are recorded. If Q34 if empty and Q35 if empty, that means that we recorded the data related to the number of live born children and the number of children still alive that a woman aged 12 and up has already had. Under these conditions, you must ask this woman Q36, the following question:
Q. Did you/did _____ have any live births over the period of time between November _____ 2005 and November ______ 2005?

If: Q34=Q35=00, this woman never had live born children over the course of her life, consequently over the course of the last 12 months she didn't have any live births; nevertheless, ask her the same question in the formation that follows:
-Do you confirm that you never had any live births over the course of the last 12 months?

If the answer is Yes, then:
-Mark "0" in each small space facing the "M" and "F" which symbolize the sex of the children who would be live born over the course of the last 12 months, in the column reserved for the recording of the date about this woman.

If the answer is No, meaning that the woman claimed to have had one live birth over the course of the last 12 months, ask her this question:
Q. Where is this child?

If there is confirmation that the child was live born over the course of the last 12 months, then,
-Ask her the sex of this child and mark "1" in one of the cells facing the "M" or "F" for the sex of the child.
-Remember that there is an inaccuracy regarding the answers obtained before Q34 and Q35; given the new data, make the necessary corrections.

If: Q34 "M" > 00 and/or Q34 "F" > 00, this woman has already had live born children over the course of her life; as her the following question:
-Among the "n" male children that you have had, how many were born over the course of the last 12 months?

If the response obtained is a number less than or equal to Q34 "M", then
-Mark this number in Q36 in the small cell facing the "M" in the column reserved for the recording of dad related to this woman;

-Among the "n" female children that you have, how many were born over the course of the last 12 months?

If the response obtained is a number less than or equal to Q34 "F", then
-Mark this number in Q36 in the small cell facing the "F" in the column reserved for the recording of data related to this woman.

N.B: The children less than one year old recorded as member of the household and whose mothers do not live in the household (because of death or departure) will not be counted in the events of the last 12 months.

Example of a case of a single birth: [Example omitted]

Example of a case of a multiple birth: [Example omitted]

Filling out the Standard Household Questionnaire for the women in household 01 of structure 074
[Table omitted]