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Economic activity for persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 27 to 33 were asked of persons aged 6 years and older.]

31. Type of employment _

[Question 31 was asked of persons aged 6 years and older who reported working in the last 7 days, per Question 28.]

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Questions (Questions 27-33) related to the economic activity are only ask to people 6 years old and older

31. Type of employment
The variable "Type of Employment" is about the nature of the job or the trade practiced during the last 7 days preceding the survey agent's visit to the household. It is based off of the different types of employment on the job market while taking into account the effective legislation of Cameroon, and thus we can distinguish the modern contractual jobs, the freelance jobs, and the "atypical" jobs. The contractual types of jobs are those occupied by salaried people, in general in the modern sector. The freelance jobs are those held by intellectual or by established professionals. The atypical jobs are all those jobs that do not fit into either of the preceding categories. We could adopt for the "type of employment" variable the following different terms, defined as:

1 = Modern freelance job
2 = Job from a contract written for an undetermined amount of time
3 = Job from a contract written for a specific amount of time
4 = Entry level job, resulting from a trial contract
5 = Permanent job, resulting from no contract, oral or verbal (a manual position in the artisan, agricultural, breeder, etc. domain)
6 = Temporary job, resulting from a simple verbal agreement between two parties
7 = Seasonal job (agriculture or traditional breeder)
8 = Occasional job which is unstable (activity in an informal sector that doesn't require any type of qualifications or any significant commitment)

-Ask the type of employment done by the surveyed person (you can orient the person by reading the terms below to him)
-Mark in the indicated space the code of the type of employment cited