Questionnaire Text

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Persons over 3 years of age
[Questions 21 through 26 were asked of persons 3 years of age and older.]

24. Sector of educational institution
What sector of educational institution is the person attending?

[Question 24 was asked of persons 3 years of age and older who reported currently attending a school.]
[] 1 - Public
[] 2 - Denominational
[] 3 - Non-denominational

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

24. Education sector (Type of education)
In Cameroon, there are three sectors of education:
1- The public sector comprises of the establishments belonging to the State and under the authority if the State;
2- The religious private sector comprises of establishments belonging to religious organizations
3- The secular private sector comprises establishments belonging to individuals

Q. What education sector did you/did ______ attend?
-Mark in the designated space the code of the education sector of the surveyed person in the space reserved (1 = public, 2 = religious private, 3 = secular private)