Questionnaire Text

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20. Official languages
Can each person read, write and speak one of the official languages?


[] Read
[] Write
[] Speak

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20. Official languages
The questions related to this variable are only relevant for people 12 years and older.

Official languages are French and English. The question should be asked for each of the two languages. We are looking to find out if the person knows how to read, write, or speak at least one of the official languages.

For English:

Q. Does the surveyed person know how to read, write, and speak English?
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to read English (1=Yes, 2=No)
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to write in English (1=Yes, 2=No)
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to speak English (1=Yes, 2=No)
-For each question asked, mark on the corresponding bubble the appropriate code.

For French:
Q. Does the surveyed person know how to read, write, and speak French?
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to read French (1=Yes, 2=No)
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to write in French (1=Yes, 2=No)
-Ask if the surveyed person knows how to speak French (1=Yes, 2=No)
-For each question asked, mark on the corresponding bubble the appropriate code.