10. What is each visitor's usual place of residence? _ _
See code list
[] Urban
[] Rural
10. Usual location of residence
NB.: This variable is only used for visitors (CF. Question 9 for sorting)
The usual location of residence of visitors is the quarter or district where the surveyed person lived for more than 6 months, or where he has the intention of living for more than 6 months if he has lived there for less than 6 months.
Q. Where does _______ usually live?
-Mark this name (quarter/district or foreign country) on the dotted line corresponding to the registered order of the surveyed person.
Attention: Two situations may present themselves:
a) For visitors who reside in Cameroon,
-Mark on the dotted line corresponding to the registered order the name of the current quarter or district where the visitor usually lives.
b) For visitors who reside outside of Cameroon,
-Mark in the full name on the dotted line corresponding to the registered order the name of the country where the visitor usually lives.