Questionnaire Text

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Women of 12 years and older (born before April 1975)
[Questions 26-27 were asked of women 12 years old or more.]

Births during the past 12 months

Has [the respondent] given birth during the period from April 1986 to March 1987? If no, put a dash. If yes, put on P26 the number of boys and in P27 the number of girls born alive.

P26. Male _ _

P27. Female _ _

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Columns P26 and P27: Women of 12 years and older or born before April 1975.
Note that these columns concern only women aged 12 or more, that is, women born before April 1975.
1) For all men and women who are less than 12 years old, put a dash in columns P26 and P27.
2) For all women aged 12 or more: ask if the woman gave birth to life children between 1 April 1986 and 31 March 1987.

A life child is a child who when born shows signs of life (breathing, cries, heartbeat) even if it lives only for a few hours.
- If the woman has never given birth to a life child, put a dash in columns P26 and P27.
- If the woman has given birth to life children:

Write the number of baby boys she put to birth in column P26, whether they are alive or not.
Write the number of baby girls she put to birth in column P27, whether they are alive or not.