Questionnaire Text

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B. Housing unit characteristics

5. The water supply comes primarily from:

[] 1 Public system
[] 2 Well or water wheel
[] 3 Tanker truck
[] 4 River, spring, stream, channel, lake, etc.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questionnaire section B: "housing unit characteristics"
[Questions 1 and 2, housing unit type]
In this part of the questionnaire, information about the housing unit that you are recording is entered. The first two questions are by observation; only in cases where there are no persons present in the housing unit should you check with neighbors as to whether it is occupied or vacant.
[Figure omitted, group of images to use as a reference for type of housing unit]
Remember that you can go back to review the definition of privately-owned housing unit and collective unit on pages 21 and 22.

Continue filling out the questionnaire following each of the following instructions:
[Question 3, housing unit main construction materials]
On each question with a question mark (?), you must wait for a spontaneous response form the informant and then mark the alternative that the informant indicates to you.
[Figures omitted, the first figure shows question 3, and the second one is a visual help for the interviewer about the construction material of exterior walls, the roof, and the floor]
[p. 22]
[Question 4, housing unit bedrooms]
A room used only as a bedroom must not also be used as a kitchen, dining room or living room.
[Figure omitted, image of question 4 from the questionnaire]
[Question 5, water supply]
On each question that ends with a colon (:) you must read the response options to the informant. This question is asking for the housing unit's main source of water for domestic use. Choose the source that contributes the greatest quantity of water. If the housing unit is temporarily without access to the public system due to delay in payment or because of repairs, mark option 1. If water is provided by a neighbor, select the response option corresponding to that neighboring housing unit's water source.
[Figure omitted, image of question 5 from the questionnaire]
The next questions are very important, since they will determine whom you must record for the census and the number of households in the housing unit.