Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all individuals 14 years of age and older [applies to questions 10 to 16]

11. Which of the following was your situation during the last week?

[] 1 Working for pay
[] 2 Not working, but having a job
[] 3 Working for a family member without receiving payment in money
[] 4 Looking for work, having worked before

For any of the above answers, go on to question 12.

[] 5 Looking for work for the first time
[] 6 Engaged in household duties
[] 7 Studying, without also working
[] 8 Retired or pensioner without also working
[] 9 Permanently disabled for purposes of work
[] 10 Other situation

For answers 5 through 10, if female, skip to question 15 and following; if male, skip to only questions 15 and 16.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

11. In which of these situations did you find yourself last week?

These questions should refer to the activity done during the period of time between Monday and Sunday of the week prior to the day of the Census, that is, between April 13 and 19, 1992.

When asking the question, read the alternatives in order just as they appear on the questionnaire, until you get an affirmative response. If the person did two or more activities, always choose the one to which the person dedicated the majority of their time.

1. Working for income: If the person performed a job for which they received monetary payment.

2. Didn't Work, but has a job: A person who has a job, but didn't perform it last week because of: vacation, sickness, temporary suspension of activities, etc.

3. Working for a relative without monetary payment: A wife who usually helps out her husband; a son who works with his father without receiving monetary payment, etc.

4. Looking for work and has worked before: A person who, having worked before, now has no employment or job, but has made definite efforts to get it on the date of the Census. (Unemployed)

[p. 29]

Important: If you get a response of any of the options in the first group (1 through 4), Continue to question 12 and the subsequent questions; otherwise, continue probing with the following alternatives.

5. Looking for work for the first time: A person who has never before worked but wants to work and has made definite efforts to get it on the date of the Census.

6. Has household duties: A person who was totally dedicated to the care of the household. It does not include domestic service, which should be considered under the alternative Working for income.

7. Studying without working: A person who, the majority of the time last week, attended classes in a teaching establishment.

Important: Since this question refers to Economic Activity, if the person works the majority of the time and also studies, you should register the information under the alternative Working for income or Working for a relative without monetary payment, as appropriate.

8. Pensioner or Retired who doesn't work: A person who lives only off of their retirement funds, pension, or dependent's pension and doesn't perform any compensated activity.

9. Permanently unable to work: A person who is permanently impeded from working. For example: disabled people, the mentally ill, etc.

10. Other situation: This alternative includes those people who can't be classified under any of the previous alternatives. Example: a temporarily ill person who doesn't work and doesn't have a job; a prisoner who doesn't work, etc.

Important: If you get a response of any of the options in the second group (5 through 10) and the person being surveyed is a woman, you should continue on to question 15 and the subsequent questions. If it is a man, you should ask him only questions 15 and 16 and then end the interview, continuing with the next member of the household.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 11 in this section of the enumeration form.]