Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present (applies to questions 3 through 16)

11. How many groups of people (households) cook separately?

[] 1

For the first household, continue with the Household Information questions on the reverse.

[] 2
[] 3
[] 4

Enumerator: for the other households in the dwelling, proceed in the following manner:
Use one questionnaire for each additional household; on each repeat the dwelling number and write the next household number, and fill in the same information under Geographic and Census Identification.
Leave Section II (Dwelling) blank.
Begin the interview with "Household Information," questions 12 and following.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

11. How many groups of people (households) cook separately?

In order to have the correct answer to this question, we should remember the definition of census household.

The Census Household is made up of a group of related or unrelated people who live together. It corresponds to the common and current idea of a family. Let us remember also that a person who lives alone can make up a census household.

Fill in the appropriate circle, according to the number of households that there are in the dwelling.

If there is more than one household in the dwelling, remember that you should use separate questionnaires for each one of them.

For the first (principal) household you will fill in all of the questions on the Census Questionnaire about the dwelling, for the second and subsequent households in the same dwelling, fill in only questions 12 to 16 (data about the household), in order to not duplicate the data about the dwelling.

Don't forget to repeat the data about Geographic and Census Identification and Dwelling No. that you filled in for the principal household.

Respect the instructions that appear in the Census Questionnaire for question 11.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 11 in this section of the enumeration form.]